View Full Version : Worried...

06-22-2005, 10:12 AM
Once again, I'm going to appologise for not answering many threads. I have so much work on my plate -- I was up yesterday at 4:30AM and started work at 6:00.... didn't finish til 9:00 last night. The rest of the week is going to be just as hectic... so sorry if anybody isnt getting their threads answered.

Anyway, I am actually starting to become worried for Angeleyes. Today she is so languid. She has not played. She in fact has not moved from the spot she's been all morning. Her poop this morning was VERY runny. The fecal done on Monday was clean and clear of everything. She has no appetite. When I put food down, she runs to it as if she WANTS to eat. She takes a few bites, and walks away. I've tried EVERYTHING and the only thing she remotely responds to is adult canned Friskies. Hey, at least she's eating something!

Ok, I just caught up with my emails from the rescue. There was a kitten named Pounce that she was with before she came to me. He died saturday of FIP. OMG.... I read the email and her symptoms match his! I immediately did a search and the symptoms are line for line Angeleyes. Could it be that she has FIP? Am I overeacting (which hopefully is the case!) Could she spread the disease to Flutter? The online search I did said its more readily spread to elderly cats and kittens. I know its not commonly spread to adults, unless their immune systems are weakened. Luckily, all my adults are as healthy as can be!

06-22-2005, 11:00 AM
I'm sorry to hear this.

I suppose you should keep them apart until you find out for sure. Are you going take Angel the the vet?

06-22-2005, 11:19 AM
Oh no Kim, I know you are taking Angeleyes to the vet to check this out. Keep Angelaway from Flutter and the rest of the gang too. Better safe than sorry. Maybe it would even be a good idea to have Flutter checked too if Angel's test for FIP come bak positive. I hope and pray will all my heart that she is negative. And if she is positive I hope they caught it soon enough to help her and that she has not and will not infect any of your babies. Please let us know what happens.

P.S. How strange that just yesterday you immortilized Angeleyes in "picture" and today you find out she could be ill. Sad and very ironic.

Please be ok Angel !!!

06-22-2005, 11:29 AM
Oh no! Not this horrible disease! :( :( :(

When you take her in to the vet, get them to check for yellow fluid in her abdomen. That'll be a major indicator of the wet form of FIP, and it's quicker than waiting for the results of the blood test.

Fingers and paws are crossed here that Angeleyes just has a little bug and not FIP!

06-22-2005, 11:34 AM
Oh, Beautiful Angeleyes!! Paws, fingers, whiskers crossed that this is not what is wrong. Please let us know as soon as you hear anything. Probably wouldn't hurt to keep her away from the others.

06-22-2005, 11:40 AM
Ok, called the vet to schedule her leg surgery. Actually SPOKE to the vet! I was shocked. I asked him while I had him on the phone if it was possible she has FIP considering her symptoms and he said not to worry at this time because he doesn't think so. He also said that she'd have already exposed the others to it, so separating her will only cause her anxiety and stress.

Though I did open a can of wet food and she perked right up and gobbled it down like she was starving. Guess I need to go buy lots more wet and feed her in a cage... I can't afford to feed her wet several times a day plus my guys. I don't know HOW I'll do it since they nearly riot if they don't get wet food too. I leave dry out at all times. I toss out fresh handfulls of kitten food several times a day. I've been giving her wet twice a day... looks like I need to do it much more often.

Now... on to the conversation regarding her surgery:
The vet said he needed to know WHICH surgery she was going to go ahead with. Umm..... what do you mean, WHICH surgery? Apparently, there are two choices the head honches have to make - 1) its a referral to another vet who would do the bone plate surgery... mucho denero. 2) would be in-house at the regular vets. MUCH less $$$$....






Ready for the second option?





amputation. So I'll have TWO three leggers running around???? My heart is just crying for her right now. Poor little girl. I am almost certain the rescue will choose option 1 despite the cost. But I can't speak for them. I will do whatever they decide.

06-22-2005, 11:49 AM
Well all fingers, toes, whiskers and paws crossed there is nothing to the FIP scare. Also what are you gonna do Kim if they decide to amputate? You can't break up a pair of tripods. And you know you are gonna fall in love with Angel just like Flutter especially after all the time she will spend with you getting well from the surgery. You know you are in trouble with this one too right?
:D But then again so would I be. I would make the best failed foster parent in the world. LOL

06-22-2005, 11:54 AM
Glad to hear the vet doesn't think it is FIP! I sure hope that he is right. Also, happy to hear that she is eating. Whatever happens with her leg I am sure she will be just fine. With a "New" mended leg or without as long as she is healthy, she will be a happy, beautiful girl!

