View Full Version : First vacation since getting Roscoe..

06-28-2005, 01:42 PM
I don't know if I am posting this in the right place, but we are going on vacation in 2 weeks, and I am really nervous. My sister-in-law is going to stay at our house and take care of the cats and dog. She has a 3 year old, and none of the animals are used to kids. I guess I'm just a little nervous (ok a lot). Am I weird for being nervous? :confused:

06-28-2005, 01:51 PM
Nope! My hubby and I don't travel together as it's almost impossible to get someone to take care of our animals. The longest we are ever gone together is one night--I feed before we leave and we come home in time to feed the next night!

My extended family lives far, far away and I visit once a year for about 10 days. I am the primary animal caregiver in our family. When I go away, my husband gets a two page list of instructions! I leave detailed instructions & a list of each critter's quirks around food. I also send a fax to my vet stating that he has permission to authorize any and all necessary medical expenses, including euthansia should there be no choice, and that I will deal with the bill when I get home.

Enjoy your holiday. I'm sure Roscoe will be fine!

06-28-2005, 02:23 PM
I do intend to have lengthy list of instructions, and also have her over to show her everything. Everything will probably be fine, but I can't help but worry. We haven't gone away at all since getting Roscoe, so I hope he's ok away from us. He is very needy for attention (probably normal for a shelter dog). I'm sure my sister-in-law and neice will give him lots. I'm not that worried about the cats because as long as they get fed, they are fine.