View Full Version : Nail Polish for Dogs

07-02-2005, 05:08 AM
This is WAY too cute!!!


I can totally see a cute little Chi or small dog with painted nails!! Too cute!

Anyone try this before? When I worked at the vet we saw it all the time! :)

07-02-2005, 05:44 AM
I have only seen a few dogs with their nails polished. Maggie would look cute with her polished but my fiancee would not like it...lol. He already thinks I baby them too much as it is. :) And the polish is made by OPI...that's a great polish.

07-02-2005, 06:38 AM
Sure have! But not on the dogs we have now. My mom always had poodles and they always got cute little painted toenails!

07-02-2005, 07:50 AM
That would be kind of cute on some dogs!

If I ever tried to get Snowy to do that, she would kill me. I can't even clip her nails without 1, sometimes 2, people holding her! (A groomer once clipped her nails almost to the end and she had a few cuts on the pads of her paws from that groomer, so she is afraid of nail clippers)

I can see my cousin getting that nail polish for her dog! Maybe I'll buy her some, she'll love it!:D

07-02-2005, 08:29 AM
It's funny you posted that, yesterday my boss was telling me about a bulldog named "Miss Piggy" who used to have her nails painted pink all the time. Cute! I have seen dogs with painted nails before, mostly poodles. I work at a pet boarding facility and we get dogs in on occasion with nail polish.

Bitsy would look cute with her nails painted. Just last night my sister was saying that Bisty is such a girly girl. My sister is in beauty school right now for doing manicures and pedicures... I'll have to send her that link, she'd like it.

07-02-2005, 08:34 AM
I usually paint Shadow's toenails but she doesn't like it very much!

07-02-2005, 08:50 AM
We used to paint our toy poodle, Peaches, nails. A good way to paint dog nails that have fluffy fur that can get in the way, is to take old panty hose and put it on the paw, like a glove, with the nails cut through, to make holes in the panty hose (for the nails to go thru), then the fur remains behind the panty hose and doesn't get in the way of the polish making a mess...saw it on TV, i think.

07-02-2005, 09:41 AM
I did Simba's once with multi-colors. :o Poor boy. He had pink, purple, and teal. :rolleyes: :p

07-02-2005, 10:08 AM
I am glad to see that other breeds also get their little *piggies* painted. :) As Christiansmommy said, I did it occasionally with Peaches' nails but she was the only one. The other females I had previously had dark toenails with the exception of Bella now. I sort of like the fact that her nails are clear and allow me to see easily to trim them. If they were painted I'd have to remove it constantly to see what I am doing since I do her nails once a week. Of course Ripley's are black and he is a boy :p so I would never think of doing his. (I have a little jeweled color on him now and hubby isn't too pleased with it, but at least it is blue! LOL!)

I really don't have a problem with people doing silly things to their dogs (as long as it doesn't harm them). After all, we dress them up in clothing and bandanas and such. Some folks with white poodles occasionally will dye the fur all kinds of silly colors. Although I would never bother, I sort of get a kick out of their creativity. Poodles fur allows people to do all sort of crazy clips but in the end it all grows out and the dog doesn't mind (unless of course they happen to see themselves in a mirror! LOL! :p )

07-02-2005, 12:40 PM
I occassionally paint my dogs' nails. I think I've really only done Reece's once (in blue). I like to paint Lolly's red, but I don't do it too often. I do paint shelter dogs' nails all the time though, especially the Pitties. Nothing dispels the bad rep better than a big ol' Pitbull wearing pink nail polish.

07-02-2005, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by aly
especially the Pitties. Nothing dispels the bad rep better than a big ol' Pitbull wearing pink nail polish.

HEHEHEHE!!! Next time you do this, Aly, you MUST take some pictures! :p

07-02-2005, 12:58 PM
That's so cute. I haven't seen any painted paws in quite a while. Anyone got pics?

07-02-2005, 01:11 PM
i paint happy and mistys nails lol I gave Happy a frech manicure once lol she wont let me paint her nails anymore though lol neither will Misty :p