View Full Version : Not sure if I have the nerve to do it myself

06-30-2005, 10:16 AM
We don't get Abby groomed often...I truly prefer how she looks with the longer hair, but in the summer we usually get what they call the "panda" or "puppy" cut. I didn't make an appointment for her sooner becasue she was terrible sick this spring & we truly wern't sure if she was going to make it or not. She kept throwing herself down & rolling & screaming due to kidney stones. The day that the vet had decided he would operate she started passing them because of the meds she was on, so we opted not to operate.
However, the illness took a toll on her beautiful coat, just because of her constantly rolling on the ground, whether she was on grass, concrete, in a puddle...whatever or wherever. I pretty much have the matts out & of course, she is clean... but I really want her trimmed nicely...and i can't get her in til the end of August with anyone.
Her body hair I can handle no problem, I have a clipper & do it now & then...but those lil legs of hers are my biggest problem. For the most part she has cocker traits...but those legs are pure fuzz just like a cotton ball...do I trim as much as I can & then even out with a clipper???
Her's how she looks after a pro grooming...

and here's how she looks now...

This is a trim I did last year...


06-30-2005, 10:19 AM
Awww, she is so cute in both pics.
Take her to a pro. She would probably like a trim with this heat.

06-30-2005, 10:22 AM
thanks :D
I just hate that summer will be almost over whe nI can get her in (end onf August)
But I think I'll keep calling around...the last one I called gave me reccomendations of people she had trained

06-30-2005, 11:26 PM
sorry I wouldn't be a good help but what I think you could do for now is trim/cut off the mats you see/find.

spaniels can be difficult to have a proper cut so I agree, take her to a pro.

she's a beauty! :) the last picture of her is too cute..with her "hush puppy eyes"!

oh, there was a "summer grooming" thread you can find by search button, you may get more ideas from there and good luck on your decision. :D