View Full Version : Easy treat recipe for all sorts of critters

06-16-2005, 04:31 PM
Ok I wasn't going to post this under pet general, but I thought of varients fo other animals.
Note this quote from cat general: "These treats really are for everybody, my goldfish love the pea treats crushed up and I'm sure my aunt's horse would love the carrot treats as well as my cockroches and my friends rabbit. Maybe some molassus (sp?) in horse treats. Heck put some bird seed in some and you've got some cookies to hang by the feeders."

Originally for dogs

the original:
2 cups whole-wheat flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup milk
Preheat oven to 375F. Combine ingredients in bowl. Knead dough on floured surface and roll to 1/4 inch. Cut with cookie cutters and place on cookie sheet. Bake for 10-20 minutes until golden. Store in ziploc bag in the fridge.

Flavour varients I made (replacing peanut butter):
Mashed peas w/wo bacon bits
Mashed carrots w/wo parsley flakes
Mashed cranberries w/wo cinnamin
Cheese spread w/wo bacon bits or melted cheese
Mashed hot dog
Canned, ground dog or cat food
Mashed olives, for cats who love olives
Prepared, thick oatmeal
Prepared, thick chicken, pork, or beef gravy
Tomato paste
-Try other ingredient that have this type consistency and are safe for your pets to eat.

-These treats burn easy, check often and flip when half done. You can cook them until they are crisp or leave them a little soft.
-It may take more flour to make a good dough. The peas took a cup more to make it not stick but the cheese took the proper amount.
-For small puppy, training, or cat treats use a knife to cut a grid from rolled out dough and seperate pieces, don't bake as long.
-The treats don't rise or stick (except the cheese ones which rose a lot) so don't worry about spacing on the pan.

Just make sure they are safe for your type of pet and don't give them too many sweets.

future vet
06-18-2005, 10:51 PM
Thanks for the recipe!
My dogs would go crazy!
I should try them out!:)