View Full Version : Help!!!!!dog Has Stomach Infection?

07-03-2005, 09:26 AM

my dog is 3-5 years old (not 100% sure coz he's a rescue) latley he is off his food,throwing up a yellowy bubbly stuff, dihhorea and is very down in the dumps!!!! he has lost half a stone in weight!!!!!!!!!
i have been feeding him rice coz it is bland n plain, but he isnt any beter.
im gonna get him to the vet. does anyone know what this coold be???:confused:


from beki (little_critter)

07-03-2005, 09:58 AM
He may have a virus or he may have eaten something that didn't agree with him. When are you taking him to the vet?
I'd give him a little pepto bismol in the meanwhile and make sure he drinks.

07-03-2005, 10:20 AM
im from england, what is pepto bismol?? do you know if there is an english aquivilant??
sorry if i sound thik!!!:)

07-03-2005, 01:18 PM
Let the dog eat some grass. It will help settle it's stomach. Make sure the grass hasn't been chemically treated. Grass is good for their digestive systems and will pass through. It is kind of nature's natural healer.
Pepto Bismall is what we here in the US call the "Pink Stuff". Don't know the English equivalant. However, it is an anti-dihrea,nusea,heartburn, etc... over the counter medication. Just a teaspoon or two will do the trick. Good luck!!!

07-03-2005, 03:35 PM
Is he any better today?

07-03-2005, 10:05 PM
If you dog should happen to have pancreatitis then administering food of any type will make the situation worse. Hopefully your Vet will check the levels of the various enzymes produced by the pancreas.

If the pancreatic enzyme levels check out ok, then there is the possibility of other metabolic problems such as Addison's disease, or something more simple as parasitic (e.g. worms) infection in the intestine. It could also be caused by digestive enzyme insufficiency, or the catch all IBD. For the later cases you can ask your Vet to prescribe Metronidazole to help with the diarrhea, and Zofran for the nausea. But again until Pancreatitis is ruled out, the dog should not be encouraged to eat.