View Full Version : Why do they call huskies escape artists?

06-30-2005, 09:33 PM
Roxy has already proven that she can open the gates. If they're padlocked, she'll scoot the trash can or dog house to them in order to get out.

Anyways, last night, I was having a party and all of a sudden my dogs came running in. Come to find out, Roxy has learned how to open our doors! She's so good at it that she turns the knob with her paws on the first try! So she'd opened our door from the backyard to the garage, then came in thru the garage into the laundry room, then opened the laundry room door into the house.

This explains why the past few weeks I'd been finding her in the garage or the house when I got home from work. I thought I was losing my mind. So now, when I want my dogs out, I have to lock the doors. I hope she doesn't figure out how to pick locks.


06-30-2005, 09:35 PM
That's so funny. I didn't know they could do that. I suppose if there's a will there's a way. I hope she doesn't learn to pick locks either, but if she does you can take her on Animal Planet's Pet Star. :)

06-30-2005, 10:18 PM
Oh you have a dog like that too hu? My Roxey does exactly the same thing! She opens the screen door and the back door too...those huskies!

LOL when you said you thought you were loosing your mind, I did too!

06-30-2005, 10:33 PM
What a clever, clever girl she is! Get her a tie-on mask, set up a few doors and get her on Pet Star! Cat burgular, nothin'!

Oh, Roxy, I know you're prob'ly in trouble, but I'm sending you bellyrubs in exchange for the big grin you have given me!!!!

(Miss Hoppy prefers the subtler method - she took a tiny hole in our old screen door and pulled the metal screen until there was a bunny-sized hole! Paul said it sounded like loud popping noises - so much for stealth! We now have a new storm door that has a movable pair of glass panels - which are always between a certain bunny and the new screen.)

06-30-2005, 10:58 PM
LOL Tonya (and Anna)...it's not just Huskies!! Great danes (namely Skye) know how to open doors too! We do the same thing and lock them when they go out! hehehe

However, when Skye lets the "dogs in", she has it easy because it is a handle that goes up and down! Roxy turning a door handle is pretty impressive!!! :D

06-30-2005, 11:00 PM
Anna does the same thing! She'll just open the screen door whenever she wants to go outside or come back inside the house..

07-01-2005, 07:46 AM
Meeka is just like that! She opens doors, goes under fences, and jumps gates! It's crazy! :p

07-01-2005, 08:58 AM
Has she started opening the fridge yet for a snack? Autumn opens our screen doors but can't get the knobs on the regular ones. If we want a dog door for her to let herself in and out of we just leave the big door open.

07-01-2005, 12:23 PM
Oh Tonya, I was just thinking about you yesterday. I'm glad you came by. I hope to see you around more often, I know how busy you must be with Tyler (by the way, I think we need some pictures).
Roxy is so clever. She just wanted to be apart of the party.
My cat, Jimmy, can open my screen door. He's let my other cat, Sundae, out before. Oh, and he can lock it too, I have to keep a key hidden outside because he'll lock me out.:rolleyes:

07-01-2005, 12:39 PM
Wow. clever dog. I do hope this talent doen't spread to my
pups. It's a short step from opening doors to starting the car
and taking off to PetsMart without me. LOL.:D

07-01-2005, 01:37 PM
That is why Sequoia's kennel has the kennel latch, a bungy cord and a chain with a padlock on it while she is inside...it is on pavement with chainlink on the top also so she can't climb the walls. When in the house the doors are locked and when she is on the zip line outside she is hooked up on the line itself with another safety attachment also on her collar so if one gets unhooked there is a second one still hooked up. She already took out the neighbor's rooster when she accidently got away from us......


07-01-2005, 02:06 PM
Aren't they fun!?? Never a dull moment! My house is better fenced than most jails! Muskwa thinks chain link is a ladder. When we first moved here, I would often find Muskwa on the deck in the evenings when I got home. Took me months to find out how he was getting out. Turned out he could squeeze through a six inch square in the fencing. Took him 20 minutes to do it, but he could get out!

Mac has never met a fence he can't beat somehow--over, under, through. Several of them can open doors. Where there's a husky, there's a way out! Crazy dogs!!