View Full Version : Straightening Irons

06-29-2005, 03:47 AM
Who uses them? I've heard they are really damaging to your hair, is that true? Are there any kinds that are better than others? Thanks for any comments.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-29-2005, 04:22 AM
I use the wet to dry ones (can't remember who makes them) all the time - no problem if you use a protective spray on your hair first

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 05:52 AM
I use a CHI ceramic, and, yeah, they're no better for your hair than a blow dryer. But, I don't usually blow dry, so, I'm not doing double damage. But, yeah, any kind of heat treatment can be damaging. I love my flat iron, though, I don't know what I'd do without it! :) It's the only thing I do to my hair, and, thank goodness it's an easy tool!

06-29-2005, 09:31 AM
The only ones that work for me are the ceramic ones. I only straighten dry hair. Never had damage problems from them.

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by IRescue452
The only ones that work for me are the ceramic ones. I only straighten dry hair. Never had damage problems from them.

You're lucky! I've never seen hair that wasn't affected by a heat treatment! I always straighten my hair, too, while it's dry. It doesn't kill my hair, by any means, but, it's definitely not doing it any good to straighten it daily. :rolleyes: OH, well, it makes it look shiny, so, that's what I'm going for. ;)

06-29-2005, 11:51 AM
I've "heard" this is supposed to be one of the best.
TrueCeramic Pro (http://www.trueceramicpro.com/)
I'm thinking of getting one myself.

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
I've "heard" this is supposed to be one of the best.
TrueCeramic Pro (http://www.trueceramicpro.com/)
I'm thinking of getting one myself.

good grief, that's cheap! mine is supposedly one of the best, too. i don't think i went into a single dallas salon where it wasn't what they used on my hair. i love my chi, i don't know what i'll do if it ever breaks. hopefully, i'll be able to afford another one! ;) my hair even smells good after i use it, but, man, it makes hair so shiny and smooth, it's a miracle worker. :D

06-29-2005, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by finn's mom
good grief, that's cheap! mine is supposedly one of the best, too. i don't think i went into a single dallas salon where it wasn't what they used on my hair. i love my chi, i don't know what i'll do if it ever breaks. hopefully, i'll be able to afford another one! ;) my hair even smells good after i use it, but, man, it makes hair so shiny and smooth, it's a miracle worker. :D
Cheap, really? It's $120! How much was yours?

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
Cheap, really? It's $120! How much was yours?

Oops, i thought i saw $14.95, i'll have to look again. :) but, mine was $145, they're crazy. nah, $120 isn't cheap. :)

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 12:04 PM
that was just for the shipping and handling. :rolleyes: d'oh! where does it say $120? i guess you have to get further into the ordering part of it, maybe?

06-29-2005, 12:04 PM
lol I bet you were looking at the S&H Kari:D

I was wondering if that one was $120 how much yours was then:eek:

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
lol I bet you were looking at the S&H Kari:D

I was wondering if that one was $120 how much yours was then:eek:

yeah, i was. oops. mine was $145, and, i've seen them for a lot more!

06-29-2005, 12:10 PM
I know many people who use one and don't damage their hair TOO badly, but there is some damage. They use theirs daily.

I've used one once or twice.. my hair is usually really straight but gets wavey.

Originally posted by finn's mom
i love my chi, i don't know what i'll do if it ever breaks.

Hehehe, I'm wondering if i'm the only one who thought of "Chihuahua" when I read this. :rolleyes: :p :p

06-29-2005, 12:38 PM
I will 'occasionally' use a straightener, but try to avoid it because it 'does' damage hair, and because my hair is pretty much straight anyway, I don't really need it. It does get slight waves at times, but that's okay. I use a protective spray when I use the straightener, and I still notice a few split ends after using it, which is snip off immediately. It isn't good for hair. Heat is never good for hair. I would think hair straighteners are even worse than blow dryers, because the HOT part is actually sliding over your hair. Ceramic ones are better...but still. :p Its just a once-in-awhile thing for me...something I do ONLY when I need to get dressed up for something special. LOL!

06-29-2005, 12:48 PM
Heck I got mine at the local Sally's beauty supply for $29. It works fine, can't remember the brand I got off the top of my head. You guys are nuts to pay so much. I'd hope somthing that expensive didn't damage my hair.

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by IRescue452
Heck I got mine at the local Sally's beauty supply for $29. It works fine, can't remember the brand I got off the top of my head. You guys are nuts to pay so much. I'd hope somthing that expensive didn't damage my hair.

Yeah, it's crazy. Everyone has their thing, ya know? Some people would be willing to spend a lot on shoes, some on clothes, some on dog collars, some on cars. I like my CHI, it's the only one I've ever used that works for me. I've made money off mine, too, when I was back in Texas, I had friends that would give me a few dollars to use it when they wanted to make their hair look awesome. Even if they had their own flat irons. It works, I love it, and, I would never use another kind. And, I've tried so many of them, I wish the less expensive ones worked for me. I'd be happy if I could have gotten one for less. It's like a girl that used to come into the salon, she had the best hair, and, she would never buy shampoo. She used dish detergent, it worked for her. Just different things work for different people.

edited: and again, anything that involves heat is going to damage hair at least a little. even if it's not that noticeable, it's never good for your hair. i don't blow dry mine, and, that helps.

