View Full Version : Zeke was timed at flyball...

06-26-2005, 06:48 PM
He's not as fast as I though, infact, I thought he was running 4.6 or so before...Then again, I did take him for a run today when it was REALLY really hot. And all day at practice it was just horribly hot.

Anyway, he was clocked his first run at 4.9-5.7 or so. Give or take as he never hit the thing at the right time. Either too late or too early. -__- His second run started off at 5.8 or 9. I think it was pretty constant, but it dropped down to low 5s. He should be able to run 4.8 or so. They say he's doing excellent as he still isn't int he racing "mode" so he's not really pushing it. He did great though, he raced a beagle and a chi...er, however you spell it...those small dogs. Toco bell dog. And he never chased....then again he's not interested in small dogs really, and he knows them all good. He looked at Max once, thought about it but came.

He gets to run restraints on Friday in the tourney!!! He can't run this one cause he's still got some problems, but if they owuld let me practice racing other big dogs (he's only done it like twice. EVER) so of course he can't do it. It's only natural he wants to chase them if they're ahead..it's a game to him. They just won't help me :(

Oh, I noticed one dogs time today was 3.89 or so..I was like "WOW!" That dog was on the A team ;) They ran 17 seconds for all the dogs on their team that run.

I think the record is 15?? What is it where you are?

finn's mom
06-26-2005, 08:24 PM
Flyball looks like so much fun! I'd like to see how Finn would do, he's crazy fast on just a straight away, but, I don't know what he'd think of hurdles! :)

06-26-2005, 09:51 PM
Zeke will improve, and be in the A-team, no doubt.:)

06-27-2005, 12:08 AM
lol zeke will speed up once he is in race mode, Happy was orginaly running in the high 5's but once she gained confidance, and realized that this was a race her times dropped quickly and currently her fastest time is 3.84, if the stupid club had been willing to bump the slow dog off the storm team and put Happy(the fastest) in instead the team would have been a heck of a lot better lol but nope, the head of the club is the one with the slowest storm dog, and he had no intention of bumping his dog off the fast team :rolleyes: cant wait till I find a new club with a brain in there heads :p

06-27-2005, 12:39 AM
All of this flyball talk sounds fun but my 2 are not not cut out for that stuff, lol. If they had squirrel chasing I would enter Maggie. :D Sounds like Zeke is only going to get better. Keep up the good work Zeke. :)