View Full Version : Fear of bumble bees

06-22-2005, 03:32 PM
I am deathly afraid of bumble bees. I was quietly eating my ice cream and a huge &^% bumble bee hits my monitor :eek: I nearly fell off of my chair and ran to my mom and she was like he's not out to get you.

I really don't want to get stung and I really don't want my furbabies to get stung either. Does anyone else have a fear of bumble bees or other insects?

06-22-2005, 03:56 PM
I am also terrified of bees!! I have never been stung and I'm scared that when I do, I will be allergic and alone or something! Completely irrational! Especially since I'm not allergic to anything else and don't know why I would all of a sudden be allergic to bees! :rolleyes: ;)

I ALWAYS run from them though, ALWAYS!! "They" say that you shouldn't because they will get aggravated and sting and/or chase you...but, like I said, I've never been stung and I always run like a maniac....:p

PJ's Mom
06-22-2005, 04:06 PM
I have a healthy respect for bees, but I'm not really afraid of them. My son is very afraid, though.

06-22-2005, 04:21 PM
Its really weird, but I'm paranoid of wild rats lol! I can pet my Fancy Rats all day long, but when it comes to a wild rat I get freaked. I guess because I know they can have diseases and stuff. I dont know.

I also don't like Snakes. I don't even like pet snakes. no offense to anyone who does. They freak me out lol!

That sucks that your paranoid of bees. Hope you don't see another one.

Queen of Poop
06-22-2005, 04:47 PM
I hate bees, wasps, flys. Basically all buzzing insects. I've never been stung and have ABSOLUTELY no intention of being stung ever. They scare the crap out of me. I run like a wild woman any time anything buzzes near me. My husband thinks I'm nuts.

06-22-2005, 06:43 PM
I'm not terrified of bees, wasps, etc. but I do fear running across a nest of them! :eek: That happened to me once and I was moving at the speed of light to get in the house, didn't even get stung. Even had a hornets nest in our siding once and they were coming in the basement. I killed hundreds of them after we got rid of the nest. Not fun. I have been stung by a few of those little buggers in my time though! ;)

06-22-2005, 06:45 PM
I am terrified of Bees, Wasps, Hornets. Anything like that, that can sting me. I think my fear is because I am allergic to the stings. I don't know how severe and I don't want to find out.

Luvin Labs
06-22-2005, 06:52 PM

I used to be petrified of bees (got stung by one on my toe one day when i was a wee tot), now I am only somewhat scared around them. I figure if they want to die stinging me, go for it! I usually either try to avoid them, or talk to them (LOL) "excuse meEEEE mr bEEEK just passEEEKing through!" haven't ever been stung by one in a long long time.

I absolutely hate/scared of wasps. When I used to live with my parents, and there was a wasp in my room, I'd get my mom or dad (preferrably mom) to 'help me' kill it LOL... i.e. she'd run around trying to swat at it while I'm just out side the room (or in with her armed with two flyswatters just like her) and I'd go "EEEK RIGHT THERE" lol...

I also hate spiders. Saw one in the bathroom and I flipped the 'rug' over it and smashed it to bits, then put the rug in the tub just in case it was alive and would get me while I try to flush it. Josh had a laugh in the morning after seeing why it was in the tub.

06-22-2005, 06:58 PM
I'm not so crazy about wasps or honey bees but I think bumble bees are quite nice :D

06-22-2005, 08:16 PM
Luvin Labs,

The talk to the bumble bee thing made me LOL!


Yikes, it's a great thing you didn't get stung! :)

I guess I am afraid of them because I haven't got stung by one in a long, long time. I was 13 when my grandmother was having a garage sell and there was a nest of bumble bees. I was told not to go out there and I did :rolleyes: and guess what? I got stung right on my ankle bone. I just don't don't want to get stung again. I am actually afraid of everything that stings and don't even get me started on spiders(no offense to those of you that own spiders) One time Miagi was playing with something that I thought was a piece of string, of course silly me had to see what it really was and it was a baby spider :eek: (I don't know if it was dead when Miagi got ahold of it but it was when I picked it up and I screeched when I found out what it was) and threw it away.

06-22-2005, 08:31 PM
I'm scared of most insects :rolleyes:

I think I would have freaked out, too!