View Full Version : Just the four of us again...

02-11-2002, 11:24 AM
I had to make probably the hardest decision of my life yesterday. I sent Bailey to a new home. My reason was because Lolly was still acting depressed and then Reece started to get annoyed. Bailey was constantly mounting Reece for 5 days straight. He wouldn't leave him alone and Reece wouldn't correct him, Reece just had the most miserable look in his eyes. But then Reece and Bailey got back to normal. Lolly was still depressed though, so I had started to think of rehoming options. I never heard back from my friend. She was supposed to come see Bailey two weeks ago!!

But I was at work one day and looking through Lance's (our black Standard Poodle) applications. I saw the first one had been cancelled due to Lance being too much for her dogs. Then I saw she had 2 other poodles, a toy and a mini! She also does rescue work!!! And she wanted a 100% inside dog, feeds great food, and lives alone which is good because Bailey only bonds to one person. I called her and she is the nicest person in the world. She brought her 2 female poodles for me to meet so I'd feel better. She has a little black toy who weighs 4 lbs and is alpha, hehe. I forgot her real name but her nick name is MoJo. Then she has a chocolate/greyish 11 lb mini named Murphie. Bailey pretty much ignored both dogs and the woman and just kept licking my face and resting his head on me. So I left the room, but then he kept yelping. I went and told the woman he bonds really fast and would be like that with her in no time. She said she understood and she was really interested in adopting him.

So he went home with her. She was so nice to me. She said she knew how it felt to let a foster go. She had just adopted out a Pomeranian that day who had been with her 6 months. She said we could arrange visits whenever I wanted. I told her I'd call her in a couple days to check on Bailey and they left. Bailey kept trying to come to me while she was walking to her car so I had to run away crying.

My dogs are happy now and he is in the best home ever. I should be happy but I'm so depressed. I miss him so much. I've decided I'm not going to try to adopt anymore dogs until late summer. Then I will have had Lolly for a year and maybe she will be less neurotic. Because if I try again, its going to kill me if it doesnt work. Bailey would have been the perfect dog for me :( He had even stopped chasing the cat.

So I promise you guys won't be reading anymore heartbreaking stories from me anytime soon :(


02-11-2002, 11:33 AM
I'm so sorry, I know it must have been heartbreaking for you. I really hoped it would work out for you this time :(

02-11-2002, 11:34 AM
Oh, Aly, I know you are sad, but happy at the same time. You have always said that your three come first, and you have made a very courageous decision about Bailey. It certainly sounds like you know how to pick the new owners too!! She sounds like a perfect new mom for him. And I'm so glad that you will be able to keep up with him and how he does with his new family.

Hang in there and have yourself a good cry if you need to, hugging Reece and Lolly and of course, Shiloh, if she'll let you!! LOL!! :)

Dixieland Dancer
02-11-2002, 12:41 PM
Aly, my heart is breaking for you. I can only imagine the great loss that you feel. May your sorrow only be fueled by the thought that you made the right decision and in the long run everyone will be happier.

Blessings to you!

02-11-2002, 02:16 PM
It had to be miserably hard for you, but it does sound like Bailey is in a great home for him and that your fur-kids will be happier as the situation stands. {{{Aly}}} So sorry you are hurting, but it sounds like the best home for Bailey was found. Hang in there!

02-11-2002, 02:33 PM
Oh Aly. It seems you never fail to put aside your own feelings for the well being of Lolly, Reece and Shiloh and those precious rescues!:) I know how hard it must be for you to "let go" of these babies you care for so lovingly. But the wonderful news, in all of this saddness, is that as you say, Bailey is in the perfect forever home!!! AND you have visitation rights!;) I think it is a wise decision to give yourself a little bit of an emotional break. And when the perfect one (for everyone) comes along, you'll know it!! All my love to you dear Aly. You're an angel!! Give Lolly, Reece and Shiloh a big hug and kiss. I know they'll help ease the hurt and lick away your tears...

02-11-2002, 03:00 PM
Aly - my heart goes out to you and I applaud and praise you for your caring heart. Little Bailey will be happy and all because of you. You have a wonderful family and now everyone will live in harmony - sorry you had to give him up, seems that was the only thing to do to keep the peace and serenity in the family. Bless Ya!!!!!;)

02-11-2002, 03:39 PM
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!! GEt me off these rescue sites!! I started going to my normal rescue group sites to cheer me up but its just made me fall in love with a one eyed Maltese!!

I have a big problem. Is there a Dogs Anonymous group I could join for my addiction? :rolleyes:

Well I waited as long as I could. I'm going to call the woman and see if Reece and I can visit Bailey this week.

02-11-2002, 04:46 PM
Aly, I know it must be hard to let go, but sometimes we do what we have to do and in the long run you did the right thing. I'm sure Bailey will be fine with that woman and we will all be waiting to hear how Bailey is doing. I think you should enjoy Reece, Lolly and the kitty for a while and let yourself relax from all this tension and worry. Sometimes you just gotta let go. Take care of yourself.

Golden Smiles
02-11-2002, 04:58 PM
:) Sounds like a happy ending to me! If she couldn't work out at your ome, that woman's home sunded like a great choice. Don't feel bad, you did all you could and more. Terri

02-11-2002, 05:07 PM
Gee Aly, I'm surprised it took you THIS long!!;) I can't go into those rescue sites too often for just that reason! It's so PAINFUL! And I want to take them all home:( Let us know how the visit goes. And have a wonderful time at your bookclub. Sounds like fun!:)

02-11-2002, 06:36 PM
Oh, Aly, this was a heartbreaker. There just wasn't anything cuter than Reece and Bailey together, and the fact that he adored you so much had to be the worst when it came to letting him go. I cry just thinking about it. But you have to admit, this woman's home couldn't be better for him. And leave it to you to remember her. Once you know that he and she have bonded, I know you will feel a whole lot better. I just wonder if you should go to see him so soon. It might be too hard on both him and you. You know best about these things though so don't let me influence you on something I am just conjecturing about.

02-11-2002, 06:39 PM
Aly, you did what was best for your little family. You have the perfect harmony now and maybe sometime in the future, you could add one more. Bailey will have a wonderful forever home and you have visitation rights!! You helped him find his new home. You are (as always) an angel. :)

This is just what scares me about fostering! sigh

02-12-2002, 09:41 PM
Oh, Aly, I am sooo sorry, about sweet Baily.:( I know how you feel. I know it was a tough decision, but you made the right choice! You have such a wonderful love for animals, and I am very thankful that you do.:)

Lots of love,
Sarah & Sadie:)