View Full Version : Land of the midnight sun...

06-22-2005, 02:01 AM
Seeing as it's summer solstice today, I took some pics to celebrate the longest day of the year in the Land of the Midnight Sun! These were taken just a few minutes ago at 12:00am Pacific time. They are unedited except for resizing.
Taken from my front door.

Taken from the side of my house. That's my greenhouse in the backyard--it's doing great. Should have tomatoes soon and strawberries!

This is about as dark as it will get tonight and for the next few weeks. Makes sleeping difficult. We have blackout blinds in our bedroom. Last night I was going to go paddling until I realized it was 11 am! Right now I can hear someone running a chainsaw!

Happy Solstice!

06-22-2005, 05:59 AM
Truly amazing!

06-22-2005, 06:26 AM
Wow! That's awesome! I'd heard of that, but never seen pictures of it light out at midnight. Thanks for sharing! :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-22-2005, 06:57 AM
It doesn't get dark at all??:eek: OMG, I would never be able to sleep!! Does that mean it also stays dark during several weeks during winter?

Daisy and Delilah
06-22-2005, 07:08 AM
Glacier, would you mind if we come live with you? We love your pictures!! What a view of peace and serenity.:D

Terry, Daisy and Delilah
p.s. We're willing to bunk in with any or all of the animals.:)

06-22-2005, 08:22 AM
Not sure if I would like it daylight all day but that is pretty cool. Seems like you'd really get your days and nights messed up!

Nice pictures!

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-22-2005, 09:19 AM
Wow, I was just thinking about how the top of the world would be having 24 hours of daylight yesterday...I think that's so neat, but I would never be able to sleep!!:D Great pics!:)

Queen of Poop
06-22-2005, 09:29 AM
Great pictures!! Do the dogs/cats get messed up with all the daylight?

It stays quite light here, until about 11 pm these days. Thankfully we get a few hours of darkness until about 4 am.

06-22-2005, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Maya & Inka's mommy
It doesn't get dark at all??:eek: OMG, I would never be able to sleep!! Does that mean it also stays dark during several weeks during winter?

Yup, it gets dark and pretty much stays dark for December & January. I think on the shortest day we get a couple hours of light at mid-day, but it's not bright. It's more like dusk.

06-22-2005, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Queen of Poop
Great pictures!! Do the dogs/cats get messed up with all the daylight?

The cats don't seem to notice, but the dogs get their schedule mixed up. They think 3am is a great time to play this time of year!

Suki Wingy
06-22-2005, 02:39 PM
take me with you, take me with you, take me with yooouuuuuuu!!!!! I want to live where you liveeee!!!:(

06-22-2005, 07:16 PM
That is amazing!! Thanks so much for showing us this, like the others, I've heard about this. Its so neat to see. :)

06-22-2005, 07:22 PM
My ex works in Iqaluit(SP?). And he spent some time at Resolute Bay I think it was called during this time of year a few years ago and took pics. It was quite beautiful to see. Although Resolute Bay was quite empty. I don't think there are a whole lot of people there and the place just looked completely empty. Beautiful and barron.

06-22-2005, 08:23 PM
It's a beautiful part of the world, but I think I would have a little trouble sleeping too.:)

06-23-2005, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by kittycats_delight
My ex works in Iqaluit(SP?). And he spent some time at Resolute Bay I think it was called during this time of year a few years ago and took pics. It was quite beautiful to see. Although Resolute Bay was quite empty. I don't think there are a whole lot of people there and the place just looked completely empty. Beautiful and barron.

Resolute and Iqualuit are both even farther north than I am. Iqualuit is the major centre in Nunavut, but still not much there. Resolute Bay is very isolated and very few people actually live there year round. It's beautiful though--I'm partial to the Yukon, but the other two territories are stunning too.