View Full Version : is it a hairball?

06-17-2005, 09:02 AM
Hi guys! I know I haven't posted in a long time, but any advice anyone can give me would be greatly greatly appreciated.

I think Tito has a hairball but I'm not sure. None of my cats have ever had a hairball. I've never even seen one. Tito is 18 months old now so I'm thinking it's about time for him to have one. And this is that time of year when they're shedding like crazy.

Anyway - I'm not sure it's a hairball. Symptoms are hacking (sounds like he's going to vomit) about 2-3 times a day, but nothing but spit comes out. Also, his meow sounds kind of funny lately, like he's got something in his throat and it's making his kitty voice crack. He doesn't seem sick, he's been eating, he hasn't vomited or anything like that. I've been giving him hairball medicine every day for the last three days.

The vet said a cat losing his meow is not a normal symptom of hairballs, but to keep giving him the hairball medicine and keep an eye on him. If he vomits up food, stops eating, or doesn't cough anything up in 5 days, I am supposed to bring him in. It's been 3 days this has been going on. Steve said this morning he thought his meow sounded better, but I haven't heard him meow since last night. Does this sound like a hairball to anyone? Like I said, I've never had a cat cough one up, so I don't know what to expect.

In other news, Steve and I moved into a new house, and the cats seem to like it. They are acting a bit funny though. Sophie will sometimes get scared by Tito coming around a corner or something, and she'll hiss and growl at him, something she never did before. And Tito doesn't seem like his usual crazy self; he doesn't seem to want to play as much. I guess that could be a sign that he's sick, but he's been this way ever since we moved (Memorial Day weekend) and he's only done the hacking and stuff this week.

OK guys, I got to run. Any advice anyone can give me, I'd love you for it. Hope everyone is doing good!!



06-17-2005, 09:05 AM
Oh yeah, and here's a pic of Tito!

06-17-2005, 09:24 AM
He is a little cutie, sure hope he is feeling better soon. It is possible that it is a hairball, it is the shedding season. I would keep an eye on him and continue with the medicine. If no hairball comes up or if he starts acting sick or not using the litter box or not eating or any other normal activies change I would get him to the vet.

06-17-2005, 09:28 AM
Tito and Lizzielou- so glad to see you back:)

In this house, hairball business doesn't take three days. Two or three times hack hacking and maybe a little yowling when it's a big one and there it is- the old dirty ugly hair sausage (looks more like the usual tootsie rolls to me than like a ball:eek: ).

I hope anyway Tito produces it or is better soon. If not.. than he has to see the White Coats:(

Laura's Babies
06-17-2005, 09:47 AM
Could it be allergies? A new enviroment could have something that he is allergic to or if it is in a new area. That could also explaine the change in his voice and coughing. Ask you vet about giving him some Benydril (? spelling), 1/2 a teaspoon for a cat I think (maybe one of the kitty experts can verify that amount)

That picture is just to cute! Looks like he just fits in that basket and that look on his face is priceless!!

06-17-2005, 12:49 PM
Thanks, Laura, yes he just barely fit in the basket. He managed to flip the magazines out of it, and get down in there somehow. It was pretty funny.

Well, I was hoping to avoid a trip to the whitecoats but if I go home today and he's still meowing funny, I'm going to take him in. Luckily I already have an appointment for Sophie this afternoon (annual checkup), so I called the vet and asked if I could bring Tito along and they said that was fine. I'll ask them about allergies. I will let you guys know. Thank you all so much!!! :D


06-17-2005, 07:59 PM

