View Full Version : Fireworks..

06-29-2005, 11:42 PM
Ugh. I can't stand my neighbors.

They have already started shooting off fireworks for the 4th Of July. My dogs are absolutely TERRIFIED of fireworks. So far, they've only shot off one, but now Molly is cowering under my computer desk.

Gee, I can't wait until it's actually the 4th Of July. It'll be lovely. :rolleyes:

Sorry, just a small rant..

How do your dog(s) react towards fireworks?

06-29-2005, 11:56 PM
Barking and running crazy. I love fireworks, but I can't wait for it to be over.

06-30-2005, 01:25 AM
I'm not too sure about mine, they have never really been around them. Sadie would probably be scared.

06-30-2005, 01:27 AM
Major barks and barks and gets scared. I hate when people go to the school yard (not even a block away) and set them off.

06-30-2005, 06:57 AM
HATE them! We live in the outside the city limits in a small group of houses and we have a couple of families in the development who have full fledged displays. Drives my dogs crazy. They wear themselves out being so upset over the booms and the lights. Last year we resorted to keeping them in the basement with movies running so they couldn't hear the noise. We also had to call the sheriff when these idiots kept shooting off the fireworks well after midnight.

06-30-2005, 07:02 AM
I'm not going to be home on July 4. Snowy is going to be with her dog parents and sister. I'm not sure how she is when she hears the fireworks when she is with them, though.

When she hears fireworks she normally hides. She has spent the night curled up on a pile of magazines in the middle of a cabinet where no one could get to her. She has also wedged herself behind the toilet and onto a shelf in my closet. (The shelf was kind of like a basket type thing)

06-30-2005, 07:16 AM
You know how mine are. :(

Nala is scared by the simplest sounds. She's scared when people pop their gum. (I don't blame her cause it's annoying :p ) But, Fireworks terrify her. Sometimes she gets sick over it.

Simba gets scared of them as well. He usually starts to shake.

I'm not sure how Kiki will act. I don't think she knows what to think about some things so she just follows what Nala does. Like the other day it thundered and lightning REALLY loud, louder than it ever has. Kiara just kind of looked around and then followed Nala into the bedroom. :rolleyes:

I really loved fireworks until I got dogs. :p :rolleyes: :p

06-30-2005, 07:28 AM
Shadow and Mini HATE them, they will run and hide.

Micki, I swear he was a fireman in a past life or something, he is a little pyro and is obsessed with lighters, fire, fireworks. When a firework is lit he trys to go after it barking crazily and then just stares at it. And if you have a lighter he knows that you will light fireworks and gets really really excited and jumps up and down.

I'm not really sure how Kyra and Jack will act, this will be their first 4th of July.

Daisy and Delilah
06-30-2005, 07:31 AM
It doesn't bother Daisy at all. Delilah is absolutely terrified! She is a wreck the entire summer because every little noise bothers her after the thunderstorms and fireworks start. She pants real hard, plasters her tail between her legs, hides in the bathroom with no windows, and sometimes she tries to get into places too small for her because she panics. It's horrible to see her go through this. We tried everything for her but ended up using Valium(unfortunately) because nothing else would work. Her vet recommended it and it's the only thing that works. We can't wait for July 4th to be over but there will still be fireworks somewhere and of course the thunder is almost every day too. She is like Kay's Nala, even gum popping scares her but the night of the 4th is like putting her in a torture chamber. We have neighbors that undoubtedly buy hundreds of dollars worth of firecrackers, bottle rockets, etc. It seems to be non-stop noise around here.

06-30-2005, 07:52 AM
I love professional controlled fireworks which go off
consecutively for 1 night only.
I do not like it when the neighbors shoot them off which
is against the law for safety reasons.
Both my dogs hate all fireworks so I stay home on the 4th to
be with them.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-30-2005, 08:20 AM
Tobey's first encounter with them was good - in fact, he sat on the garden wall watching them! Not sure how he'll react this year but I do sympathise with everyone who suffers. My Aunty's dog becomes an absolute nervous wreck, poor baby

06-30-2005, 08:25 AM
Nanook gets scared, he's glued to my side, panting, drooling & shaking.
Raustyk could care less.

finn's mom
06-30-2005, 08:25 AM
I wish I could remember where I read about dogs and fireworks. I don't know that Finn has ever really heard the before. I don't think it was legal or something to just set them off wherever you wanted where I was living in Texas. Maybe I'm wrong. And, I didn't take him anywhere there was going to be a big show.

