View Full Version : frisbee dogs??

06-20-2005, 02:35 PM
Does anyone here do any frisbee games with their dogs?

I'm not sure if anyone was following my threads about my aussie pup, but to sum it up I originally wanted to do agility, then my nephew was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and was really sick, that inspired me to do therapy with him instead. Well I am having no luck with finding childrens hospitals in my area that allow therapy pets. I did find a couple homes for disabled kids though, but not many. So I'm going to do a sport with my aussie & just do a little therapy on the side.
Well I've been wanting to do agility for years but the last couple weeks I have been seeing some info on frisbee or disc dogs on tv, the net & a couple dog magazines.
I think this sport is awesome & would love to do it, but I'm having trouble locating training & shows in/near my area.

I was just wondering if anyone here does it?
For show or fun?
If for show do you have any pointers or leads for me?

06-20-2005, 02:48 PM
I do it, I would love to compete but there are no disc dog compititions anywhere near me, so its just for fun, I have done Demmos though lol those are generally held in mini compitions, I usually win with Happy lol her daddy had been the reining champ in the mini comps but when Happy came on the scene she beat out her daddy for top spot lol I would love to compete with Misty as she actually does Facy jumps, Happy only does long fetch, she is built to run, not to do fancy jumps lol Misty on the other hand.... :p

06-20-2005, 02:52 PM
I want to do flying disc with my catahoula. :D I haven't found any clubs in my area, but there is an annual competition and I want to go to the Iron Dogs Training Camp where I can learn from a professional. I'm sure my dog will do fine --- I just need to learn how to throw a flippin' frisbee. :rolleyes: I get it right about 1/3 of the time.

06-20-2005, 03:03 PM
lol jordan trust me you get better! i was AWFUL when i started lol now i am, good at tossing discs lol

06-20-2005, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by cali
I do it, I would love to compete but there are no disc dog compititions anywhere near me, so its just for fun, I have done Demmos though lol those are generally held in mini compitions, I usually win with Happy lol her daddy had been the reining champ in the mini comps but when Happy came on the scene she beat out her daddy for top spot lol I would love to compete with Misty as she actually does Facy jumps, Happy only does long fetch, she is built to run, not to do fancy jumps lol Misty on the other hand.... :p

Did you pretty much do all the training yourself?
From what I have read so far I guess you (the owner) trains the dog since it is not a common sport. There are some trainers (mainly in large cities) and videos & the such, but for the most part you train your own dog.

06-20-2005, 03:16 PM
yes, I train my own dogs, I do watch comps on TV all the time though and they often have top trainers that will give you exersizes to do, I follow the guidelines from these when I train, and when I young puppy I always start with a ball, becaise before you touch a disc the dog needs to learn to bring bring the object back, from long distances, this is actually required before you begin competing here anyway, its called a retrival provisiancy test, after the ball then you can take a disc and roll it, then when the dog is old enugh to jump what I do in I stand on one leg with my other out in front of me, then I have the dog jump over my leg and grab the disc from my hand-this is one I got from a top trainer that was interviewed for TOPDOGS. I do a lot of tehse kind of exersizes for warm-ups now :)

06-20-2005, 04:34 PM
I do frisbee for fun with Oz and Gull. I taught them both the same way. I started out teaching them catching skills with a soft stuffie, then a ball. When they could reliably catch it going away from them, I switched to a soft rubber frisbee. As they got more successful, I would slowly increase the distance I threw it away from them. From there it was just short hop, skip and jump away from figuring out to take off running as soon as my arm went back and then to track the frisbee down coming over their shoulder to catch it.

Gull did take a lil' longer though, because he didn't have good eye/mouth coordination as a puppy. He had to learn that, whereas with Oz it came naturally. The good news being though, that it's a skill that can be taught. As he matures, his skills are starting to surpass Oz's. He's got the potential to do some spectacular jumps I think. Since he's only one and half years old though, I try to keep my throws where he doesn't have to jump much to catch'em. Every once in awhile though I make a bad throw and he'll surprise me what he can do to catch it. I doubt we'll ever compete though. We just do this for fun and a whole lot of fun it is. Both of them seem to enjoy frisbee more then agility.


06-20-2005, 06:47 PM
I dabble with Smudge and Winter with frisbee, but it's more of a play thing at the moment. Thought I would like to maybe take some time and work my way up to competing with them which isn't that easy considering that frisbee competitions are just starting up in my part of Canada. For the time being though I'm sticking with Agility.

06-20-2005, 06:53 PM
Bozy is the only one that can catch frisbee but unfortunately I suck at throwing so he spends most of the time chasing it down. He doesn't seem to mind though.;)

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-21-2005, 03:58 PM
I play frisbee for fun with Blaze, although he always chews them up, so I'm always having to buy new ones!:rolleyes: He hasn't played for a while however...:o

06-21-2005, 04:00 PM
Kiara LOVES playing Frisbee. I never had to teach her anything. She just does it on her own. :D She doesn't really like the hard plastic frisbee's, she prefers the cloth-type floppy ones.

06-21-2005, 05:26 PM
hey kfamr! We need a video fix of Kiara catching her frisbee. :)

06-21-2005, 05:57 PM
I just took a few quick videos and will post them when I get out of the shower. (They're loading onto the webserver right now. :) )

She's not PERFECT at it but she loves it and catches it a majority of the time.

06-21-2005, 06:49 PM
Here are a few. They're not great as the sprinklers were on.

She's not PERFECT at is but she loves doing it and I like playing it with here, so what the heck? :)
The last one she's rescueing it from the pool.


06-21-2005, 07:14 PM
We throw a frisbee for Cagney occasionally, he's not to good at it though :p

LOL that last video of Kiara is so cute :D

06-21-2005, 07:19 PM
Great vids Kay! I love that 3rd one where she takes a boat ride across the pool to retrieve her frisbee. Too funny!

06-21-2005, 08:33 PM
Those videos are cute Kay! I really like the last one, she had to take the ferry lol!!!

Kyra likes frisbees, the hard plastic ones, the only problem is that they are like the same size as her! You throw it, she will run to it and spend a half an hour digging at it and finally decide to bring it back :rolleyes: She has troubles carrying it back she used to hold the edge then it would point upwards and she can't see where she is going, its pretty cute, but if she holds it so she can see it drags on the ground and she trips a lot!


06-22-2005, 02:41 AM
We love frisbee:D
here's lucee.....

06-22-2005, 07:48 AM
Haha Kiara's too cute, using the floaties as a boat to retrieve her toy!

Lucee looks like she really diggs the frisbee.

I really want to do frisbee with the pup, I just wish it was a more common sport. Hopefully it will grow into something big like agility & fly ball!

06-23-2005, 11:39 AM
Awesome! Awesome shot, tomkatz! Gosh she gets so high, I wanna borrow her to play with. :)

06-24-2005, 03:18 AM
Awesome! Awesome shot, tomkatz! Gosh she gets so high, I wanna borrow her to play with.

Sometimes I can't believe what a great dog she has become since finding her in the woods not that long ago......thanks for the kind words ParNone:D.......tom

06-24-2005, 09:10 AM
Wow tomkatzid, Lucee looks like she's awesome at that. I love that pic, its a great shot!

Suki Wingy
06-24-2005, 02:32 PM
NiƱo runs with the frisbee and waits till it hits the ground, then he pics it up and destroys it. lol:rolleyes: :D