06-22-2005, 12:43 PM
It's good to hear that the vet thinks she's probably in the clear. You still might want to get them to give her abdomen a feel to make sure that it doesn't feel like it's filled with fluid, just to be on the safe side. We'll still keep the purr-ayers going here until she's had her vet check!

06-22-2005, 01:14 PM
Please read this thread that I posted in Cat Health about FIP. Very well written article, and the link to part 1 is there, as well as part two. Maybe print it out and read it a few times, and bring a copy to your vet. PLEASE do not rely on that useless test for FIP. Way too many cats and kittens have been killed because people think just because the test is positive it means the cat/kitten has FIP. This is not so! FIP is a member of the corona virus family that most every cold a cat can come down with also is a member. There are hundreds of different corona viruses and vets can NOT distinguish between a cat cold, or FIP without many other factors being looked at. The only truly conclusive test is a necropsy. It may be Angeleyes has coccidea, and it wasn't seen on the slide. Kitties can have a normal stool and still have coccidea which will cause the symptoms you describe. It's like having the stomach flu 24/7!:(

06-22-2005, 03:45 PM
We're pulling for Angeleyes to come thru this with flying colors! Come on little girl, you can overcome all of this!

Praying for your babies..............

06-22-2005, 03:55 PM

06-22-2005, 03:56 PM
:) Poor little baby & my girls hearts go out to you. We send whisker kisses & keep them paws up. Attached is my YardLeigh

06-22-2005, 06:00 PM
Hi Catnapper! Please try not to worry about little Angeleyes and FIP. When Groucho was 5 months old our vet at the time did a series of tests in preparation of having him neutered. She called a few days later and said Groucho tested positive for FIP but she said since he was less than 6 months old it was possible that he tested positive for his mother's antibodies. Because of his age, doctor said she wanted to test him again 6 weeks later. Took him in, doctor did the test and a few days later she said the results were down but not quite where she wanted to see it. She tested him again 6 weeks later and the results were great, right where they should be. I really don't know much about FIP. only that the vet can only treat the symptoms. Anyway, if you think she's showing symptoms and your vet wants to do a test remember to ask if she could be testing positive for her mother's antibodies. Just wanted to try and ease your mind as well as give you something to ask your vet if it should become necessary. Will you give Flutter and Angeleyes a couple tons of lovebug from me? And please let us know what happens.....

06-22-2005, 06:10 PM
Whew... took her to the vet today. First things first: she and Flutter have Coccidia. I gave them their first dose this afternoon.. and I swear she is perking up already. As I write this, she is chasing a fly. Thats more activity than she's done all day.

The vet feels that the other symptoms (the lethargy, the not eating) is related to both the foot and the coccidia. She's probably not eating because the food upsets her stmach then she has to poop, which is painful. She's probably acting lethargic because her foot must be causing some awful pain.

I fed her wet food tonight and the vet recommneds Prescription ID wet food until she starts eating properly. Thankfully I can pay for it and have the rescue reimburse me.

Since Flutter and Angeleyes have coccidia, there's a good chance my guys do too. Albon for everyone! Wooho! Albon party in da house! LOL I have to change all the litter and clean out the boxes AGAIN (I just did this last thursday) and make sure the little ones use one box, and the big guys use another just in case they don't have coccidia. That's easier said than done, but I'll try it.

Oh, and the vet doubts she has FIP. She is cautious (of course) but thinks everything is normal and healthy on her, and her reactions are to the coccidia and her badly broken leg.

06-22-2005, 06:14 PM
It's good to hear that the probablity of FIP is low. When you will know the decision on her little leg? It's soo sad that she could be in a lot of pain due to it. Poor little girly. I hope they decide what is best for her and not what is cheapest. Keep up posted on Angeleyes Kim. She has stolen my heart. Give her some lovin for me and some for all the others too. :D

06-23-2005, 07:31 AM
Sounds like you have your hands full Kim! At least the news is promising regarding the FIP. Sorry to hear about the Coccidia, but at least that is treatable. Poor little Angeleyes though with her leg. I sure hope that the pain isn't too bad and that something will be done for her soon. Please keep us posted. She has stolen a lot of hearts (as has Flutter, can't forget her)!!!

06-23-2005, 04:46 PM
Filou had coccidia when he was like 2 years old and Tigris never got them. So before medication you may wait.

I agree with everyone about the FIP. Let's believe she doesn't ahve it. It sounds unlikely.

Poor Flutter and Angeleyes- have to be good kitties and take your meds;)