View Full Version : Professional pics + camping pics (23)

06-23-2005, 03:20 AM
Last week I had some professional pictures taken...the photographer is a co-worker of mine, here's the website: http://www.animalimagesphotography.com/ and here's the pics:
Ignore the ugly person next to the cute dog

I went camping with my parents last weekend too, here's pics from that:
Nebo by the river/creek
Nebo and Sydney
Reggie, Nebo, and Sydney...tied to the picnic table while a campfire is being started
Nebo in one of his favorite "dens" in the trailer
Striking a pose

06-23-2005, 03:21 AM
Sitting on a wooden chair somebody made
On the Nebo Loop...that is Mt. Nebo in the background. There's a nicer place to get a close view of the mountain but the road was closed halfway. :(
Another angle
Another pic
Mountain closeup
The Devil's Kitchen
Nebo again :o
and again

06-23-2005, 03:22 AM
Surprisingly, here's Nebo again ;)...being a dork
The schnauzers on critter watching duty
Another Nebo "den." I'm not sure how he even squeezed behind the chair..
Reggie and Sydney by the creek
Nebo enjoying the cool water
Fetching a stick
That's all the pics, I will attach a couple of videos too

06-23-2005, 03:35 AM
Fetching a stick....and losing it a few times ;)

06-23-2005, 03:50 AM
Reggie and the slippery hotdog. My mom split one between all the dogs, Reggie's just didn't want to be eaten I guess lol...he did finally get it down but I stopped recording before that.

06-23-2005, 04:52 AM
What beautiful pictures! They all look professional to me! You are not ugly Amy,don't be silly! :p I love that video with Reggie and the hot dog! And the scenery, as always, breathtaking! :)

06-23-2005, 08:16 AM
Amy, those are such beautiful pictures! I was taking a glance at everything and meant to respond later since I'm late getting going on work, but I felt I needed to respond with a thought now while it's at the top of my mind (I didn't see the videos yet but I promise I will check back after work or during a break to see them!). My comment is about your picture with Nebo. I know you won't believe this, but you are very beautiful, and NOT in the least ugly. I used to always think of myself as ugly and especially hate my pictures. They got packed in a box and never shown to anyone if I could help it :p. Then a few weeks ago, I found an old box of pictures with me as a child and in high school and so on, and I was going through them. I would see them and would think "Why did I think I was so ugly? I wasn't." I thought to myself that it was sad that I went through my younger days feeling that way about myself when looking back, it wasn't true.

Of course, my first tendency now is still to not like pictures of myself and find fault with myself, but now I really try to see things differently because I want to appreciate my younger years yet. I don't want to spend so much time hating how I look or wishing things were different about myself, and then one day when I am 60 or 70, look back sadly that I went through life never appreciating what is good about my looks. I think these thoughts have come to the fore more because I am realizing now just how fast life passes us by. One day you are 20 and suddenly and shockingly you find yourself 30, and so on. Try not to be so hard on yourself, try to find things to appreciate and take pride in now rather than looking back years ahead and feeling sad that you spent so much time feeling badly about yourself. I promise you with all my heart that when I see your picture, I see an attractive and pretty person, I cannot see ugliness at all. Someday you will see that too, and I hope you can start seeing it sooner than I did with my own pictures :).

06-23-2005, 08:38 AM
Tha camping pics are amazing and the scenery is georgeous.

06-23-2005, 08:52 AM
Beautiful Beautiful pictures!
Nebo is such a great model. I didn't know you lived in Utah but as soon as I saw the background I knew it was Utah.
I have some friends that lived in St. George and we visited often. The view was breathtaking. I will never forget it. You are very lucky to live in such a pretty place.

06-23-2005, 08:55 AM
Nebo is such a beautiful dog...And what a natural with the camera.

06-23-2005, 09:01 AM
I love looking at your dogs, so pretty!

06-23-2005, 09:05 AM
What nice pics of Nebo!

I love the third one down in the second post. He's such a handsome boy, give him a big ol' smooch for me!

