View Full Version : Groggy Finn, post neuter

finn's mom
06-28-2005, 04:04 PM
Poor boy. :) He was so out of it, but, still swinging that coffee-table-clearing tail of his, it was so loud against the metal cage walls. He was sure happy to see me. But, still out of it enough where he didn't cry when I left. I can't wait to bring him home. But, he was the only one out of the fourteen that were there, that hadn't had any accidents or thrown up. Probably because so many people don't listen as far as not feeding them or giving them water the night before.

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/kariann9181976/Finn24412.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/kariann9181976/Finn24415.jpg

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/kariann9181976/Finn24416.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/kariann9181976/Finn24417.jpg

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/kariann9181976/Finn24418.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/kariann9181976/Finn24411.jpg

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/kariann9181976/Finn24413.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/kariann9181976/Finn24414.jpg

That's all!

06-28-2005, 04:07 PM
Oh poor Finn! He looks so sleepy! You're still a handsome boy Finn, and you'll always be! Kari, I bet you're proud of him for being such a good boy! :)

06-28-2005, 04:09 PM
Aw Finn, cute as always. Even when you're groggy. :) Bet you'll be happy, happy to be home tomorrow.


finn's mom
06-28-2005, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Lexi_Lover
Oh poor Finn! He looks so sleepy! You're still a handsome boy Finn, and you'll always be! Kari, I bet you're proud of him for being such a good boy! :)

I know, he was very out of it. ;) But, yeah, I was pretty proud, all the girls there were talking about how good he did, and, how sweet he was. :) They were a little surprised when I asked them not to feed him in the am. I told him if they gave him dog food, he probably would get sick. :) They made a sign for his cage to not feed him.

06-28-2005, 04:11 PM
I am glad he was such a good boy :) Here's to a speedy recovery :)

My Peanuts
06-28-2005, 04:13 PM
Poor guy. He looks pretty good though. He looks better than Harley did after he was neutered. :)

06-28-2005, 04:37 PM
Fritz and I (Barry) glad to see that glad to see that you got through the operation with Flying colors.You look pretty tired,but you will be back to your old self in no time.Fritz was neutered at 10 months of age.During the operation,his heartbeat went down to almost nothing,but as you have seen he is still with us and as good as new.

finn's mom
06-28-2005, 04:43 PM
Thanks everyone! And, yeah, Barry, I'm glad little Fritz pulled through!

Finn is 18 months old, and, I'm mad for waiting this long. But, he seems like he's going to be just fine. And, they were much nicer to me at the clinic than when I first took him this morning. So, I feel fine leaving him there overnight. :)

06-28-2005, 06:05 PM
Oh Finn....I hope you get home real soon and feel 100% like your ol' self. Take care sweet dear.

06-28-2005, 06:10 PM
Poor Finn! Do you need me to come post bond for you so you can get out from behind those bars? I'll bet you'll be glad when you're home and I know your mom will. Get well soon!

finn's mom
06-28-2005, 06:15 PM
Thanks, everyone! I'll let Finn know that you all were thinking of him!

Valerie, that's funny, I don't think he could escape if he wanted to, he was pretty out of it. :D I miss him, it's so funny. We always race up the stairs here at home, and, I didn't realize how habitual it had become until he wasn't here today. I've been hauling a** up the stairs, and, feeling goofy doing it! :D I'm thinking I might have to put up a gate downstairs so that he doesn't have to go up the stairs for a day or two. I don't know if that will be necessary, we'll have to see if he can walk nicely. Doubtful, but, we'll see.....

06-28-2005, 06:20 PM
Finn is such a pretty young man! He'll be well in no time! :)

06-28-2005, 06:58 PM
Finn looks pretty good for just waking up from surgery.:D
I'm glad he didn't have any problems. Sorry if you've said this
before, but why does Finn have to stay overnight?

finn's mom
06-28-2005, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
Finn looks pretty good for just waking up from surgery.:D
I'm glad he didn't have any problems. Sorry if you've said this
before, but why does Finn have to stay overnight?

I think I mentioned it somewhere, but, I don't know for sure. :) Because he's larger and active, he has to stay as inactive as possible for the first night, so, that he doesn't slip a ligature. There's a tube or something that I guess leads to the testicles (which of course are now gone!) and it's tied off inside the dog. And, if they do a lot of moving around, it can slip and they can bleed into the sack, and, she said she'd seen them as big as cantalopes. :eek: So, he's staying just as a preventive. If anything goes wrong overnight, he'll at least be right there and can be handled appropriately. He'll stay still better there in the cage than if he was home in his crate. He'd be miserable if he was in his crate and not able to be with us. He's silly, he does fine if he's home completely alone, but, not if we're outside and he's inside or vice versa. :)

06-28-2005, 07:08 PM
Aw Finn here's a big smooch for ya! You'll be home in no time! :D

06-28-2005, 07:36 PM
I bet you really miss him, even if it is only for a night. Time always seemed to creep by and everything seemed so dull and empty when my pups have stayed at the vet overnight. I remember when Willie had to spend about a week at the hospital after having his spleen out (it had cancer). It just felt like the time would never come to an end. Thankfully Finn will be bouncing around at home tomorrow night :). I bet you can't wait to pick him up and bring him home.

06-28-2005, 08:08 PM
Finns Mom,

Hey, thanks for the info. I thought maybe there was some
complication or something. I'll bet you can't wait to have him
home again.:)

finn's mom
06-28-2005, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
Finns Mom,

Hey, thanks for the info. I thought maybe there was some
complication or something. I'll bet you can't wait to have him
home again.:)

No problemo. Sorry if it was too graphic. ;) Kinda hard to talk about that part of a body without getting a little grody. But, nah, there are no complications, and, hopefully, it'll stay that way throughout his recovery!

