View Full Version : Angry at Target Dept. Store

07-03-2005, 09:42 AM
I was at Target yesterday. I saw what I THOUGHT was the double CD album of Eagles Farewell Tour, so I bought it (at $21.99). I put it in my stereo and it wouldn't play. :mad:

When I brought it back an hour or so later, the clerk at the courtesy desk told me it was a DVD set not a CD set!

I asked him if I could simply exchange it for the CD set and they said no. I asked them if I could have a store credit. NOPE. I told him I didn't have a DVD player to play it on. :mad: Keep in mind that this DVD set was in the section where the CD's are kept. There were no signs indicating the store's policy on the return of such stuff. On the receipt it said, "exchange for same item if opened."

The manager told me because of the copyright infringement laws, they can only exchange it for the same identical thing. He tried selling me a DVD player. :mad: Then he suggested I give it as a gift to someone. :mad: UGH!!!

Okay, I know what you're thinking, because great minds think alike. I was going to return it for the same item and then go back to another store with the unopened DVD set and my receipt and get my money back. Because I would be returning an opened package the first time, they'd open the second identical one. See what I'm getting at?? :confused:

I lost alot of sleep over a DVD set I have absolutely no use for. It's not like it was on sale or anything.

I am furious right now. :mad: I'm put a call into Fox 2 News Problem Solvers to see if they can help me. It's not like I can copy it or anything because I don't even have a DVD player to play it on.

Okay, I'm finished ranting (for now). I'll let you know what Fox 2 News says.

07-03-2005, 10:19 AM
I understand your frustration, but I also understand the store's policy and why the managers have to uphold it. Too many people could go in, buy a cd or dvd, burn it, and bring it back to exchange for something else or get their money back. I do hope you can get something figured out though because believe me, I know how aggravating it is to blow money on something only to find out you can't use it. I got a computer game a few years back, paying around $50, and when I got home NOTHING I could do would make it run on my computer. I had the right specs but just had problem after problem. Of course, being opened, I couldn't return it. So it was a total waste of money :(.

I hope you are able to get something worked out Donna :). Best wishes!

finn's mom
07-03-2005, 10:20 AM
That's happened to me before, too. Dishonest people really have screwed it up for the people that don't just copy and return, as far as movies and music. Good luck with Fox. I'd do what you're saying. Just go exchange it and take it back unopened, to another store. There's nothing wrong about that at all.

07-03-2005, 11:29 AM
Maybe you could list it on ebay or put it in the Marketplace here. Even if you don't get what you paid for it, at least maybe get back some of your money. ;)

07-03-2005, 01:07 PM
Could you play it on your computer?

07-03-2005, 01:56 PM

:( No, unfortunately I can't, as I don't have any sound on my computer.

07-03-2005, 02:16 PM
I had that happen with a CD at Wal-mart. They have the same policy, if it's open, you can only exchange it for the same CD. And that's only if the CD or DVD you bought didn't work properly.

It was frustrating, but I did see why it's that way. Once that CD was open, it could have been copied, damaged, etc and it might not be even re-sellable to them. They have to rely on the customer being aware of what they bought, even if it's in the wrong area. It is up to a customer to read the package and make sure they buy the proper item.

I go through that with our customers, they make a mistake and order the wrong item and some how they think it's our fault and raise all kind of heck because we do offer to exchange it, but not pay the shipping cost. :rolleyes: It's their mistake and theres no way we can cover all mistakes of a customer. If it's our mistake that's one thing. If it's there's, sorry, they should be more aware, read the description and be an informed buyer.

I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear, but I can see why they didn't exchange it, for you. There's no way they know for sure that you don't have a DVD and now days, you can't take anyones word for it. To many lier's in the world and we pay for it. Plus I assume some where on the package it says DVD? Reading your items is so important. A store can't be held responsibly, because some customer, misplaced it and then the buyer didn't read the item carefully.

Just giving a sellers side of things.

07-03-2005, 02:36 PM
So you dont't feel badly......

