View Full Version : Bad pomeranian breeders

07-01-2005, 09:48 PM
This is a really sad story. My dad's friend just bought two pom puppies for about $5000 each from so called good breeders. After he got them one of the puppies got sick and died. My dad's friend tried to get the money back but they wouldn't give it to him. On the breeders page is says the puppies are well taken care of handfed and bred by them. The real story is that the two breeders buy pomeranians from puppy mills from around the United States and sell them for ridiculous prices. It says they will ship anywhere in the world... uh that doesn't seem like a good Idea to me. Usually a breeder would have 3-5 pups available maybe once or twice a year. They have puppies all year round and they have about 20 puppies available at a time. Does this sound like a good breeder to you? The conditions that they keep the pups in are terrible. They keep about 20 puppies in a pen in their attic. I feel so bad for the cute little puppies! here is the website if you want to see the poor little puppies and all of the phony things that the breeders say http://www.pompuppy.com

07-01-2005, 09:51 PM
Sounds bad all around to me. And $5000 for a puppy, OMG!!! That is crazy!!! I'm sorry your Dad's friend had to go through this. I would steer clear of this jerk.

07-01-2005, 10:41 PM
I am very sorry about your friends puppy.
Did he do any type of research before
plopping down $5,000.00?
I do not see any pedigrees listed on the website,
nor any health guarrantees etc. This to me
would be a red flag.
(since this is a business, I wonder if your friend can
contact the BBB and if his state has some type of law to protect the buyer like a lemon law?)

Lady's Human
07-01-2005, 11:23 PM
In addition to the red flags KYS brought up, other red flags to me would be.....

No prices, and no quotes by email or phone message, voice only (No record of prices), and to try and make it look legit they say they cannot quote prices over the phone or email due to federal law (which law is that? I get quotes and prices through both mediums all the time)

No refund of deposits (we can sell the same dog to 10 people when the prospective owners get cold feet and STILL make a profit)

No show clause, which for people sellling theoretically purebred puppies seems beyond odd.

I wouldn't deal with these people for anything based on their business practices, never mind a puppy.

07-02-2005, 12:10 AM
I agree with you guys. I thought of lots of red flags that I would of seen before buying these dogs. Does it pop out at you that a mom doesn't have 20 pups at a time? I don't think he is much as an animal guy as me and others so he might not know what to look for.:(

07-02-2005, 11:57 AM
$5,000 for a PUPPY!!!???? Does it poop gold nuggets????? YIKES!!!!

Can he get his money back????

Holy cow!!!

07-02-2005, 04:55 PM
:( ughh, the first HUGE red flag I saw was the "strict NO SHOW POLICY". what? show dogs are some of the most beloved and well cared for animals in the world.... they have that, and yet notice they DON'T have a spay/neuter or NO-BREEDING policy? ewww. >_<

07-02-2005, 05:15 PM
5000 dollars! omg a bulldog doesnt even cost that much. (truthfully, i would never buy any dog for that much, let alone 2!)

07-02-2005, 07:16 PM
Ew...I emailed them a bunch of VERY valid questions -- questions that my catahoula breeder answered with ease, and very happily, like "are you dogs health certified?" and "what titles do they have?" "What sports are they involved in?" That sort of thing...Look at their reply...

Jordan....NO! Just Who do you think you are? Kiss OFF! & I mean NOW!

:rolleyes: Jerks.

07-02-2005, 07:39 PM
HUGE red flags for me.

$5,000 for a pup with NO guarentee of any kind?
come on.. gimmie a break...

a price like that sounds like what youd expect to pay from a good show dog breeder. not some freaking smoe like this...

plus 20 puppies?
what does this guy have in his home?
Masttifs(that generally have huge litters) magicaly pop out Pom pupies? :rolleyes:

Lady's Human
07-02-2005, 07:53 PM
I just submitted a request to the FLA attorney general to investigate this web site, as they have a florida area code.

07-02-2005, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Ew...I emailed them a bunch of VERY valid questions -- questions that my catahoula breeder answered with ease, and very happily, like "are you dogs health certified?" and "what titles do they have?" "What sports are they involved in?" That sort of thing...Look at their reply...

:rolleyes: Jerks.

omg i cant believe this person still breeds!!!!
they have 20 pups for sale right now!!!

i couldent believe it when i seen the "no show policy"..

and the fact that they only care about
1) A fine, mild and even temperament.
2) Color
3) Size

what about helath?

this is so lame.

07-02-2005, 08:32 PM
The guy Rob lives in Newport Beach California. All his info is here: www.networksolutions.com click on "who is" in upper right hand corner. Also lists his aol name.