View Full Version : What are your weekend plans?

06-17-2005, 02:10 PM
I am so glad this week is almost over! I have been working like a madwoman trying to get everything under control before I go on vacation 07/04 to 07/08.

This weekend is going to be absolutely crazy! My plans are:

1. Help my father in law with some work related stuff for a new job he's applying for. (This is tonite)

2. Do laundry, clean house a bit

3. Bank runs for myself and my state association that is related to my job, I am the treasurer.

4. Work on some accounting stuff for my state association.

5. Go in and work at my second job for 4 hours tomorrow.

6. Go get my father a Father's Day present.

7. Go to Virginia Beach on Sunday with Brian and Guinness to spend the day with my family for Father's Day.

8. Do some studying for a work presentation that will be next week.

This is why I don't get to post as often as I'd like to. However, I do still enjoy reading everyone else's posts, gives me a nice little break in my schedule.

WHEW!:eek: I'm going to definitely need this vacation. How about you? What are you doing this weekend?

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-17-2005, 02:24 PM
Well, let's see...I'm going to go to my brother's baseball game tomorrow, and we have lots of relatives coming in tonight for the weekend!:) Then on Sunday we're going to have a big party with lots of friends and relatives, so that should be tons of fun!!;)

06-17-2005, 02:28 PM
Weekends are always so jam packed with stuff to get done. This weekend seems to be bigger than most. Dick has decided this is the weekend to paint the outside of the house and maybe reframe the garage door.

Friday night:
Mow outside the fence - about 2.5 acres.
Bathe Max

Take Molly & Kirby to the groomer at 8:30.
Come home start laundry
Help Dick with painting the outside of the house (and any other project he comes up with)
Keep working on laundry
Pick Molly & Kirby up around 1:00 pm
Come back to do more laundry & painting
In the meantime, I''ll need to vacuum and scrub floors

Fix breakfast
Help Dick cook dinner (he's insisting on grilling a turkey - his specialty)
Work on the pool - finish cleaning and adjusting chemicals
Still more laundry
Still more painting
Clean house

Back to work to rest

06-17-2005, 03:20 PM
I'm not sure what i'm doing tonight but i've been invited to 2 parties are Saturday so I may alternate between those.

Sunday I'm cooking a nice dinner for my father, with all of his favorites..
Steak & Shrimp Kabobs
Asapargus on the grill
Scalloped potatoes, with bacon and onions, in foil on the grill
And for dessert a caramel and peacan cheesecake.


Hope you have a nice vacation, Stephanie! Seems like you really need it. :eek:

I think we're in need of some new Guinness pictures.; )

06-17-2005, 03:44 PM
I need to go shopping either tonight or tomorrow for Father's Day. I know, I know...don't wait til the last minute..;) :p


I am sure your father will enjoy his meal :)

06-17-2005, 03:45 PM
Mostly boring stuff--cleaning all the dog runs. I do that every night, but I always miss something! So on the weekends, they get a good cleaning again. Scrubbing and putting new litter in all the boxes. Hopefully fixing some more fence. Still repairing after last fall's windstorm. Clean the house and laundry too. Gotta call my Dad--he lives a long way from me. Working in my greenhouse. it's growing like crazy!

I think we are going to bbq tonight. Oh, and I think I can take Deuce's drains out!! WHOO HoO! I'm sick of those things. I'm sure he is too.

Fun stuff--walking the dogs and paddling. I brought my kayak to work today so I can go straight to the lake once I get out of here!

06-17-2005, 04:46 PM
Tomorrow, I'm going to (or try to do) ii's caled sleeping in! Haven't been able to do it in 2 weeks. Also I'll do my rounds of flea markets. Sunday I'll go to church then probably over to my brother's houe for a Father's day cookout!

06-17-2005, 05:08 PM
Basically I'm getting ready to leave on vacation from Sunday to Thursday in Tennesse! We're going to a state park in a mountain(we go there almost every year and I don't even know what it's called!:p)
Horseback riding lesson
Clean Paulie, Gordo, Keeley, Marty, Alex, Tiny Tim, and Dolly's cages
clean food and water bowls
Give Squishy a bath
Take Keeley and Gordo to get their wings clipped
Pack for Tennesse

Clean Squishy's cage
Clean out litter boxes and outside dog kennel
Get ready to leave for Tennesse
Hang out with my dad before I leave

Anita Cholaine
06-17-2005, 05:41 PM
I'll have a boring weekend....... :o .I have a lot to study for school, so, that's all what I will do....... I'd like to go to play bowling with my friends.......

