View Full Version : PT Prayers needed for a rescue.

06-22-2005, 06:43 PM
I just received a pm from mumpkees, Mari. She is trying to rescue this little baby that was hit by a car.

This is what she said

Am trying to get a kitten who was hit by a car and ran up into the wheel well of another car and then was maced in the face by a local policeman and then taken to a shelter where he was going to be pts if no one pulled him - pulled from the shelter in Dallas before his pts date on Friday. He has had no medical attention so even tho shelter says he is not injured..... and his eyes are all red and swollen and again no med attention - he may be blind or partially blind by now.

Please if we could get some PT prayers and well wishes for Mari to get this baby in time and for this little one to be ok it would be greatly appreciated. I know Pt prayers have worked wonders in the past and this little one is so very deserving to be happy and healthy and have a great home.

06-22-2005, 08:17 PM
Prayers for the little one! May she be rescued, healed, and have a happy home!

06-22-2005, 09:18 PM


06-22-2005, 09:25 PM
Oh no Mari! What is WRONG with the police? Macing a kitten? :mad: Plenty of prayers for the baby that he'll be OK. Please keep us posted.

06-23-2005, 07:36 AM
What is wrong with People:mad: :mad: !!! How could a police officer do something like that to a helpless little kitten. Prayers on the way that the little one will be saved and be well. I hope he was not blinded. Please keep us posted.

06-23-2005, 02:58 PM
Mace is safe!!! (and his adorable black self is begging for another name)

The HUSBAND of one of the shelter walkers / rescuerers on my list was sent down to Shelter this morning first thingon his way to work to pull Mace by his wife! Too cool or what?

Little guy is now in his office awaiting another rescuerer who comes in this afternoon to work and she will take him and get him to the vet to have his eye looked at and the rest of his body checked out. She’ll get him tested, shots and neutered at her group’s vet. And then will foster him until I can get the transport coordinated. Are rescuers a great group of people or what?

Thank you Tiger and Orange Blossom angels for being there in the cage with him while he waited. I'm sure that he welcomed your presence.

And thank you so much PT'ers for all the prayers. I know they helped to make sure someone got to him in time.

I'll let everyone know how he is after his vet appointment this afternoon.

/mari (SpiritCat)

06-23-2005, 03:22 PM
WONDERFUL NEWS!! Yes, I agree Mace isn't a very good name, it will bring back to many bad memories of what happened. I am glad that he is safe and will soon be checked over by a vet. Hope he checks out good and that his eye is all right. Please, let us know when you hear anything. Thanks for being there for him!

06-23-2005, 03:26 PM
Oh thank God!!! I was horrified when I read about this little one last night.

Thank YOU rescuers!!!! Thank you!!!

06-23-2005, 03:40 PM
Thank God he's okay!!! That cop is a jerk! :mad: :mad:

06-23-2005, 04:07 PM
Yea Mari, You got some great contacts and some great people working with you to save little "Chance"( I think that could be a good name) Paws,whiskers, fingers,toes and all other parts we can cross are crossed for a good prognosis from the vet. I am sooo glad you guys got to him.


06-23-2005, 04:17 PM
Prayers on the way!!!!!! Debbie

06-23-2005, 04:19 PM
So gald to hear the good news!!! :) Debbie

06-23-2005, 05:50 PM
I'm sorry to be late on the prayers to rescue this little one but glad to add prayers that his vet visit goes well.

I just cannot believe that this idiot of a cop maced the poor little tyke and that he was not given any medical attention. :mad:

Bless those people who got to him in time.

If you can, please keep us updated on this kitty.

Chance or Lucky would be good names to think about, or even Sunny, as he seems to still have a sunny disposition even after all he has been through.

06-23-2005, 08:22 PM
I think the cop should be reporeted, and his name slammed all over the internet! :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm so happy that innocent baby was pulled and hopefully will find a safe and furever home. Good news Mari..and please keep us posted.;)

06-25-2005, 03:11 PM
Please let us know how this poor little baby is doing.

06-25-2005, 04:34 PM
Come on now, guys. How dangerous a threat can an injured and traumatized little baby kitten be to a cop who has to be at least 300 times the baby's size and weight to justify being maced? Am I missing something here? Baby kitty gets run over by one car, gets caught in the wheel well of another car and is then denied veterinary attention? When did the humane treatment of animals become casually disposing of them rather than doing anything and everything possible to ensure their survival? This kitten is a brand new life with the potential to enrich some lucky person's life with the love and companionship only a kitty can give. We here at PT are fortunate to know that special kind of love and companionship from the cats and kittens that have taken over our hearts and our homes. This isn't an outrage, it's a crime! To those marvelous folks who rescued this baby, you have once again proven that there ARE angels among us. I'm sure the baby would love nothing more than to smother each of you with the sweetest kitten kisses you ever experienced to thank you for caring enough to help. God bless each of you. A good name might be Phoenix for all this kitten has come through.

06-25-2005, 04:54 PM
Very well said Momcat.:)

06-28-2005, 02:13 PM
Anything more to report on this little baby? The prognosis, vet visit etc., I would feel better hearing a good update, but perhaps no news is good news.

06-28-2005, 02:23 PM
Waiting for a report from Mari. She was waiting to hear how the little guy did at the vet and stuff. She did say there is no permanent damage to his eyes and no broken bones. He is no longer considered special needs so he will not be going to her but he is being put up for adoption through the lady that has him now. So, it seems all is looking bright for him.

06-28-2005, 02:31 PM
Mari pmed me. This is what she had to say

Heard from Mace's foster mom - and they are going to keep the name cuz he now has a great story to go with his adoption from the volunteers. And since he is a little black kitty, he can use that story to help with his adoption. She says he is doing great, coming out of his shell and doing put-putz and purring up a storm. He was pretty shell shocked from all that had happened to him and just wanted to hide the first night he came home.

06-28-2005, 02:36 PM
Thank you Michelle for the update!!! I have been really worried and since I hadn't seen any posting I had feared the worst. So glad that there is no permanent damage to his eyes or broken bones. Hope his tragic beginning will help him in his adoption! Wonderful that he is coming out of his shell a bit. The whole thing must have been very traumatic. I am pleased he is doing as well as he is.