I'm not sure what it'll be like here, but, so far, nothing else has scared him. But, in his puppy class, since he was about nine weeks old, we did stuff like dropping metal chairs on the floor as he would walk by, I popped balloons at home, things like that. He would flinch the first couple of times, but, now stuff like that doesn't usually phase him. And, we have had some bad thunderstorms, and, we just sit out on the balcony together and watch and listen.

But, yeah, there's a book I read part of that had at least a page or something about some dogs that were terrified of fireworks. I wanna say it was the dog listener. But, don't quote me on that. ;)

06-30-2005, 08:35 AM
Fenway hates fireworks. He hides under the bed with one of my cats. My other cat sits in the window to watch the display.

06-30-2005, 08:38 AM
So far no one has been shooting off fireworks nearby (at least not while I'm home).

Kia is not bothered by most of them. She'll just lay there and once in awhile raise her head. The only ones that seem to bother her are the ones that sound like cannons.

06-30-2005, 08:40 AM
I don't think Camen has ever heard a Firework, but if he's scared of thunder, then i bet he's scared of fireworks.

06-30-2005, 08:42 AM
We used to be able to bring the dogs to watch fireworks with us (Keisha & Angus) but Huney & Roxey are terrified of them. We live out in the country a bit and some of the kids shoot guns and they acutally tore through the screen door to get in before:eek:
We just turn on the air condition and the tv and it seems to help them stay calm.

Now I don't know about Bon since he hasn't been around them before but I hope he isn't scared like the girls are.

06-30-2005, 08:53 AM
Ginger is scared when people pop their gum, too. That is why I hardly have gum in the house, lol. She hides under my parent's bed :(

Jenny gets really worked up :( She even does that about thunder :(

Buster paces around the house.

Rocky doesn't mind them but he doesn't like them either.

I just can't wait 'til firework season is over!

06-30-2005, 10:05 AM
I used to love the 4th of July... :( but since I got Buddy, it's not been the same.
He has to stay on tranquillizers for the entire weekend; if he doesn't then I fear he'll surely die of a heart attack. We've been caught off guard by Summer thunder storms, and I have personally felt the wrath of his fear. (Bruises, bumps, cuts..etc) because he is so deathly terrified of thunder, fireworks, gun shots. He gets 100% out of control jumping on me, plowing me over in the house. If I leave him in the house with TV blasting, radio in every room blasting, fans on, anything and everything to drowned out the noise, it doesn't matter, he still hears it and tried to get out of the house by jumping on windows and trying to break them. If we are outside, he'll try to jump over the fence (which his big butt can not do!!) Or he's even latched onto the fence trying to rip it apart to get out of the yard.
The dog psychologists we've been working with say it must go back to when he was living in the woods alone. Having no shelter and having to deal with thunder storms alone, they think it's just the fear coming back to him, remembering how terrified he was.:( :( They don't know if he'll ever get over it, but we are working on desensitizing him from those sounds.
I cry my eyes out every time he gets like that, I'm so afraid that one day it will be to much stress on his heart.... and I'll loose him. :( :(

Sierra on the other hand.... she can and has slept through anything! :rolleyes:

06-30-2005, 10:08 AM
This will be the first year that we'll have Roscoe for the 4th, so it should be interesting...

06-30-2005, 10:26 AM
OMG!! The 4th of July is really the last week of June all the way though the middle of July here. Since professional display fireworks are legal in Indiana, people feel the need to go there and then set them off in the allies.

Maggy HATES the fireworks. I can't say I blame here since we aren't talking black cats (fire crackers) and bottle rockets. M-80s are common place and they go off at all hours of the night. She barks like crazy at them and thunderstorms as well. There are times that she'll just shiver.

06-30-2005, 10:35 AM
Oh PitC9, that's just so sad. Poor Buddy. I hope he'll do okay this year. That just breaks my heart so I can imagine just how badly you must feel. Take care this 4th.

