View Full Version : Adams Flea and Tick Mist

02-10-2002, 05:31 PM
Has anyone used Adams Flea and Tick Mist? We bought a bottle and i just put it on Simba. Its a Insecticide, Repellent (trust us, we dont want to be near Simba right now, LOL!) and a deoderant. Has anyone else used it? did it work well? thanks in advance. were still trying to fight theese fleas!

02-10-2002, 09:29 PM
In the past I have used the Adams Shampoo and the spray quite successfully. This way way before the Frontline and Advantage became available. I think it will work fine, but if you can get him on a monthly regimine, that will be even better.

02-10-2002, 09:47 PM
we have tried the monthly thing, they never worked and just seemed to be a waste yeah it stopped them from being on his back, but they would just go on his head or on his tummy or around his private area.