View Full Version : Mosquitos!

06-16-2005, 08:23 AM
A friend of mine e-mailed me this about alternate ways of repelling mosquitos and I thought I'd share it here. Interesting!


OK, mosquitoes... prepare to be repelled!!!!!

Use Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets...Best thing ever used in Louisiana..just wipe on & go... Great for Babies

Bob, a fisherman, takes one vitamin B-1 tablet a day April through October . He said it works. He was right. Hasn't had a mosquito bite in 33 years. Try it. Every one he has talked into trying it works on them. Vitamin B-1( Thiamine Hydrochloride 100 mg.)

If you eat bananas, the mosquitoes like you, - something about the banana oil as your body processes it. Stop eating bananas for the summer and the mosquitoes will be much less interested.

This is going to floor you, but one of the best insect repellents someone found (who is in the woods every day), is Vick's Vaporub.

Plant marigolds around the yard, the flowers give off a smell that bugs do not like, so plant some in that garden also to help ward off bugs without using insecticides.

"Tough guy" Marines who spend a great deal of time "camping out" say that the very best mosquito repellant you can use is Avon Skin-So-Soft bath oil mixed about half and half with alcohol.

One of the best natural insect repellants that I've discovered is made from the clear real vanilla. This is the pure Vanilla that is sold in Mexico.

It works great for mosquitoes and ticks, don't know about other insects.


06-16-2005, 08:26 AM
That is great to know, thanks!

06-16-2005, 08:45 AM
I found this but I also found many people claiming that b vitamins work. I guess it might be worth a try. I think most of those other options are expensive and messy.

06-16-2005, 08:45 AM
Very interesting! Thanks Jessica:)

PJ's Mom
06-16-2005, 09:28 AM
I know the Avon Skin so Soft works because it was recommended by my vet to keep the mosquitos off my RB Rottie. He was allergic to their bites, and this stuff kept them off him. :) (We didn't mix it with alcohol though.)

06-16-2005, 11:46 AM
I've tried EVERYTHING!! I haven't tried MOVING out of the area though. I think only that will work. NPR did a story on how mosquitos are attracted to blond, blue eyed, fair skinned people! Well of course they are! Not only do I burn in the Sun, but let's throw in mosquitos too! It's just not fair!!!

:mad: :D

06-16-2005, 12:11 PM
well i am not blond but i am fair skinned and bue eyed is that why the evil creatures love me? lol I know what you mean though, not only can I ONLY burn in the sun and its not possable for me to tan, but the bugs just adore me, its like the more insect reppelent I put on the more the damn things like me! hmm can you get vit B-1 pills chewable? because I am incapable of swallowing pills too(my throught closes if I dont chew)

Anita Cholaine
06-16-2005, 01:56 PM
I hate mosquitos so much............ and every summer there more and more ......this is very interesting! I have never heard these things!

06-16-2005, 02:37 PM
I'm not blond or blue-eyed and they consider me fair game. When I get bitten, they become mosquito lumps - not bites. They swell big time, especially on my face.

I'll have to try a couple of those ideas. Thanks!!

06-16-2005, 03:05 PM
I have often wondered about the various factors that seem to attract mosquitos/bugs to some people more than others. I don't think I attract them more or less than the average person really. I have wondered before if diet, blood type, higher body temperature or blood pressure or other various factors come into play. I wonder if any studies have been done on that. Since the vitamin B-1 seems to work, it would make sense that people who ate more foods that naturally contained that might be bitten less too.

I also have a cedar scented spray that is meant for pets to help naturally repel insects, I may try some of that if I do any deep woods walking too and see if it works. I really hate using things like OFF and would rather use something more pleasant in scent, though I suppose some of those are odorless. I do know I NEVER wear any type of perfume if I'm going to be out in the summer because it attracts bees, wasps, flies etc.

06-16-2005, 03:06 PM
I'll have to try some of those out, with all the rain we have had, it's mosquito head quarters, here.

Now if someone can find something for horse flies, I'd be all set. Not one spray I have used keeps them from bitting me........and I swell up, big, from their bites. :eek:

06-16-2005, 03:18 PM
I won't even start with horse-flys! Those things hurt!!! Ouch! I'll have to walk in the woods with a cedar chest to get them away from me. Heeheehee. And as I'm writing this, I'm scratching away at all my bug bites. A co-worker of mine just came back from Iceland. She says there are no mosquitos there. I think I'm moving!