View Full Version : Frozen berries

06-24-2005, 01:11 PM
I've found that Lefty likes berries (strawberries, blueberries, grapes), especially when they're frozen. I wonder, though, how much might be "too much" to give him--I don't want to upset his stomach. Anyone have any idea? He's about 45 lbs.


06-24-2005, 01:21 PM
Smilla, I would love to see Lefty munching on those berries!!! I think with things like that, a little probably goes a long way, but I have no real basis for that thought. I'd just give him a little at a time. That way it will always be a special treat for him!!!! :)

I just remembered when I re-read your post that grapes in large quantities can be toxic for dogs, so I would definitely use those sparingly. My Lilly loves them too.

06-24-2005, 01:53 PM

It's great to see you posting again.:D I guess I feel as Logan
does. A little goes a long way. I've never gotten mine to eat
fruits, but I don't think a few would hurt them.

06-25-2005, 09:15 AM
I never new that grapes were bad for dogs until someone
posted on Pet Talk.
Yesturday my Aunt read in the paper about
grapes, onions and raisons being bad for dogs.

I wonder if it is the skin that is bad or the whole grape?

07-11-2005, 11:03 AM
Thanks, folks--I post a question, and then get tied up and don't thank the ones who respond for weeks! I appreciate the responses. :)

07-12-2005, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by KYS
I never new that grapes were bad for dogs until someone
posted on Pet Talk.
Yesturday my Aunt read in the paper about
grapes, onions and raisons being bad for dogs.

I wonder if it is the skin that is bad or the whole grape?

It is the all of the grape/raisin. Info here from the ASPCA:

07-12-2005, 08:39 AM
Nanook picks berries right off the bush. he curls his lips back & ever so gently plucks them with his tiny front teeth. It's so cute. lol

To be on the safe side, I'd just give him a few a few times a day. Just watch his stools (and his body language) to make sure they are still normal & he is still acting normal. If his stolls become loose or very hard & dry I'd cut back a little if they are normal you can try to slowly increase the amount you give him.