06-30-2005, 10:58 AM
Mine seem to do okay, which is a good thing, because the fireworks already started a couple of days ago and they'll continue a couple of days after July 4th. Then we'll go through the same thing again at New Year's. Plus we regularly get some whiz bang loud thunder storms here too.

I'll get some initial barking from Oz and Gull, when the really loud ones start off, but after awhile they settle down. Oz and Murph prefer to stay in the house though. Last New Year's, I went outside and left the back door open. Gull went out with me and he played fetch with me, while I watched some of the fireworks. Oz barked at us from the door way, "Hey you crazy fools, get back in here". :)


06-30-2005, 11:10 AM
Niki, Bozy and Cody don't mind the noise at all but Buddy on the other hand, is completely terrified of it. Some kids were lighting off firecrackers a few weeks ago and he freaked so badly that he hurt himself trying to get under the deck that's only about 4" off of the ground. Needless to say I let him inside and he ran to our bed never to come back down that evening.

I am sooooo not looking forward to it this year.:(

Suki Wingy
06-30-2005, 01:34 PM
NiƱo doesn't react to fireworks, they don't bother him at all.

06-30-2005, 03:21 PM
If we have fireworks close to me I bet Chica will be scared. It will be her first 4th of July. :rolleyes: :(

06-30-2005, 04:09 PM
So far Claire and Rebel have never paid much attention to them, Rebel is alittle shy of things like that but after awhile they just dont' think about it.

Niki is very afraid of loud noises like that, she hides :(

My sister's golden retriever gets very very freaked, she takes meds when things like that are going on. :( Poor girl!

06-30-2005, 04:55 PM
jesse doesnt mind since when we got her for christmas from "santa" she was 2 weeks early and had to be homed at my dad's construction shop. plus we werent done building our new house and landscaping it yet, so she got used to loud noises early on. <thank god!>:D

EDIT: it also helps alittle that shes becoming deaf (poor baby :( )

Dixieland Dancer
06-30-2005, 06:03 PM
Both of mine are trained gun dogs so those kind of noises don't bother them. In fact we always go to the local fireworks display and Dixie watches each one go up. Dusty just lays around watching all the people!

Honestly though... from the time they first come into my house (for Dusty that was the second he was born) they are aclimated to loud noises on purpose just to help avoid the fear of loud noises. Anyone with a pup should consider doing that in a teaching way. Mine aren't even afraid of the vacumn cleaner and I have to continually tell them to get up so I can vacumn where they are laying.

I hope everyone has a safe 4th.

06-30-2005, 11:42 PM
I probably won't ever get a puppy but how would you train a puppy to loud noises? Definitely sounds like a good idea!

Sadie has gotten a little better now that she's older - at least now she seems ok in a room with a loud air conditioner to drown out the fireworks or thunder. Sometimes she hears loud thunder anyway and she runs right to the tub (normally not a spot she likes!).

Buddy Blaze Lover
07-01-2005, 03:53 PM
Blaze absolutely HATES fireworks!!:( When he starts hearing them go off, he runs downstairs to the deepest, darkest corner he can find...I feel so bad...he hates 'em just as much as thunderstorms too. -sigh-

07-01-2005, 04:08 PM
Duke is scared to death! He will hide under anything if he hears somthing loud, or if he see's somthing that he know's makes a loud noise.

This is going to be Max's first 4th of July so I don't know about him;)

07-05-2005, 11:03 AM
Well, it's official. Maggie doesn't like fireworks either.:( Last
night was horrible for Smokey. He spent most of the evening
trying to get on my lap or standing between my legs.:( The booms were pretty much no stop from 7pm till 11.30pm. I really
thought Smokey was going to hyperventilate (sp). I cranked up
the A/C & the TV too. It helped a little. Maggie & Smokey spent
the rest of the night under the dining room table till bed time.

