View Full Version : Beloved Nibbles

07-03-2005, 09:11 AM
Dearest Nibbles, that picture of you snuggled up in the palm of your person's hand is so beautiful and touching. What a precious hamster you were, and always will be. I can feel the depth of the deep bond you shared with your person by reading her/his very touching and heartfelt words. What wonderful memories your person has of times with you, from snuggling together to watching you clown around. There's no doubt you brought endless love and laughter to her/his days. I know that you are scampering around up there at the Rainbow Bridge with Golem, happy and healthy and full of life as you wait for your very special human on earth. Jump for joy little Nibbles, for today everyone shares in the pleasure of your memory and knows your name!

To Nibbles' human, thank you so very much for sharing the memory of your beautiful and precious little girl, Nibbles. I am so very honored to have "met" her and share in her memory with you. My heart goes out across the miles to you as you miss her so very much. I can tell how incredibly special she was, is, and always will be to you.
She will be my pet of the day for the rest of my life. She knows this, and you will always be the cherished human of her life. Rest assured she's looking down happily upon you today and every day!

Thank you dear Nibbles, for being our very special Pet of the Day.

07-03-2005, 12:21 PM
RIP Nibbles - you sure were cute! :)

07-03-2005, 02:09 PM
I had tears in my eyes as I read your beautiful words about Nibbles your sweet little pet. She is waiting for you at the gate to the rainbow bridge and I know she looks down on you everyday and smiles. You gave her a happy and love-filled life and I know she knew that when she lay down to sleep forever.

Nibbles will be missed.

07-03-2005, 02:33 PM
Oh dear little Nibbles. What a beautiful little hammie girl you were, the most gentle and loving of souls. I'm so sad to learn that you were taken from your beloved human so soon. You brought so much happiness and joy to her/his life and she was truly blessed to have known the friendship and devotion of such a special creature. We all know the heartache and intense grief she expereinced at your passing and our hearts go out to her. But Nibbles, your parting is only temporary for one day in the distant future, you and your wonderful Mom will be reunited, there at the Rainbow Bridge and what a glorious day that will be! As for today, no doubts you are beaming down from the heavens with joy, knowing that the whole world knows YOUR name...NIBBLES, the most precious and dear furkid, our EXTRA special and most deserving Sunday PET OF THE DAY...PET OF A LIFETIME! Today is the day we set aside to celebrate your life, Nibbles. But we all know your family celebrates you and the love you all shared, each and every day of the year:)

To the human of Nibbles. My heartfelt sympathies to you for your great loss. We know too well the great sadness you feel, not having your wee one there to hug and to hold. But I hope you can take some small measure of comfort in knowing that your cherished Nibbles waits for you patiently, there at the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you for sharing your beautiful hammie Nibbles with us. We are honored. Love, Sandra

07-04-2005, 09:21 PM
Darling Nibbles, you must be tickled pink knowing that you were nominated and chosen to be honoured as our POTD, and that you have meant and still mean SO much to your loving human. Blessings, sweet Nibbles, and celebrate your special day up there at the Rainbow Bridge, knowing one day you will reunite with your adoring human. :)

07-09-2005, 08:57 PM
We a wonderful thing to say.