View Full Version : Has anyone ever gotten hair extensions?

07-03-2005, 01:37 PM
I was wondering if any one has ever done hair extension. I have my brothers wedding coming up in August and was thinking about maybe doing it.

Sense my last hair cut, that got totally screwed up, I have been trying to grow it out and I know it wont be grown out by his wedding date. So my chooses are getting it cut again, hopefully the right way this time. Or I can do extension and still be able to grow it out. I want to look good for his wedding and if I go with the growing out stage..........I'm going to look like crap. Can't do that for this big event.

So if any one has had it done, tell me, did they hold up, through sleeping, styling, wind, last long, etc. Did it hurt at all to get it done? And was it costly?

I know August is still a little bit away, but I'm a early planer. :D

07-03-2005, 02:12 PM
I had it done once. It held up pretty good. Mine lasted about a week. But they went through a lot of stress. It was done for a hair show so didn't cost me anything. And I am really not sure what they cost.

07-03-2005, 03:18 PM
No, but I'd love to.
I think they are very pricey though.

07-03-2005, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by beeniesmom

I think they are very pricey though.

Yeah, that's what I heard. That's why I'm wondering if they are worth it depending on how long and how well they hold up.

I'd at least like something that can last long enough to be done here, make the flight to NY, get trough the 3 days of wedding pre-parties, wedding and the flight back home. Hate to look like some wild woman on the flight back, everyone would be afraid to sit next to me. LOL

Suki Wingy
07-03-2005, 06:48 PM
I don't know, doesn't that mean having someone else's hair weaved into yours!:eek:

07-03-2005, 07:07 PM
I've never had it done, but I've always loved the look!

If you get them done, will you show us??

07-03-2005, 07:19 PM
I'd go to a hair stylist that you trust, ask around to other women you see with a nice cut that suits them. Then go to the stylist and say "Help! I hate how this haircut looks, and have a wedding to attend! Can you do anything with this, or what about extensions?"

Time to go to the professionals!

07-03-2005, 08:09 PM
I've never had them done but I think the cheapest it is at my hair salon is $300. I hope you can get it done because I'd love to see it!

07-04-2005, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I've never had them done but I think the cheapest it is at my hair salon is $300. I hope you can get it done because I'd love to see it!
:eek: :eek: : $300 :eek: :eek:

For that price it better hold up.
I could do one of those credit card ads, with this trip.
$300 for hair
$500 for outfit
$1000 for trip
Seeing baby brother getting married.........Priceless. (hopefully)

Took care of the idea of getting it done twice, Once early to see if I like it before going up there. Then again for the wedding, if I did like it.

If you get them done, will you show us??
Is the back of my head OK? lol Wouldn't want to scare anyone with a face shot.

finn's mom
07-04-2005, 10:19 AM
We did Hairdreams hair extensions at the salon I worked at in Dallas. They were crazy expensive, but, looked amazing! Every girl that had them done had terrible hair. Overprocessed, dying, fryed hair. I think the longest hair was just below shoulder length. They would come in with hideous hair and leave with beautiful, long, thick hair! The ones we did can (and did) last up to six months if they're taken care of correctly. One of the stylists had them in her hair, and, loved them. She colored, straightened, and cut hers once she had them in. She would wear it down, curled, straight, in a ponytail, braids, etc. We sold special shampoo and conditioners and brushes, too, that helped to care for the hair. It was hair from India, I believe. They called it virgin hair, meaning that up until it was cut and sent to the company, it had never been cut or anything before. These extensions were bonded to the natural hair, though, not sewn. It was a bond that was made out of ingredients found in the hair (I can't remember what, though, sorry). But, the best part about it, is that while you wear the extensions, your natural hair is growing and is able to "take a break", and, when these girls were removing the extensions, their natural hair was so much healthier! I don't know what kind of extensions you were thinking of getting or what is available to you in your area, but, I know that most of the good ones are expensive. It cost over $1000 for the women that did it in the Dallas salon I worked at, but, we were really "high end" and were located in uptown Dallas, so, that was normal there. They charged for the hair, of course, which isn't cheap, and, also an hourly fee (I wanna say the girl where I worked charged $100 or $150 or something like that). The work is really tedious, and, would take anywhere from three to five hours to put them all in. It was crazy to watch. Anyway, I think they're awesome and if you get good ones, and, follow the instructions on the care of the extensions, I think they're worth it. :)

07-04-2005, 11:19 AM
Thanks, That's the info I needed. When I called the saloon, they of course told me all the plus sides, but I figured, they would just to make a sale. That's why I wanted others thoughts on it too.

I think a $1000 is more then what it would cost here, just like any area, cost depends on where you live. In NY, it would cost me a arm and leg. Here at lot cheaper, maybe only a leg. LOL

Put if it can last up to 6 months and my hair can still grow out, it's worth it, I think. I'm getting tired of wearing my hair in a pony tail, just to pull back what the one girl screwed up, in cutting. And I really don't want to go back to the short hair cut, after all this time, hated my husband calling me BOB!!!

5 hours, though.............Ouch, my poor butt and head. Wonder if they let me take a nap, while doing it. :D ;)

Queen of Poop
07-04-2005, 11:28 AM
I've had them, but I did a contrasting color. Blonde hair with burgundy extensions. Looked really cool. My hair was really long but the extensions added thickness that I lack. Cost ALOT, but my friend is my hair stylist so it was cheaper than the salon. I'd do it again in a minute if not for the cost.

finn's mom
07-04-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
Put if it can last up to 6 months and my hair can still grow out, it's worth it, I think.

5 hours, though.............Ouch, my poor butt and head. Wonder if they let me take a nap, while doing it. :D ;)

As for how long it lasts, it depends on the kind you get. Like I said, with Hairdreams, there's a bond that is placed on the natural hair and is heated. It melts and is wrapped around the hair, and, then, unless it's not taken care of properly, will stay attached up to six months. The reason that we sold shampoo and conditioner with them, is because most conditioners make the bonds slip out. You couldn't use a lot of conditioning products, so, sometimes the girls said their hair did feel drier. But, not a big enough complaint to have the extensions removed. The extensions are very high maintenance. I mean, you couldn't just a run a regular comb through and be done. You'd have to devote some time to them in order for them to last. We always told people to keep their hair up or in a ponytail at night so that it wouldn't get all tangled, and, to brush the hair with an extensions-specific brush. I personally couldn't do it, because I hate spending any amount of time on my looks. But, a lot of girls would do it for the reason you are. Because they're in that growing out stage. If it'll keep you from cutting your hair short just to get out of that odd stage, it can definitely be worth it. Just ask tons of questions and shop around. Ask to see before and after shots. And, not just from the makers of the extensions, the stylist should have photos of some of their work.

Oh, and a lot of the girls brought portable dvd players and would watch movies. They would read books, work on things on their laptops, etc. It doesn't always take five hours. It just depends on how much hair you're having put in and how experienced the stylist is. :)