I bought a CD, went to my car, opened it and found that the CD

So....I have a YES CD cover and a John Denver CD......

ry to explain THAT ONE to a store manager.......

The only reason I was given an exchange was-

"DO I look like the kind of guy that would listen to JOHN DENVER???


07-03-2005, 03:57 PM

ROFLMAO. So, I guess they believed you, huh???


I appreciate your candidness. I just wish they would exchange it for the 2 disk CD. But, looks like I'm stuck with it. It doesn't say DVD on the package, and was sold with CDs. So it was an honest mistake. I get sick just thinking about it. My friend said it well..."Face it, you're screwed!"

Live and learn.

07-03-2005, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
My friend said it well..."Face it, you're screwed!"

Live and learn.

Check this out......

If you want to unload the DVD....figure out the tax and shipping and I'll take it off your hands.

I think that my mom would enjoy seeing the Eagles..she loves the Hotel California..

See, getting screwed isn't all that painful. :rolleyes: :eek: :D

07-03-2005, 06:37 PM
Okay since you made an honest mistake and they are being stubborn take it back to another target say it doesn't play and get the other one and unopened exchange it for the cd....

07-03-2005, 08:12 PM
Donna if you have no luck getting it exchanged , perhaps you could consider selling it for a little less than you purchased it for, do you have a paper that takes free adverts, I am sure if you sell it for five bucks less someone will eagerly buy it, at least you will have only a small loss to bear and can make up the rest and buy the Cd set.

I can sure see your fustration though and sympathise, if and when you get the CD, let me know how good it is, I am a huge Eagles fan too, they never came down to NZ this time, only Aussie, really p.ss.d me off bigtime, never mind saw them live for Hell Freezes over tour, have the video of that too.

smokey the elder
07-04-2005, 07:22 AM
I think it's lousy that the store won't let you exchange it, but I have to agree with the comments about the piracy issues. I think you can easily sell the DVDs.

About 7 years ago I bought what I thought was a Cuzco CD. I popped it into my CD player, and it was some very fast salsa music, with words! The wrong CD had been packaged. Media Play (shameless plug) exchanged it for the proper CD. (Mind, this was 7 year ago, before burners were commonplace.) It may be harder to do such a thing now.

07-04-2005, 08:36 AM
I know it would be a pain to go through that but maybe if you could sell it on through ebay or something? at least that way you could get something back from it

07-04-2005, 08:45 AM
Wow, I can understand your upset. I would be Pi**ed off too! But hey, Richard is coming to your aid! Maybe we could start a thread about trading CD's/DVD's/husbands/wives/kids/cars/significant others/girlfriends/boyfriends/and mother in laws!

Richard has come to save the day!

07-04-2005, 09:46 AM
Oh RICHARD, you'd do that for me???? You rock!

The set cost me $21.99. I'll worry about the shipping. Just PM me with your address and I'll send it along. I'll send the packaging and receipt with it too.

I don't know what to say except THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

07-04-2005, 12:05 PM
Oh, Donna, I'm so glad RICHARD is helping you with your problem. |{{{{HUGS}}}}

07-04-2005, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Maybe we could start a thread about trading CD's/DVD's/husbands/wives/kids/cars/significant others/girlfriends/boyfriends/and mother in laws!

Richard has come to save the day!

I shudder to think what Karen and Paul are thinking about that...


The MoosMom Record Club????



Should you go back to Target will you pick me up some Lever 2000
soap, original scent, some cat litter and toilet paper????:rolleyes: ;) :D

I sent you my info.. thanks!

07-04-2005, 09:02 PM
Oh RICHARD, you are just too funny!!! I got the info. I'll be sending it out tomorrow morning. I hope she enjoys it!!

07-04-2005, 09:34 PM
I've been dealing with cruddy return policies for years...

Computer parts and computer software cannot be returned, only exchanged, after opening. I can't count the number of times I've gotten some software that just refused to work, even though my friggen specs matched what the program requires...

I've done the exchange for an unopened box, go to another store and return it trick. Unfortuneatly, computer stores are getting wise to this :p

So much for saving money!

07-08-2005, 05:42 PM

The package arrived today!!

