View Full Version : Money Question

06-30-2005, 05:08 PM
Ive got coursework which is basically about the reception part of my job and I have never be taught how to check a cheque, I mean like when the customer give you a credit card to check my boss normally tells them not to worry so I've never learned so could anyone help me? What do I need to check on the credit card and the cheque? I've tried to look online for details and I'm having no luck and I wont see my boss until next week, thanks

06-30-2005, 05:43 PM
Perhaps just check to see that the names and other pertinent information match one to the other, as much as you can. Also make sure the check doesn't have anything crossed out, or press-type letters or typed on extra information on it.

A friend of mine was a victim of someone just using press-on letters to add "and Her Name" after his on the check. If it hadn't been off center, you'd never have know, and lots of cashiers didn't!

King Spartacus
07-01-2005, 06:19 AM
Make sure it has cheque garuantee on the back... Says someting like Garuanteed £150/£300, etc.

Write down the numbers found on the card on the back of the cheque. I also take the expiery date, and write that down too.

Make sure you see them sign the cheque (don't accept a cheque already signed), and compare it with the signature on the card.

Make sure the cheque and the card is from the same person. (Same name)

And off you go! Good luck!