06-23-2005, 09:07 AM
Ok first Amy I'm going to have to agree with Jess, you are definately not ugly so get that thought out of your head right now:p You are beautiful inside and out and anyone who meets you knows that (I know I do:)).

Now second your friend did a really good job on those pictures, did you get a big one of Nebo or of you and Nebo? That's proably a silly question hu? LOL!

It is absolutely gorgeous where you guys went camping, man I'd love to be able to do that with you. I bet you have a really awesome time!

Poor Regie, he just couldn't get that hotdog to stay in his mouth (or even to stay close enough to eat:o)! The video was too funny!

Needless to say I enjoyed all the pictures and this one of Nebo was my favorite:
I swear he does some of the same things Roxey does!

Thanks for sharing!!!!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-23-2005, 09:14 AM
WOW!! Those are stunning pics of your dogs!! Nebo is a great model!!

06-23-2005, 09:53 AM
You take the most beautiful pictures! Nebo is so stunning. As, for you being ugly that so NOT true. You are a beautiful girl.
I never realized Utah was so beautiful. We live in Colorado, so were not all that far from Utah. We may have to take a trip up there one day. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures.:)

06-23-2005, 11:31 AM
I love this pic:


It's the Lassie pose. ;)

Major laughing out loud at Reggie and the hot dog. Lucky he doesn't live here, because he woulda got nada of the dog, he was taking so long.


06-23-2005, 11:55 AM
Great photos! :D And the professional ones turned out so great! :D You are NOT ugly. :p

Poor Reggie. That's hilarious that he was STANDING under Nebo. Nebo is such a big boy! :D Does Reggie have any teeth?

06-23-2005, 12:10 PM
of course gorgeous pics of the dogs
breathtaking pics of the scenery
simply amazing scenery

the hot dog was really a lot of work for the lil guy!!!
poor thing!! lol

Ginger's Mom
06-23-2005, 01:55 PM
The picture of you and Nebo is beautiful. And the pictures that you took are all really gorgeous. Beautiful scenery and dogs. :) I love Nebo's "dork" picture, what a happy guy. :)
LOL at the hotdog video. Poor Reggie, I sure hope he enjoyed his hotdog when he finally got it. So cute :D.

06-23-2005, 02:30 PM
First of all, Amy you are FAR from ugly! You are very pretty!;)

Any wonderful pictures, Amy! I loved every single one of them! Syd, and Reggie are just DARLING, I really want Sydney (love that name!) And Bebo is such a handsome stud!:)

06-23-2005, 02:56 PM
UGLY ? :confused: Go look again....I do believe you are mistaken..... You are very pretty.

Those are wonderful pics. NEBO is his usual stunning self. I love the dork one too. Poor REGGIE....the videos were great !

06-23-2005, 03:18 PM
I agree with the others, you are very pretty, Amy! But I think everyone thinks they look bad in pictures. ;)

I really like the professional pictures. They are so great! How many did you order? ha ha

And all the others are gorgeous too! You live/camp in such a beautiful place!

Nebo, like always, is so cute and happy. :)

Suki Wingy
06-23-2005, 04:54 PM
striking pics!!

06-23-2005, 06:22 PM
Amy - these are wonderful photos of Nebo (and Reggie and Syd)!!! I love the professional ones!!! and you look great with Nebo! :D Looks like camping was tons of fun! I'm jealous!! hehehe

06-23-2005, 06:23 PM
OMG!! those pics are great

06-23-2005, 07:33 PM
Nebo is gorgeous! You took some awesome pictures and those pro pics are beautiful, you look great and so does Nebo :)

06-23-2005, 08:18 PM
Gorgeous professional photos!
Gorgeous camping photos!
Gorgeous schnauzers!
Gorgeous Nebo!
Gorgeous Mt. Nebo!
Gorgeous Amy!

