View Full Version : Sigh, another vet trip...

06-16-2005, 11:15 AM
Not Deuce this time though. He's doing well. I'm going to pull the drains out tonight and maybe take him for a little walk. He's getting a wee bit nutty with the confinement!

This time it's Pingo who is hurt. Some of you may remember that over the winter, she had two episodes of unexplained muscle pain in her back end. I think it was because she pulls on an angle all the time and she pulls like a demon! The last time was in February and my vet couldn't find anything really wrong. His x-ray machine was broken that day so her hips weren't imaged. We just treated her with rest and Metacam and in a week she was back to normal.

Last night we had a huge thunderstorm. Very unusual for up here. Several of my dogs don't like storms so I went home early and let them inside. I've never seen storm fear from Pingo before, but last night she was terrified. I've never seen her so scared of anything. She was panting, shaking, and very clingy. Pingo is outgoing and likes attention, but she's not a cuddler. Last night she was a full on lap dog! It actually made me feel ill watching her be so freaked out. I gave her some rescue remedy and it helped a bit, but too late.

After the storm ended, I let her stay in the house so she could pull herself together. When she tried to lay down, she yelped. She wouldn't jump up on the couch & she is a couch hog usually! This morning she yelped when she went outside and then went straight to her dog house and laid down. I think she pulled something when she panicked--she slipped on the floor a couple times.

So this afternoon she's going to see Dr. Rick and get x-rays done. I sure hope there's nothing serious wrong with her hips or her spine. Aside from the fact that I adore her and hate seeing her in pain, she's my main lead dog and she's only 8 years old! I still need her in harness and she loves to pull. She will not want to retire!

06-16-2005, 11:20 AM
I think you should give her a break...
Has she been doing this all her life?
I hope she doesn't have permanent damage... :(

06-16-2005, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by beeniesmom
I think you should give her a break...
Has she been doing this all her life?
I hope she doesn't have permanent damage... :(

She's been a sled dog her entire life. She had never been in a building til she came to me. This is a break for her! She's not kept on a chain, she gets to be a house dog, she gets off-leash walks, lots of treats--it's a huge change from her old life. Pingo loves to pull. She hates being left behind. If she needs to retire, she will, but retirement is rarely easy for a sled dog. In fact, several of my dogs have been given to me by competitive mushers. The dog couldn't keep up in a racing team anymore, but wouldn't retire either. Those dogs are a great fit for my team. Pingo came to me as a six year old who had been bumped off her owner's "A" team and she was miserable being left behind while the other dogs trained.

Queen of Poop
06-16-2005, 11:35 AM
Oh dear, poor Pingo. Doggone thunder storm! We've had many here and Sasha just goes right squirrly. I do hope that she's only pulled something and will be fine with rest. Take care Pingo.

06-16-2005, 11:38 AM
Poor Pingo! I hope its not something really serious. Get better soon girlie!!!

06-16-2005, 11:42 AM
Oh my gosh, I think YOU need a break from all the vet trips! I hope it's just a sprain or something simple.
Sending good thoughts to Pingo & you of course! :)

06-16-2005, 12:11 PM
She was panting, shaking, and very clingy. Pingo is outgoing and likes attention, but she's not a cuddler. Last night she was a full on lap dog!
If she was in alot of pain, she might react like that too.
The storm may have just made it all worse. Let us know
what the vet has to say. MAXIMUS was acting just like that.
He wouldn't let me out of his sight. The vet told us he was in
alot of pain.

Tons of kisses to you PINGO. Feel better soon.

06-16-2005, 12:14 PM
Wow, sorry if I touched a sore spot.
If you think that she is happy being a sled dog then good for you.
I really don't agree... but that's only my opinion.
No need to get upset.:D

06-16-2005, 06:53 PM
Get better Pingo, hope it's nothing major. Does the vet give you discounts??? It seems you are there all the time. :D

06-16-2005, 07:07 PM
{{{hugs}}} to you sweetheart!

Let us know how she goes at the VET.

06-16-2005, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by gemini9961
Get better Pingo, hope it's nothing major. Does the vet give you discounts??? It seems you are there all the time. :D

He does give me a great discount actually! I get an automatic 15% off everything and he often just neglects to put things on the bill. Today he charged me 25 bucks for a recheck app't, instead of full price for an exam, even though he hasn't seen Pingo since February.

When he opened his new clinic, my hubby jokingly asked if I was welcome as a client or if he was trying to get away from me. Rick told him I was his ideal client--always pay my bill on time, never call him on Sunday with something that happened on Wednesday and just neurotic enough to notice when something isn't right!:rolleyes:

06-16-2005, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
just neurotic enough to notice when something isn't right!:rolleyes:


What did he say about Pingo?

06-16-2005, 07:43 PM
Pingo is home from the vet and already acting a little more frisky. Her x-rays are perfectly normal. Her hips look great, her spine is perfect. No sign of athritis, degeneration or other major problems. Not even the athritis that would possibly be expected in an 8 year old dog. She has the hips of a 4 year old according to Dr. Rick! Her ACL is intact and she has full range of motion in all her legs.

Dr. Rick says she is simply prone to soft tissue injuries, just like some people are. Pingo holds her back feet turned out a little bit. That may put some extra pressure on muscles deep in her legs. I broke my elbow years ago and as a result my arm has an odd angle in it. I am very prone to wrist injuries due to that angle. Pingo is pretty much the same--funny angle, prone to problems.

Treatment is for symptoms only, rest and Metacam. He gave me a huge bottle of Metacam so she won't have to come back in again, unless something is worse obviously. She hates truck rides and really hates the clinic so the less she has to go the better.

He said she can continue to pull if she wants to. I never force my dogs to pull. Well, you can't really make a dog pull, but if mine don't come over to get their harnesses on, I don't go get them. They come by choice or not at all. Everyone has been off work status since late April anyway and won't pull again until mid-July at the earliest. I might try a new style of harness on her that will change the angle she pulls at. Or she might just be a couch potato--whatever works for her!

06-16-2005, 07:47 PM
I'm glad there's nothing wrong with her. Maybe just a little extra rest is all she needs. I was afraid it was her hips because that is exactly what Duke did when he first started having pain a long time ago.

06-16-2005, 07:52 PM
That is great news!

06-16-2005, 08:04 PM
Glad to hear nothing is seriously wrong with Pingo!

06-16-2005, 09:44 PM
sorry I missed all of this earlier but glad to find the end note that pingo's okay!!

lol yes! people who owns a lot of pets..seem to be at the vet's office A LOT! (just like you and your dogs, me and my cats!) :eek: but ...good to be there a lot so you can get discounts too... :p yeah right..

hope this good note will continue! rest well or play well whenever you want, pingo! ;) *hugging*

finn's mom
06-16-2005, 11:58 PM
I'm glad Pingo's vet visit went well! I'm glad to hear that the vet isn't saying she can't pull. I have never really been around sled dogs, but, from the people I have known that participated in the sport, a sled dog that wants to pull and isn't allowed to, is a sad dog, indeed.

06-17-2005, 01:17 AM
Good to hear that theres nothing major with Pingo.:)

Queen of Poop
06-17-2005, 08:16 AM
Good news for Pingo!!! And mommy. :)

Soft tissue problems are the worst (I have carpal tunnel). Get lots of rest Pingo and you'll be ready to run soon.

06-17-2005, 07:42 PM
Somehow I missed this thread the other day - I'm so glad to hear that Pingo is okay. You've talked about your deep affection for her before - I'll bet your being there for her when she was so scared made a huge difference! You're the best!
(My Star is 8 now, I just hate seeing her getting older, too)