View Full Version : New Jersey hamster facing a death sentence.

02-14-2002, 01:55 PM
   A mean person in New Jersey no longer wants his hamster. Perhaps someone can adopt this free hamster.

   Caution: I don't know anything about this other than his web page. (http://savepsychohamster.iwarp.com/) His web page is not a pet friendly web page.


02-14-2002, 04:40 PM
grrr! that just fries my treats! i might just take that hamster! who would be sooooo cruel?

Former User
02-16-2002, 02:24 PM
What a stupid site from a stupid person :mad: :mad: Makes so mad, he's probably caused that hamster to be like that, if it is even true that the hamster is so "mean". I hope the hammie finds a new, and loving home!

02-16-2002, 03:02 PM
WOW! I am appalled! I haven't had hamsters for many years, however when I was growing up, I had many hamsters. From this guy's description, this poor hamster is just being a hamster!!
He doesn't sound like a psycho at all! I had hamsters who escaped from their cages. I know that it is quite normal for hamsters to gnaw at their water bottles and/or bars on their cages. This is a natural instinct. They need to constantly gnaw in order to keep their teeth filed down. They are rodents!! They are also nocturnal animals, so of course, they are active at night.
It saddens me that people get pets without making an effort to understand the animal and know that they have to accept this animal's natural behavior.
It seems to me that this person wanted to get a pet and expected this animal to be what he wanted it to be, with no regard for, or understanding of the animal's natural instincts. This is so sad. This person should really take the hamster back to the pet shop and let the poor baby have a chance to go to a home where people understand him.

02-16-2002, 09:49 PM
I so much wish that people like that would not even attempt at owning an animal. It's just not fair.

I was given a free hammie when I worked at the aquarium shop back several years ago. The reason that the store owners found her "unsellable" is because she had escaped her cage and was running around the store for a good 3 or more weeks before they finally caught her. She was wild to say the least, but I kid you not, she tamed down within 2 days. I never even had to use the glove they lent me to handle her! All she needed was to learn that my hand was not going to hurt her and she blossomed into a fantastic, tame hammie!

This guy does not deserve those animals that he houses. I wish I lived closer, I'd take them to get them away from that jerk!

Thelma....you live in NY. You wanna do a hammie rescue :) Oh yeah, you have kitties, don't think they would mix too well with a hammie :)

02-19-2002, 06:25 PM
How sadly pathetic. If this person is so miserable with his poor little hammie, please, if you cannot rehome him yourself, take him to a shelter. I have family and friends in NJ but in the oppostie part of the state.:( After reading his webpage, all I can say as to the hammie's rejection of him....CONSIDER THE SOURCE! You usually get back what you give! Please Sir, put your personal feelings aside and do your best to find this baby a loving home.

02-20-2002, 07:55 AM
Only the drawing at the top of the page made me want to scream. This guy is an idiot, the hamster has better sense than him. I wish I could take him. The thing that makes me mad is that he could walk in any petstore and get another pet. :mad: :mad: :mad:

10-24-2002, 04:38 PM
I am About ready to go get that poor lil thing i cant believe anyone would want to kill something so small