06-23-2005, 08:45 PM
I looked EVERYWHERE for the ugly person in the pic, but couldn't see them .................:confused: :D

GREAT pics, as usual.
I had to do a double take at Syd and Reg tho - where has all the hair gone?????:)

06-23-2005, 08:58 PM
posted by captain
I looked EVERYWHERE for the ugly person in the pic, but couldn't see them .................:confused: :D

me too! :confused: (;))

awesome and beautiful, exquistive colorful pictures you took! snow-white, sky-blue, grass-green, moutains-natural brown, nebo-creamy/beige, etc..

which part of utah did you camped in? looks really a good and pretty place to be! love the devil's kitchen and I laughed at the caption ...how the heck did nebo squeezed himself behind the sofa?! too cute. *giggles* :)

06-23-2005, 09:14 PM
Aww, Nebo is soo adorable :)

06-23-2005, 09:35 PM
Amy, the pictures are so pretty! What a wonderful place to live. Just awesome. Love the professional pics too. Especially the one of you and Nebo together. I would love to get a nice picture of me and the girls. I don't think I have any pics of me with Tori.

Ok, lecture time! You must quit putting yourself down. I don't like to hear you talk about yourself that way. You are a beautiful girl. I have always thought so, even before I met you in person. Then I got to meet you and found out that you are beautiful inside and out! No more talk like that, young lady!;)

Please give the furkids a hug from me. All three are so cute!

Hugs.....Robin :)

06-23-2005, 10:05 PM
Those professional pics are great! I still can't believe what a beautiful area you live in. And this pic is just stunning! Can you email me the full sized version?

06-23-2005, 11:43 PM
Thanks everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. :)

And about the pic of me I still will never think I'm pretty but ok I'll admit I'm not completely ugly...just mostly. :p I'll try to listen to what you all said though. ;)

Now second your friend did a really good job on those pictures, did you get a big one of Nebo or of you and Nebo? That's proably a silly question hu? LOL! It is absolutely gorgeous where you guys went camping, man I'd love to be able to do that with you. I bet you have a really awesome time!

I got a package that came with several different sizes....the real big one (11x14) is of just Nebo...I bought a frame now I just need to hang it in my room. Yep I do have a good time, you need to get over here and go camping with me. :p

I never realized Utah was so beautiful. We live in Colorado, so were not all that far from Utah. We may have to take a trip up there one day. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures.

Colorado is very beautiful too I've been there a few times. If you ever come this way you have to come meet Nebo. ;)

Poor Reggie. That's hilarious that he was STANDING under Nebo. Nebo is such a big boy! Does Reggie have any teeth?

Oh yeah Reg and Syd can both fit under Nebo...he has those long legs! Reggie has a few teeth left, not many he had to have the others pulled. He manages to eat other treats fine just can't seem to grasp the hot dogs..

I had to do a double take at Syd and Reg tho - where has all the hair gone?????

I gave them a super short summer cut, they look a bit silly but it keeps them cleaner and cooler at least. ;)

which part of utah did you camped in? looks really a good and pretty place to be! love the devil's kitchen and I laughed at the caption ...how the heck did nebo squeezed himself behind the sofa?! too cute. *giggles*

Umm in the northern part of the state, near the city of Nephi. I'm not sure how he fit back there but he kept going back to that spot, must have been comfortable.

I would love to get a nice picture of me and the girls. I don't think I have any pics of me with Tori. Please give the furkids a hug from me. All three are so cute!

You definitely need to do that, are there any pet photography studios near you? And hugs are given. ;)

And this pic is just stunning! Can you email me the full sized version?

Sure Val give me your email address I'm not sure if I still have it, I always forget to save email addresses :o

06-24-2005, 12:00 AM
The pics were just beautiful Amy. Nebo poses so well, and just loved the vids. I so enjoy looking at your kids mate.:) Naturally I just love Syd and Reggie, being schnauzers, but Nebo is such a handsome gorgeous pup. You live in a beautiful part of the world too. Thanks for sharing those. :)

06-24-2005, 02:18 AM
Nebo takes such great pics. He's a natural. That pic of Nebo and you is great (frame it, if you aren't already :) ) Love the mountains too. I'm going out to Wyoming in October and can't wait to see the mountains. Your pics are holding me over until them.

06-24-2005, 02:21 AM
Neebster pictures always make me :D
hes just soooo cute!

and great pictures!!!! :D