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View Full Version : Very URGENT!!! Kitty with FIV getting PTS.

06-17-2005, 02:47 PM
We have a cat at the vets office that got attacked by some animal (we are thinking racoon) and his face from the left side over is ripped off, with the skin hanging there. We tested him for FIV, and he is positive. So the vet wont operate without a home for him. I went through patient files of people who own FIV positive kitties, but no one wants this cat, probably because of his face.
Kim (another employee) said she will cover the surgery cost for his face and antibiotics, and I am willing to help cover the cost of his neuter. But neither of us can have him, we have other cats and it would not be right to have him put outside to spread the disease.
He is VERY sweet, not pretty to look at *because of the hanging flesh* but overall a really great cat, and I dont want him to be Put down, just because of his FIV.
I think that he was dumped, because Kim just moved into her house, and he was hanging around outside. She planned on bringing him in to get his shots soon, and rehome him, but then she noticed his face, and had to bring him. We dont know what to do.
I AM NOT ASKING FOR MONEY!!! Please dont think that. We are trying to find someone, whom can look past his face, and past his disease, and give him a great loving home. Does anyone have any advice with what we can do with him? We only have a few days to figure something out. We called all animal shelters, and even FIV rescue groups, and noone will take him.
I will try and get pictures of him tomorrow. But I have to hurry, because almost everyone (doctor and other employees) are pushing to put him to sleep, and I just dont know what else to do.
Any help, advice, anything PLEASE!!! Does anyone know anyone with a FIV positive cat that would be willing to share a home for this poor kitty? I am willing to try anything.
Thank you SOSOSOSOSO much in advance! *HUGS* Katie

06-17-2005, 03:39 PM
Catfamily knows someone who will take him email her. I will try and call her.

06-17-2005, 03:56 PM
:( oh Katie that sounds so bad. Hope the cat is not in pain. Where is the owner or is it a stray? Please dont let him/her suffer. I am in Tx & I can check out my shelters around here ok. The looks of a cat's problems would be the least of worries & however no one with home of cats dont want the virus.

06-17-2005, 04:11 PM
I emailed her and am trying to call but no answer. I will leave a message on her voice mail. Please tell them you have a home for this kitty to save it's life. I am sure with everyone working we can find one.

06-17-2005, 07:42 PM


06-18-2005, 04:28 PM
what happened with the cat?

06-19-2005, 02:54 PM
I am sosososo sorry guys. I have been so busy at work.

BUT I am still keeping him alive, as almost EVERYONE there is pushing to get him put down. I really love this cat, he is such a sweetie.

He was found as a stray, and brought in to be put down. I just cant let the doctor do it. Other than his FIV, and his face, he is perfectly normal. He purrs, loves, and I swear when I go in to love on him, and I talk to him, and he has tears coming out of his eyes. It is heartbreaking. I have exhausted every option. Pet talk is my only other option. I just dont want to give up on this kitty. I wanted to take his pictures and show them to you all (and hope someone here sees what I see in him) but I cant find my USB cable to connect it to the camera.

My offer still stands. I will get him neutered and antibiotics and whatever I can do. I dont have a ton of money, but I get 1/2 off all neuters and 1/4 off medications so that will help. I dont want any money, I just want to find someone who can take this kitty. I am willing to do ANYTHING possible that I can do.

Doolittlekitty, Thank you SO much for trying to help me. I will PM you my name and number- and my work number as well, so if you find out ANYTHING- Please dont hesitate to call me. I will reimberse for the long distance fees. I dont currently have a computer, so I am trying to get to my moms house as much as possible and get on here, but it is hard.

Thank you all so much, *HUGS* Please keep the prayers coming and I am just going to keep up the hope. It is not over until its over;) Katie

06-19-2005, 04:09 PM
I am in NH and to far away to help, but I sure will send prayers that this little baby has a fair chance at life. I hope that someone will give him the home that he deserves! Keep us posted please!!