At the moment my mom is rocking out to the Eagles.

I saw the package on the couch and asked her what it was...

She said.... "some lady I don't know sent me the Eagles DVD....Wow, this is BAD (good).....It has ALL THE GOOD SONGS ON IT..."

I'll shoot by the Post Office in a little bit....



Another problem solved by PT!!!


07-08-2005, 07:41 PM

Moosmom made MY mom cry!!!

When she opened the package she saw the DVD and started to bawl....she was so touched by the package, she went to wash dishes, breaking three plates in THAT process....She was waiting for me to come home and fire up the DVD player......She knows all the commands and stuff but is overwhelmed by the changeing the channel to "DVD" to get the player to work...she gets there OK, but can't get back out!

(NO, AN ALL-IN-ONE REMOTE WON'T WORK! I DID BUY HER AN ALL-IN-ONE REMOTE ONCE......Explained it to her and when I went back the next day the AIO remote was in the drawer sans batteries.....)

"It's TOO complicated for me.....":p :confused: :rolleyes: :eek:

She has just finished the first disc and she told me that she felt stupid for sitting there, by herself, and clapping after her favorite songs...:D

finn's mom
07-08-2005, 07:49 PM
Aw, that is so sweet, Richard! Tell your mom not to feel stupid, I clap every time I watch my Guster DVD, and, I've seen it so many times! :)

07-08-2005, 08:10 PM
I hate Target. I returned a bathrobe not to long ago. I had a receipt, yet they wouldn't give me anything but store credit. AND I had to shop in the same department. I told them I was in a hurry, could I have a gift card or something and they said no! I had to shop right then and there in the boy's department or take the bathrobe home and return it some other day when I have time to shop. Bad customer service!

07-09-2005, 05:06 AM
Richard you tell your mother from me, she has excellent taste in music, rock on Richard's mother.:) :D :cool:

07-09-2005, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by carole
Richard you tell your mother from me, she has excellent taste in music, rock on Richard's mother.:) :D :cool:
Seconded! :D

07-09-2005, 04:08 PM

Wow that was quick!! I'm so glad your mom likes it. I actually saw the original concert on television the week before I bought it. It was a great concert. I just LOVE Joe Walsh. My favorite song on the whole DVD is "One Day At A Time".

Rock on!!

07-09-2005, 10:22 PM
Don't get annoyed with the store, get annoyed with the people who ruined it for those who honestly made a mistake. Policy is policy, and there's no point getting upset over something the store can't change.

ETA: it's just a good idea to ask about return policy whenever you buy something rather than assuming you'll be able to return it.

I HATE HATE HATE it when people don't read our policy WHICH IS POSTED AT EVERY REGISTER and then get mad at me because I won't take back a jar of paint or a book they bought yesterday. :mad:

07-09-2005, 11:37 PM
I'll pass the kind words on to my mom....

This is the kinda gal she is....

Years ago we put up a concrete block wall on the back fenceline.

I spray painted 'PINK FLOYD' - in the same fashion that it was done on the "WALL" album cover-soon after the wall was put up....

We were in the back yard a few months ago looking at the space and all the spray paint had faded away.... on Friday I whipped out a can and resprayed the words upon her wall.

Her reaction today??

"Oh Cool......"

All this from a woman who has never gone down the "psychedelic road" and had one drink in her life.

She has dabbled in "YES" music and some Led Zepplin too!!!


One favor...tell your friend that you got "UNSCREWED" ...okay?

:rolleyes: :eek: :D :cool:

finn's mom
07-10-2005, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

I spray painted 'PINK FLOYD' - in the same fashion that it was done on the "WALL" album cover-soon after the wall was put up....

We were in the back yard a few months ago looking at the space and all the spray paint had faded away.... on Friday I whipped out a can and resprayed the words upon her wall.

Her reaction today??

"Oh Cool......"

Now, that's a great story! :)

07-10-2005, 11:40 AM

Your mom sounds like one amazing lady!! Glad you touched up the "wall". Nothing like a little freedom of expression. ;)