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View Full Version : Fritz Update

06-20-2005, 09:00 AM
Fritz slept upstairs with Mom and Dad until about 1 a.m. when he started to wander around and then Mom put him in his own bed.He's been sick 3 times today and he has been outside to do his business.All he has done is drink water and sleep.Right now he is sleeping in a chair in our rec room.I hope with some rest he will get better or he might have to go to the vet.That's all I have for now.I am feeling bad for him.I'm sure he will be better.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-20-2005, 09:05 AM
poor baby boy - hope he's soon feeling better

06-20-2005, 10:07 AM
Keep us posted, please.

06-20-2005, 11:05 AM
get better soon Fritz!

06-20-2005, 11:12 AM
Feel better soon, sweetie!

06-20-2005, 12:25 PM
Awww feel better Fritz :(

06-20-2005, 01:24 PM
Oh! Poor Fritz.:( Is he feeling any better yet? Please keep us posted on hin Barry.