View Full Version : nothing to do with cats but a cute site for parents:)

06-23-2005, 06:42 PM

Ah, kids!:)

06-23-2005, 07:08 PM
I used to think I was part cat because I always crawl up the steps on all fours. I would always imitate my cat's meows and curl up into a ball on the couch when I was tired. I stopped acting like a cat but I still crawl up the stairs everyday. (I'm 14)


I visited my grandparents house for a few days by myself when I was young. My unkle lived with them they had three cats between them a black one (Roo) a gray one (phido) and a calico (AC-DC) anyway, I thought that my relatives had the ability to turn into their cats. I thought my grandma turned into the black one. My grandpa turned into the gray one. And my unkle turned into the calico. I thought that when I got older I would get a cat of my own that I could turn into. I'd seen the cats and the people in the same room and I knew it wasn't reality but I still thought it would be neat if it were true and I remember keeping secrets from the cats as though they were the relatives.


I used to believe that cats were so allergic to water, that it would likely kill them. It turns out that my folks discovered my brother and I giving the kittens a bath. Fearing that we would drown them, they told us that getting the kitties wet could kill them. It worked. I believed my folks. Then, a couple of years later I saw a cat running outside in the rain...


When I was little, I used to believe that my pets were actually robots who were spies for my mom. Whenever I did stupid stuff, I would bribe them so they wouldn't tell on me.


I used to beleive that when people say "its raining cats and dogs," i really thought that pets would be falling out of the sky.


When i was little , i thought that a cat was a female dog.



I thought my cats would go to parties at night when they knew everyone was in bed. I thought they would talk at bars and have drinks. I thought they would sing karoke. I thought they had a secret door to get into the cat world! Sometimes, I would stay up and spy on them until I fell asleep. I thought this until I was 9!


~I used to think my cats nose was wet because she got pee on it when she went in her litterbox!~


When I was about six I used to listen to my cat purr. I asked my parents what made her purr, but they didn't know, so I concluded that there was a tractor inside her that was turned on every time I petted her.

These are some cute quotes from the site.
:D :D