View Full Version : My money was stolen at work.. ((need your suggestions..))

06-30-2005, 04:06 PM
My money was stolen on Saturday while I was at work, someone took it out of my purse in the breakroom where there were other purses/coat.. and I informed the manager right away when I found out, and said he would speak to the supervisor about it.. and he said not to worry... okay... so.. let's move on..

So I worked 7 1/2 hours today at Famous Dave's.. about the money that someone stole from me.. this morning, I went to the supervisor and I mentioned about it... he said they talked about it.. but I was like, why didn't you tell me sooner.. and he was like, "oh.. I don't know, we just talked about it though.." and, I mentioned about the paycheck if we get it on Monday.. cause if I didn't have that paycheck.. I'd be screwed.. no money for gas, bills, and North Carolina.. and he got pissed off at me, and told me to go home and I didn't go home, cause I stood there, and said, I'm not going anywhere, I was just asking about the paycheck. And he left me alone. He didn't want to talk about it. I guess I was being pesistmic.. (spelling?) But.. What a jerk.. Guess I'm not getting my $80 back after all.. Dangit.. Can't wait til' I put in my 2 weeks notice at the end of July. Great, I have to borrow money from parents until I get my paycheck on Monday, hopefully.. and I don't like borrowing money! I'd rather USE MY OWN.. Aghhh.. what a BAD day I'm having.

Ok what really pisses me off is that..

Oh my goodness.. you know what really TICKED me off? He mentioned that it was the FIRST time that it has happened.. and they aren't going to do anything about it!

Ok should I just give up this... and move on.. but know this.. I have a grudge with these type of things.. I'm NOT a nice person when something like that happens to me.

06-30-2005, 04:42 PM
What?!?! They're not going to do anything about this?? That is just Bullcrap! :( I was just thinking why don't they give it back to you but probably not since you work for them.. :( What if it DOES happen again?? Ugh, I am so sorry :( That would tick me off, also. ((((hugs))))

06-30-2005, 05:50 PM
:( i know how u feel. it sux. and they aint doing nethang?:eek: :confused: bullcrud.:mad: i cant control how dumb ppl act. (((more hugs)))

06-30-2005, 05:59 PM
Rachel, I'm not trying to be the devil's advocate, but what did you expect them to do? If there is no camera in the break room, I don't know how they could even begin to try and figure out who did it. They should forewarn people that there is a problem though so no one will leave anything of value in there, and they ought to also have a plan to make sure it doesn't happen again! I don't think they would be obligated to reimburse you, though. Is that what you were wanting them to do?

Good luck to you.


06-30-2005, 06:09 PM
What a bummer! Unless the guilty party was caught in the act or someone actually saw what happened, there's not much that you can do. You were told nothing like this has ever happened before, unlikely but possible. It's easy to understand why you're so mad, anyone would be especially when management won't follow up. Maybe until you can give your notice only bring what's absolutely necessary and keep your cash in a pocket. Sorry, wish there was more I could tell you.

06-30-2005, 06:16 PM
That is horrible. When I had gotten out of the hospital a long time ago, I was still sick in bed. I had $70 in my purse that was taken. My ex tried to say it was one of his friends but I figured out later it was him. I'm sorry this happened but if there's no proof of it, I don't know what they could do about it, you know?
On a side note: Famous Daves.........drool. We don't have them in Florida but my brother in Maryland introduced them to me.

06-30-2005, 06:30 PM
Do they have any cameras or anything sort of proof? That's horrible if they aren't going to do anything about it and let someone get away with it. What's next, steal from the business? I'm sure they'd do something right away.

06-30-2005, 06:39 PM
We've had stuff stolen from peoples purses at my work a while ago and there's really nothing the managers can do.

What they suggest is to not leave personal items or cash in your purse so they can be stolen, your just asking for it to be taken if you leave it out.

Sorry to hear your money was stolen, that's why I never leave cash in my purse at work.

06-30-2005, 07:23 PM
I would suggest that they install small lockers with combination locks. When I worked at Bed, Bath & Beyond, I never had to worry about my personal belongings because I had a locker that was LOCKED.

I know this isn't much consolation, and I'm really sorry some dirtbag stole your money. But it's an $80 learning experience. If they refuse to install lockers, I'd only take enough money (keep it on you at all times) for lunch, snacks, etc.

That really sucks! :(:(

06-30-2005, 11:12 PM
Take a package of that clumping litter and toss it down the toilet on the last day of work....:D

No, don't do that............

call the health department instead....:eek: