View Full Version : Bathroom Etiquette - The Handicapped Stall

06-24-2005, 01:30 PM
I think I ponder this every time I use the restroom at work...that's A LOT!! ha ha

We have a woman's restroom on each floor for the people that work in the building. There are three stalls, two "regular" stalls and one handicapped. We have a California Diability Office in our building, so we do have people in wheel chairs here.

When the bathroom is busy, do you use the handicapped stall? I know that if there's someone that needs to use it, they of course, get priority, but what if there's no one around?

What do you think?

06-24-2005, 01:59 PM
If someone that needed it that was handi-capped,I would just wait for a regular bathroom stall to be open. I am not being discriminative(is that even a word, lol) I just think if the people are handi-capped need the bathroom more and it'd be rude to use it if they were around. Just out of respect I wouldn't use it unless nobody was around or atleast I'd get permission to use it.
I hope all of that made sense.

06-24-2005, 02:45 PM
Unlike handicapped ONLY parking spaces, which are reserved for the handicapped alone, I feel that the handicapped stalls are not ONLY for handicapped people. I think of them as available to all but made to suit the wheelchair bound. (I have never seen a sign that stated handicapped ONLY!)

After all, there are many people who NEED to use the bathroom ASAP who would not be considered handicapped.

Now, I would not cut in front of a handicapped person if one were there at the same time as I was, but I would not wait in a LONG line in order to keep that stall open, either. Especially in a place where there are only 2 stalls, 1 handicapped accesible and 1 regular sized.

06-24-2005, 02:55 PM
I don't use them, I personally have a "bad mojo" feeling about that kind of thing. Plus since my brother has MS and is now handicapped and my mother was stricken to a walker and wheelchair the last year of her life I have an all new appreciation for it.

Of course I know there are special circumstances for people.

06-24-2005, 03:07 PM
For me it really depends on how desperately I have to go. There are times I just can't wait. I have IBS and when I have to go, I HAVE TO GO. Thereare other people who may need to use a handicapped stall what about people with babies. You aren't exactly going to go into a little stall with a baby and sit him/her on your lap while you use. I think most people if they were alone with their baby they will take them into the handicapped stall in the stroller. There is just no way you can squish you and a baby stroller in a small stall. I think it just depends on the situation and or circumstances.

06-24-2005, 03:39 PM
I typically wouldn't use it but if there is a huge line up (and no handicapped person waiting for it) then I would use it.

06-24-2005, 03:57 PM

if I wait in front of the line and there's a wheelchair waiting behind two/three people too, who would go first? once I told this wheel-person that she could go in first, she insisted me go in first! (yes, the handicapped one) - maybe because I had crayola with me. I guess I'm handicapped too.. :rolleyes: :p

sometimes I would go 'in and out quick' if I need to potty, it doesn't always take long. for number two..depends. :D

06-24-2005, 04:01 PM
Likes others, I wouldn't use it if someone who seriously needed it had to go. But I've gone into bathrooms before and have the regular stalls just be totally disgusting. I'm not a sanitary freak, but YUCK. I can't stand a dirty bathroom. If cases where regular stalls are dirty, and no one needs the handicapped stall, then I'll use that one. It's either that one, or the sink. :)

06-24-2005, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by buckner
[B It's either that one, or the sink. :) [/B]

:eek: :p EW

06-24-2005, 04:13 PM
I almost never use public bathrooms, but if I have to bad enough than I do. If a regular stall is open then I'd use that first, but if they are all full then I don't hesitate to use the handicap stall. If there is a handicap person in there then I'd step aside for them to use it first.

06-24-2005, 04:17 PM
I use whatever stall is open, and if that so happens to be a handicapped one then so be it, I would not cut in front of a handicapped person to take it, but if there is no handicapped people around, and there usually isnt then I really dont care one way or the other. if there are 3 stall and 1 is handi capped and the other 2 are filled, I am not going to wait for the normal one to open.

06-24-2005, 04:19 PM
Yep, I use them. It's not like I'm going to be in there a long time or anything. What are the odds that a handicapped person will need it in the few minutes that I'm in there? And if I did come out of the stall and a handicapped person was waiting, I would apologize.

06-24-2005, 04:27 PM
If I see a handicapped person or someone (Like with a baby or a child...you try taking a 2 yr old with you into a normal stall lol) who needs to use the larger stall, I'll gladly keep it open for them and not take it, even if it is the only one open. If for some reason someone who needs it is kept waiting for me though, I'll apologise.

What I get mad at is people who cut in line AHEAD of handicapped people and then use the handicapped stall when others were open just because it was the closest one (I have seen this happen)

06-24-2005, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by kuhio98
Yep, I use them. It's not like I'm going to be in there a long time or anything. What are the odds that a handicapped person will need it in the few minutes that I'm in there? And if I did come out of the stall and a handicapped person was waiting, I would apologize.


06-24-2005, 04:49 PM
Being that I tend to get panic attacks in closed spaces... I always go to the handicapped stall. I understand the desire to fill the spaces with as many stalls as possible, but please, give me breathing room! Some are so tiny, I can hardly shut the door without needing to stand on the toilet first! If you suffer from claustrophobia or have problems with crowded spaces (like I do) you KNOW what I'm talking about, and you know the relief to be in a handicapped space.

