View Full Version : Vacation Pics!

07-02-2005, 10:39 AM
Well we started our vacation at my in-laws in Montreal. We only spent a couple of days there since my mother-in-law is allergic to dogs. Well...that and she was once very attached to a husky they had years ago and she doesn't want to get that close to a pet again. Anyway I diverse. We didn't really take many pictures here. Although I really wish we had gotten one of my father-in-law on his hands and knees with his rear in the air playing with the dog. It was a mental image I will never lose!:D :D

We then went to Ottawa for a day. We spent the time walking about with many people admiring and petting Sequoia. She loved all the attention. Although she was not at all impressed with the horses. She saw her first one pulling a carriage and immediately ran behind us peering out between our legs. This is a dog that is so self-confidant she completely ignores most other dogs when walking her. I had never seen her afraid of anything. But the large horses did her in.

We then headed on to Algonquin Park.
This Brian and Sequoia at the Welcome Station into Ontario.

As we headed into Algonquin at the East Gate my husband commented to me that he hopes he gets to see a moose. That he never gets to see the animals you are suppose to see at these types of things. I said to him not to worry that it is sort of like shooting fish in a barrel at Algonquin. Needless to say not 3 minutes later .....

Sequoia looking out the window

What Sequoia is looking at....

Now I didn't want to bore you all with all the moose pics we took but there were plenty!

We went for a walk later at the Beaver Pond Trail...

Brian and Sequoia on the boardwalk..http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v157/TheMightyHuntress/050526023204.jpg

A picture of them later along the road....http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v157/TheMightyHuntress/050526112632.jpg

I will post more later in another post...right now my computer is really slowing down....hope you enjoyed these so far!


07-02-2005, 10:42 AM
What beautiful pics! Looks like you had a great vacation :)

07-02-2005, 11:30 AM
Great pics :) It looks like you had a wonderful time! :)

07-02-2005, 12:11 PM
Great moose pics. I love the pic of her looking out the window. So elegant and refined.

Ginger's Mom
07-02-2005, 12:29 PM
Sure does sound like Sequoia enjoyed her vacation. What a pretty girl she is. I can't wait to see more pictures and hear more stories. :)

07-02-2005, 01:06 PM
Sequoia is beautiful and it sounds like you all had a great vacation! I love the picture of Sequoia looking out of the window, she is gorgeous, can't wait to see more pictures!!!

07-02-2005, 02:31 PM
That first pic is so pretty. Looks like you had lots of nice areas to stop and enjoy the scenery. Sequoia is so pretty.

07-02-2005, 08:37 PM
Great pics. I would LOVE to see your moose pics. I love moose. I hope to see some when I go out to Wyoming this fall. More vacations pics please. That was cool that Sequoia got to go.

07-03-2005, 05:50 PM
Beautiful vacation pics.
The Welcome Station going into Ontario
looks like a dogs dream.
I loved the moose picture.