View Full Version : Share a cute story

06-16-2005, 01:55 PM
This happened yesterday. My little cat, Chianti, has a tiny meow, kinda squeeks.

I went to lay down for a nap and I usually take Chianti with me but yesterday I didn't. My big cat Simon came and laid down on the end of the bed. He is a near but not so near to touch cat.

The two of us were laying there for awhile and I hear what sounded like, "Ma Ma"? LOL, it was Chianti. It sounded like she called me Mama and was calling to see where I was. Her cute little meow.

I said we're in here Chianti. Come on baby. She came in and jumped on the bed at the foot. Then we all had a little nap.

06-16-2005, 02:10 PM
My oldest Girl Lilith has her pawpie wrapped around her little paw. Yesterday, I told my hubby we have to cut her nails. So for the first time he wanted me to hold her and he was gonna clip. This has never happened before he is always to scared he will hurt her. So, I had her all settled in my arms and he picked up her back paw to start the clipping. As he got the first claw into the clippers he looked at her and she looked into his face and let out a little meow. That was it. He let go and wouldn't do it. He says "But she asked me Why daddy why" And there was no way on god's green earth he would touch her to cut her nails or let me cut them again yesterday. Now, tell me does it sound like Lilith knows exactly how to work him or what?

06-16-2005, 02:23 PM
While staying at my mom's house I have been trying to help her out with housework like laundry, yard work and especially with doing the dishes.

So the other night I have my hands in the dish water and up jumps her big, beautiful boy Midnight onto the counter. He comes over to where I'm standing and looks at me with these sad, sad eyes. He tilts his head and just keeps on looking up into my eyes. So I dry my hands and give him some loving. I go back to the dishes and he again tilts his head and then he gives me a little head butt. So again I dry my hands and give him about 1 - 2 minutes of loving and go back to the dishes.

This keeps going on with Midnight for a good 5 minutes or so until finally I have my hands in the water and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see this big black paw coming straight for my face and "POW" he left hooks me straight across the face.

I guess he wanted a lot more loving than I gave him. :rolleyes:

06-16-2005, 02:23 PM
AWWWW that made me tear up about Lilith. LOL

06-16-2005, 02:30 PM
What great stories:D I really enjoyed them:)

06-16-2005, 02:34 PM
My little Chianti thinks I'm her mother. She nurses on a fuzzy blanket but she prefers it to be on my lap. She is nursing now. Whenever I sit down in front of the computer she will come over and tap me on the arm. She looks at me like, it's nursing time please. So I have to put the blanket on my lap and she jumps up an nurses. So funny. I tell her she won't get any milk out of that blanket but she still loves it.

The cutest thing is when she has happy feet and she is only making sucking sounds. Her head isn't on the blanket an I can see her little tongue flicking in and out about a fourth of an inch. She looks like she is in a trance just sucking away swaying back and forth.

Sometimes she has her rump on the table and her head and paws on the blanket, nursing away.

06-16-2005, 04:43 PM
AAAHHHH! Why we love our cats so much. Every morning Groucho sits in the bathroom with me while I get ready for work, One morning he was sitting on the lid apparently trying to flush the toilet. First he tried with one paw on the handle and really worked at it. When that didn't work, he tried with the other paw several more times, again no luck. Now he goes at it with both paws, he tried and tried and tried, no success. Well, after a minute or so of pondering the situation he went up on top of the tank and went through the exact sames moves from above the handle.. one paw... the other paw... both paws... poor kitty just couldn't make it happen in spite of all that effort. So funny to watch and he was so determined. If I was brushing my teeth during this, think I'd have choked on the toothpaste

06-16-2005, 08:51 PM

Laura's Babies
06-17-2005, 12:08 AM
I love all of these stories. My favorite about mine is watching Amy building up her courage to get up on that top perch. She mastered the second level without much effort but it took a lot for her to work into the high level.

She would lay there awhile, looking at the top perch. Then she would sit up and look at it, lay back down awhile and sit back up..... All day she worked her way into it.

After just looking at it sitting and laying back down, she started standing up and looking, then lay back down, eyeballing it the whole time. After she was comfortable with standing and looking...... then she reached out with her paw and touched it briefly, then would lay back down, still eyeballing it. After about 5 times of touching it, then she put her paw up there and leaned ever so gentely towards it a little...would lay back down and she kept this up uptil she was comfortable leaning into the perch. (Keep in mind, this is taking her HOURS) Once comfortable leaning into it, MANY trys later... she placed her paw on it and raised her head up to look at the perch...... Time to switch paws now... She goes through the whole routine again with her other paw until she was comfortable with doing that. By that time, I am so deeply involved in keeping my eyes on her and my heart was bursting because I knew what she was doing...

Finally then time came when she put BOTH paws up on that top perch.... and she sat down, studying it.. So deep in her kitty thoughts... studying it and studying it.. She put both paws up there again over and over and would sit back down and study. Finally, with both paws up there, she stood up on her weak wobbely hind legs and stretched towards the top perch and leaned her upper body into it.... then she sat back down but she was determined now to finish this challange and she didn't sit long. Both paws go up and she stands on those weak back leags and stretches into it again. About 5 more times and by then, she was comfortable and was ready to try it.. I had the camera ready of coarse!! She stood on the second level, put those paws up there and UP she went!! She was proud as pie that she had finally accomplished what she had wanted for so long and so was I. I was crying and taking pictures, praising her and telling her how brave she was. She was SO darn proud of what she had done!!! Nothing stops that brave little determined girl and I am so proud of her!!

(For anyone that does not know, Amy is a CH kitty and hers effects her back legs and hips. It is hard for her to walk and she falls over a lot because of her CH.)

This is a picture of her when she got on the lowest perch the first time... see that look of pride and satisfaction she has on her face when she made it this far? (and already eyeballing the highest level..... NOW I realize that was her goal the whole time!)

06-17-2005, 02:22 AM
How sweet and she does look so proud of herself. Yeah Amy such a brave kitty.

06-18-2005, 11:25 AM
More stories please. I love cute stories!!!!!!!!!!

06-18-2005, 12:18 PM
Lilith was at it again. Daddy oh daddy I want cuddles. She gets super affectionate at times. Daddy was studying. He is a classical guitarist. So anyway, he was studying and doesn't like to be disturbed as it takes all his concentration. Lilith and Vixen were both sleeping so the door was left open. Lilith wakes and very quietly sneaks in where daddy is. First she starts rubbing around his legs, no response from daddy. Then she starts rolling onto her back and grabbing at his feet. Still no response. So she decided it was time for major action. She gets up and stretched up his leg and puts her little paw on his hand and he looks at her. That's all it took with the look she looks right back into his eyes and does her little tiny mew. Down goes the guitar and is replaced by Lilith. I come into the room as I did not hear the guitar anymore and she jumps down and runs out the hall with tail in the air. She was caught so she had to make the great escape. She has him soooo wrapped it's unbelievable. And believe it or not daddy was never a cat person. He always loved animals cats included but he was a dog guy. Lilith fixed all that is 2.2 seconds

06-18-2005, 12:49 PM
LOL that is so funny. Another said her hubby diidn't like cats but agreed to having one. Now he warms up the food in the microwave for the cat and waits on her hand and foot.:rolleyes: He loves her to pieces and spoils her.