View Full Version : What's a bored kitty to do? pics

06-18-2005, 06:57 PM
Mew Mew PT! It's me Boots! My mom says I am nothing but trouble today. My dad says I am "self-entertaining"! I say "mrow, headbonk" to both of them.

This afternoon, I was hanging out, minding my own business, which gets boring pretty quick!

Mom was cleaning the kitchen so I thought I'd help by laying in the middle of the floor and trying to eat her shoes! That got boring pretty quick too! Mom says I have kitty ADD!

So I went and checked out the ringy thingy table. Lots of stuff to knock off that. Boy, it sure gets the humans' attention in a hurry when you start knocking things around!

Then I saw a nice sunny spot so I decided to have a nap.

Being a busy boy is exhausting! I need a nap before I cause anymore ruckus!

Bootsie-wootsie (that's what mom calls me, crazy hoomin!)

06-18-2005, 07:02 PM
ROTFLMAO....bootsie wootsie has really settled in nicely huh? You just gotta love those little trouble makers. They can certainly keep you entertained.

06-18-2005, 08:09 PM
I LOVE Boots! How handsome! :D

06-18-2005, 09:59 PM
Aren't you a cutie pie, Boots??

I don't know WHAT you're meowmie is talking about...you look like an excellent helper!!

So cute!! :)

06-18-2005, 10:24 PM
Boots, you are very mischevious today. And just as cute as ever! I've never seen a kitty with black paw pads before. Your fur is so pretty and shiny. Glad you had a fun day.

Laura's Babies
06-19-2005, 12:42 AM
100% Catattude! This reeks of it... look at that smirk.. He KNOWS he is HOT STUFF!

Hope you had fun today helping out around the house!!


06-19-2005, 07:42 AM
That picture of Boots sprawled on the bed just makes me want to crawl on the couch and conk out. He looks SOOOO relaxed and comfy.

Good job, Boots!

Love those pretty white whissies!

06-19-2005, 09:26 AM
Boots, it's so good to see how well you fit in with your new family.

Tell meowmie that you are still exploring to get use to all the new smells that are around. It may take awhile because you have to check every nook & cranny and everything that goes along with it and if anything should happen to get broken (I pray nothing does), tell her the "DUCK" did it.:D