I sincerely hope tonight is better. Poor babies. :)

07-05-2005, 11:16 AM
I was actually lucky...it was our first 4th since getting Roscoe, so I didn't know how he'd be. He barely perked his ears. The cats were running around like crazy and hiding though, but I already knew what they'd do.

finn's mom
07-05-2005, 11:36 AM
Finn experienced his first fireworks. He was curious, but, not scared. :) He passed the test with flying colors! :)

07-05-2005, 11:58 AM
Greta and Spencer are terrified of them, and for the last week it's been a battle to get them to go out in the yard! :eek: :rolleyes: :( Greta is no spring chicken, but this year she's been very afraid whereas other years she's been OK. Spencer doesn't know where to run & hide poor boy. :( Peanut isn't fazed by them as she tunnels under blankets on the couch so the sound is muffled some. I'm sure they'll be lighting off fireworks for the next week to come *sigh*:rolleyes:

07-05-2005, 12:42 PM
My dogs all did great! None of them seemed to care at all. Someone was setting off some mortars off just down the road on sunday, we had the dogs outside during some of it and they didn't even pay attention to them. Then we put then in the house and Justin and I went back outside and set off some little things, bottle rockets and such. The pups didn't care. We weren't home until late last night, but I'm sure they did fine with any fireworks that went off. We went to my parents and shot off some mortars and some of our bigger things, but we opted not to bring any of the dogs while we did that. Plus our town did their big firework show right by my parents house, and I don't know if they would've liked being near that.

07-05-2005, 03:27 PM
Mine did a lot better than I expected last night. They did bark a few times but overall they were fine (for the portion I was home for.) I think they got used to it as the night went on.

07-05-2005, 04:50 PM
my crayola didn't care.. or did my cats. I guess they really trust me that they wouldn't be harmed.

they got me to check outside anyway because I can't hear, I can't know if there's some out there -- but whoa, once I walked out, it's like there's tons of photographers flashing in your face but they were 'fade flashes'. pretty a lot and nearby!

I walked back in, checked on every cat, only one would look outside to see what's up and had his ears perked up. I don't know how my pets do it but I'm proud of them. :D

sorry about other dogs.. :( :( I wonder if there, someday, would be furrworks without sounds? or you think that's impossible?

07-05-2005, 06:06 PM
Thank goodness it's over. While my pups aren't that scared of all of the noise, it became overwhelming for them both. But then, it was like a war zone where I live. :rolleyes: When the fireworks started, everyone stopped their noise: firecrackers, whistlers,m80s! But then Mandy was afraid of the fireworks. :( (they're shot off a few miles from my house)This is when we were outside. Inside they don't do too bad as long as the a/c is on, and it was 90 yesterday so it was on! :D

07-05-2005, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by chocolatepuppy
Thank goodness it's over. While my pups aren't that scared of all of the noise, it became overwhelming for them both. But then, it was like a war zone where I live. :rolleyes:

Same here for awhile.:rolleyes: It was still light outside when
Maggie wanted to go outside, so I let her. Someone set off a
string of firecrackers near to the house about 15 mins after Maggie had gone outside.It was so loud, I went outside to see
what was going on. Maggie was literally "pasted" to the back door.

:( She wasn't crying or anything, but she had her tail between
her legs & head down. I brought her inside & she went under the table. She did fine just sleeping the rest of the evening, but it
was Smokey who was the most nervous. Since this was the first
time Maggie ever heard fireworks, it was not a good intro.

07-05-2005, 06:47 PM
I don't know how bad it got here because I was working. But, I've got idiot neighbors that like to shoot. I had just gotten Duke outside to potty last week and they started firing their guns. Scared him badly and I was cursing them under my breath. Their house is for sale so let's hope our next neighbors won't do that. They've also threatened to shoot a Florida cougar if they see one :mad:

07-05-2005, 07:48 PM
Reggie is terrified.....he hides, follows people around (has jumped in the shower with me before because he was scared!). We left him just in a room one time and when we came back he'd tore things up trying to get out. Now we leave him in the basement in the playpen with the radio on and he's ok.

Sydney and Nebo don't seem to care. They sat outside and watched them with us last night and both were asleep half of the time. I took Nebo to the fireworks last year and he was fine until the grand finale, then he started to get scared so we left.

07-14-2006, 05:03 PM
There were fireworks last night and Snowy was barking mad.
She did calm down though when I took some pictures of her :D



07-14-2006, 05:20 PM
Well it was Sammy's first 4th of July this year, I was a bit worried to how he would react. He and Molli just barked.

07-14-2006, 09:29 PM
err...guys this thread is from last year

07-15-2006, 03:36 AM
err...guys this thread is from last year
I thought it's better to reply to an old thread rather than to create a new thread of the same subject.