06-28-2005, 08:15 PM

glad to hear everyhing went went well though! :D
just you wait till hes back home,, he'll give you a piece of his mind for making him have to stay with 'white coats'. LOL

*hugs* to the both of you!

finn's mom
06-28-2005, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
I bet you really miss him, even if it is only for a night.

I already do! He's not at my feet, and, that's just not right. ;)

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-28-2005, 08:32 PM
Oh, poor Finn! Kari, I'm sorry I never replied to the other threads about Finn's getting fixed and all, but I've been thinking about him today all the same!!:) How old is he now?;)

06-28-2005, 08:34 PM
aaww! Finnster! You look so sleepy and sad...don't worry though, you'll be home soon! Feeling back to yourself and ready for the beach. I'll be watching for the thread that says you are home safe and sound

06-28-2005, 08:40 PM
I can't wait until he goes home to his mommy!

finn's mom
06-28-2005, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by beeniesmom
I can't wait until he goes home to his mommy!

you and me both! :)

06-28-2005, 08:43 PM
Try to get some sleep tonight. He'll be fine!

Daisy and Delilah
06-28-2005, 09:23 PM


finn's mom
06-28-2005, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Buddy Blaze Lover
How old is he now?;)

It's been a long day! I think I told you in a pm, but, just in case....he turned 18 months on the 24th. :) I put a new ticker on my signature counting down til his second birthday! :)

finn's mom
06-28-2005, 10:42 PM
Oh, and, everyone, thank you for being so kind! I'm going to pick Finn up tomorrow morning, and, bring him back home for a lot of R & R! My mom already bought him a couple of new toys. Probably won't let him have them for a few days, but, that's ok, he'll love them whenever he gets them. I plan on taking him a hot dog tomorrow for breakfast. :) Just something little for him to eat. I have a busy morning tomorrow, too, besides getting my big boy back home. Thanks again, everyone, for the thoughts and prayers for Finn! :) Did you guys see my new avatar? Flamepony12 made it, I think it's sweet! :)

06-28-2005, 11:02 PM
Oh he does look groggy in those pictures poor guy. I didn't know he'd have to stay the night, but I guess that's probably what's best for him.
When you do see him tomorrow make sure you give him a big hug from me:D

06-28-2005, 11:06 PM
Glad it all went well, and he'll be home soon Kari.:)

06-29-2005, 03:43 AM
oh awe, my sleepy finnie... you'll be back to your reddy ballie in no timie! :D

and beat your mawmaw up the stairs for us again soon! ;) {{finny}} :D

heyie..I said givie him a huggie for me! :) :cool:

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 05:50 AM
All right, I'm heading out once again! He better be coming home with me this time, or I'm going to be mad! ;)

06-29-2005, 05:53 AM
Aww, Finn, you are a cutie even when you are groggy ;)

Give him a hug from me when you pick him up!

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 08:28 AM
Here are just a few photos that I snapped real quick. We've been back about ten minutes. He's insane, he is not chilling out at all. The only thing I'm worried about is when he's left unsupervised, that he'll pull the sutures out. I guess I'll need to go the pet store and get an E collar. Dang. He'll love that. ;)

He was skootching (have no idea how to spell that!) his tongue around in his mouth, he looks funny....




and, here's my boy...exactly where he should be....next to me! :)


that's all for now! I probably won't get very many photos over the next week or so, as my parents are going out of town for Independence Day and will take the camera with them. Maybe I'll just have to practice with my 35 mm. :)

06-29-2005, 09:29 AM
Aww poor baby looks so sad. It'll be all done and over with soon Finn. It's for the best.

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by gemini9961
Aww poor baby looks so sad.

You think he looks sad even in the last photos? he's not, he was panting from excitement, actually. ;) He was definitely sad in the first ones!

06-29-2005, 09:49 AM
HI FINN! I'm so glad you're back home.

06-29-2005, 09:52 AM
Looking good there Finn!:D He looks like hes smiling in the second picture. Too cute. When Diamond was fixed they used glue instead of stiches. It was pretty cool.:)

06-29-2005, 10:39 AM
Welcome home Finn!

06-29-2005, 11:16 AM
Glad you are home, Finn! Now behave yourself and try not to be too rowdy;)

Ginger's Mom
06-29-2005, 12:27 PM
I am glad to see Finn home and looking so well.

06-29-2005, 12:33 PM
finn, did you got my huggie? ;)

hope you'll be all better and out of sutures very soon! {{strokes}}

06-29-2005, 03:14 PM
He's such a sweet baby!!! :)

Glad its all over with and he's home.

06-29-2005, 03:32 PM
That's so great that he's home now. He looks so happy to be with his mommy. His face in that first recent picture is so cute.

Good luck keeping that boy calm! I know how hard it is!

06-29-2005, 03:34 PM
Welcome home Finn! :) You look so happy to be home :D

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-29-2005, 03:36 PM
I'm glad you're home Finn! You do look happy to be back with your mom!!:D;) ((hugs))

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Buddy Blaze Lover
I'm glad you're home Finn! You do look happy to be back with your mom!!:D;) ((hugs))

I know I'm sure happy to have him back with me. :) I'm interested to see how he does overnight with the sutures. He'd better leave them the he** alone, darn it. :) He's doing all right, he's not making the worse, so, that's good!

Toby's my baby
06-29-2005, 08:58 PM
Aww. Poor Finn... ;) I am glad his is doing good! Cant wait to see more pictures of your beautiful boy! ;) :D

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
Cant wait to see more pictures of your beautiful boy! ;) :D

they're not the greatest, but, i took a few of him with a treat my mom brought him. it's in the "gourmet treat" thread. :) if you wanna check him out! he acts like nothing happened yesterday, he's crazy.