06-17-2005, 05:50 PM
Tomorrow I have to work, then when I get home I'm going to relax for a bit. Watch some TV. Then I have to clean the rat cage and vacuum.

On Sunday I have a doggy birthday party to go to. So I'll be off at Duke and Bella's party pretty much all day I guess.

06-17-2005, 06:18 PM
well lets see, study.... study..... study......... and study! lol I have finals next week :p

06-17-2005, 06:39 PM
Next week is my last week of school, so I have to study for Finals over the weekend and finish up the last of my projects that are due.

Yay. :p

06-17-2005, 06:48 PM
Tomorrow I plan to catch up on lost sleep ;). Sunday my friends and I may be going down to Victoria to see Madagascar and do some shopping.

06-17-2005, 06:56 PM
Well, I thought I was going to start my weekend by working until 10 or 11 tonight. good for me, bad for our client, that fell through.

Tomorrow I am transporting a dog from Toledo to Sandusky (part of his trek from a shelter in Michigan to a rescue in Maryland) When I get back to town I have many errands to run to get things ready for the family reunion. Then I have a graduation party to go to. Then to fix food and fill water ballons for family reunion.

Sunday is Ralph's family reunion, then home to do laundry, catch up on house work.

06-17-2005, 07:36 PM
- Work at Famous Dave's BBQ: 8am til' 12:30pm
- Shower
- Talked to Zack, found out we can't go bowling, since he is too tired to hang out and we both got up early this morning, so we will be hanging out Saturday evening
- Going bowling with my best friend, Erica and her boyfriend, and her friend & also her boyfriend

- Work at Famous Dave's BBQ - 8am til' ?
- Walmart to get my dad a Father's Day gift - Lonesome Dove on DVD
- Figure out what to do with Zack, maybe watch "Hitch" or something.. try to tell him how I feel about him at the right timing

- Work at Famous Dave's BBQ - 8am til' ? (hoping I get off early, since it's Father's Day.. and I am NOT thrilled having to work also.. )
- Don't know yet
- After working, I'll be happy to sleep in for two days, but then I have 5 days to work again in a row... *sigh* AT LEAST I'm requesting July 1,2,3 off.. because I think we are going camping.

06-17-2005, 08:17 PM
my weekend will be very boring but relaxing, my daughter has been home all week sick,but is on the mend now, but the weather is atrocious, pouring with rain, so we are all cosy inside with the heaters blasting, and the kitties are all warm and safe inside.

It started early this morning at 7 am as my hubby and I had the paper round to do, as Melissa is not well enough, and we did not have a reliever for today, so after that it was breakfast, then reading the paper, making a chocolate cake, and I am just going to watch the TV with hubby, have some internet time and that is it really,tomorrow we will do our regular grocery shopping and who knows what else, but not much I think, maybe a bit of shopping in the mall to pass the time.

06-17-2005, 09:09 PM
Tomorrow I am helping at an adoption event at the shelter and just hanging out/cleaning on Sunday!

finn's mom
06-17-2005, 09:12 PM
I was hoping to get some appointments for tomorrow, but, I didn't try as hard as I should have. I'm still getting out of the lazy place I've been able to hang out in since I got back home. Oh, well, I learned my lesson! ;) But, for Sunday, just chilling with my parents. I think we're going to have dinner with my step brother and his family, which will be cool. Happy Father's Day to all the men out there!

06-17-2005, 09:19 PM
I have to work all weekend. Hubby is in Michigan this weekend so when I get home from work I will be busy doing his household chores in addition to mine.

06-17-2005, 09:57 PM
Working tonight (Friday) till 7am Saturday morning. Go home and sleep because it's back to work Saturday night till 7am Sunday morning, get some sleep. Maybe go to my parents, depends on how tired I am. I have no weekends.....I work all weekend long. :(

06-17-2005, 10:39 PM
Grocery shopping
Pick up child I babysit from school
have her till 8:00

8:45am get child again till 5:00
go to my parents cottage during day
6:30pm going to bus races!! YAY

8:45-5:00 child again
cleaning house
EAT LOTS till bedtime
go to bed early cuz I'm babysitting again