06-29-2005, 06:51 PM
My hair is naturally very straight. If I just brush it when I get out of the shower and try not to touch it, it stays straight and will last. But, that's never the case. I usually scrunch it up when I try to dry it with a towel, and then I tie it up and shove it on the top of my head. That's not good for my hair either. When my hair finally dries, it's wavy.

When I'm trying to look nice or NEED it straight, I use volumizer on the top of my head when it's barely damp. Then I blow dry it a TINY bit while brushing it. Then I straighten it really fast. Not putting much heat onto it. It keeps it straight, and non-poofy on the ends throughout the entire day.

My straightener is small and I love it. I want a new one, whenever I get the money. I wanted to see if a straightener worked on my hair, so I didn't want to pay big money. But it does. :)

I don't remember the brand of mine, but it's really good.

And the thing about dish detergent.. it really does work! It makes my hair feel great. But I stick to shampoo, because my parents would think I was really weird if I switched. ;)

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by buckner
And the thing about dish detergent.. it really does work! It makes my hair feel great. But I stick to shampoo, because my parents would think I was really weird if I switched. ;)

I tried several kinds, and, it made my hair so dry and nasty, I couldn't stand it! Heck I would do it if it made my hair feel good, but, unfortunately for me, I've only found a couple of kinds of shampoos that I like the results. And, as for the straighteners, my hair is naturally straight with a couple little funky wave/bump things in it. I use my flat iron mostly because it puts an amazing, unbelievable shine to my hair. :) I can use it to curl and flip my hair, too.

Toby's my baby
06-29-2005, 08:44 PM
I use one every day. I have been using it every day, for two years, and it hasnt seemed to damage my hair. It gets split ends, but it would help if I trimmed my hair more often. The only thing is, they cost like $140 though, but they have great sales, got mine for like $80.

It works great, and doesnt damage your hair...

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
It works great, and doesnt damage your hair...

split ends is what i'm talking about, that's what causes mine, anyway. :) which flat iron do you use?

Toby's my baby
06-29-2005, 08:49 PM
Its a Conair. If I get time I will try find a picture of it on the internet. If I dont get time, I will pm you a picture of it... if you want one...

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
Its a Conair. If I get time I will try find a picture of it on the internet. If I dont get time, I will pm you a picture of it... if you want one...

I was just curious...I have a pretty good flat iron, it runs about what you were quoting on yours. they're so expensive, but, i've had mine for two years now, and, it works as good as it did the first day i used it. ;)

06-29-2005, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
Its a Conair. If I get time I will try find a picture of it on the internet. If I dont get time, I will pm you a picture of it... if you want one...

I have a Conair too. Its ceramic and much better than others. I can't use the cheap ones...they would wreck my hair. Even this one causes split ends, and I don't like split ends because if they're not taken care of immediately, then can cause severe damage. I trim the split ends off to prevent damage, but to stay on the safe side, I 'rarely' use the straightener. It is a good one though.

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I can't use the cheap ones...they would wreck my hair. Even this one causes split ends

Exactly why I have the one I have. It was a gift, but, I'd buy another one if I had to. Hopefully, I won't have to for awhile! :) It does cause split ends, and, I use mine at three times a week. Usually more.

06-29-2005, 09:35 PM
I couldent go a day without my straightner!! well maybe I could lol! But I have a ceramic straightner, which was a little more costly, and alot healthier for your hair, and I found it even made my hair look and feel healthier, especially if you use it with thremasilk(depending on your hair), because its heat activated shampoo. I liked the ceramic straightner alot better then my metal plate one too, because the metal plated one used to pull my hair out, and make it look somewhat damaged, so if you have some money put away or somthing like that Id say ceramic straightners are best IMHO:)

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by green_chameleon_girl
But I have a ceramic straightner, which was a little more costly, and alot healthier for your hair, and I found it even made my hair look and feel healthier,

My hair looks so much healthier and it feels awesome when I use my straightener. But, it doesn't look as good when I don't, just because of the split ends caused by the straightener. It's like a vicious cycle.....use the straightener to make my hair look healthier....but, cause a little damage each time....then you have to use the straightener to make it look healthy. :) girls are so crazy! :D

06-30-2005, 12:32 AM
Wow, a lot of replies to this one! Well, my hair is naturally...straight, I guess, but its wavy. I actually don't like it much, because if I don't carefully dry it and style it right, one side will be flipped up at the end and the other side will be down, but wavy-ish. Lol, its a mess. I'll have to see what I can find on ebay. ;) I don't know what all I can afford right now, but my hair is usually pretty good with these things, so I could probably get a mid-range one.

Toby's my baby
07-01-2005, 10:22 AM

This is what I use. I use it everyday, and I am VERY happy with it, everybody in my family has it :p