That said, I am the queen of "get in and get out". I might not even occupy a stall for a full 60 seconds. I honestly do not know what takes so many women so long in a stall! What are they doing in there? Shaving their legs? I think its only polite when using ANY bathroom stall (especially if you know there's a line waiting) to do what you need to do and get out. I was out to breakfast this morning & there were about twenty regular stalls, plus two handicapped, and a line of 5 women waiting.... I swear that people were playing games on their cell phone while seated. I heard the distinct beep-blip-beep of a game!!!

06-24-2005, 05:10 PM
For me, if I'm in a public place, I use whatever is available. If it's a regular stall, it's a regular stall...but if it's a handicapped stall, it's a handicapped stall. When I gotta go, I really gotta go (IBS), so I just take what's available.

Here at work we have 4 stalls. 3 regular and 1 handicapped. The funny thing is I always use the handicapped stall. We don't have any handicapped people that work here, so it really doesn't matter if I use that one all of the time. Plus, woman are the minority in my company, so almost always...there is nobody else in the bathroom (thank goodness!). For some reason, our regular stalls seem really cramped, and I'm just not "comfortable" in such a cramped place. Especially with my IBS flare-ups, I could be sitting for a good half hour or so! :rolleyes: :o

06-24-2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I honestly do not know what takes so many women so long in a stall!

That irritates me too especially when I am doing the pee pee dance if you know what I mean! I can be in and out of the bathroom very quickly *especially since for some reasons public restrooms scare me :o * I hear people carry on conversations on cell phones and with other women and such though, even when there is a huge huge line. Geez people you're in there to use the restroom, not to have a social party!

06-24-2005, 06:20 PM
hmm, I see "IBS" twice now..what's that? :o I feel like a dummy. :p

06-24-2005, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I heard the distinct beep-blip-beep of a game!!!
OK, I have to confess!! ;)

When people with bowel issues go to the potty, sometimes it just takes time. I've played the tetris on my cell phone quite often...but I mute it.

Karen is so cool! She has hand held games in her guest potty for me!! How great is she?? Only a fellow bowel-sufferer would get that!

So, cut people a little slack if you hear the video games. They're most likely in pain and trying to forget it. :(

06-24-2005, 06:32 PM
posted by noahsmommy
OK, I have to confess!! ;)
well well now that's sticky! guess you gotta go when you gotta go but if you hear someone wheels in, call out "I'll be right out" to be somewhat least rude. (for some) :)

06-24-2005, 06:33 PM
IBS=irratable Bowel Syndrome

I always feel so guilty if it takes me long, but sometimes you just can't help it. :(

06-24-2005, 06:37 PM
posted by jenluckenbach
IBS=Irratable Bowel Syndrome

06-24-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Unlike handicapped ONLY parking spaces, which are reserved for the handicapped alone, I feel that the handicapped stalls are not ONLY for handicapped people. I think of them as available to all but made to suit the wheelchair bound. (I have never seen a sign that stated handicapped ONLY!)

After all, there are many people who NEED to use the bathroom ASAP who would not be considered handicapped.

Now, I would not cut in front of a handicapped person if one were there at the same time as I was, but I would not wait in a LONG line in order to keep that stall open, either. Especially in a place where there are only 2 stalls, 1 handicapped accesible and 1 regular sized.

I totally agree with you, Jen.

finn's mom
06-24-2005, 07:28 PM
I'll use them if it's the only one available.

06-24-2005, 07:35 PM
Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go. I will use them without hesitation, provided there is not a handicapped person waiting...

Is the word handicapped politically correct these days?? Should it be physically challenged?? :confused: I never know what's right.

06-24-2005, 11:30 PM
If there's a handicapped person waiting in line, then of course I would let that person go first, BUT...I have yet to come across someone who NEEDS the bigger stall at a time when I'm going to the bathroom. I hate using most public restrooms because they're not exactly clean, but when I need to, I check each stall and use the cleanest one. If a stall is dirty, I will not use it. I noticed the handicapped stall is often the cleanest...and well...if there's no one who needs that stall, and *I* need to go, then of course I would use that stall. How great is the chance of a disabled person needing that stall in the two minutes I'm using it anyway? :p So for me, it depends on several things...The cleanliness of the stalls, how badly I need to go, and who's waiting in line.

Regarding people taking long in the bathroom......SOMETIMES you NEED to take long, and have no choice. It depends on 'ahem'...certain things. :o Sometimes women need more time....and if they have an upset tummy or something, they would need some time for that too. Of course when using a public restroom, you should get out as fast as possible, but sometimes, you DO need time.

06-25-2005, 11:44 AM
LOL! I'm with you Catnapper. I need some space! Plus they have those nifty bars you can set your handbag on.

I hate it in a small stall and the flush feels like it's sucking you in and you can barely get the door open to escape it! LOL

06-25-2005, 12:54 PM
I will use the handicapped stall if there is no one in line who is handicapped.

But I usually try to make it quick just in case someone comes
into the bathroom that is handicapped.

But ladies, do you know, that it really isn't good for us to make it "quick" - because that is how bladder infections can be caused - by not taking the time to empty yourself completely.

What a lovely Saturday morning topic:D :D