View Full Version : Where to stash them?

06-15-2005, 11:42 AM
Ok, its just hitting me that we are having a huge party friday night- the table that Harry and the other usually hang out on wil become the buffet. Obviously, somebody out of our 60 guests will object to a cat sitting next to a sandwich platter. ;) Its THEIR table (or so they say) so I know keeping them off it, especially with yummy foods on it, will be impossible. Where can I put them for the night? I'd happily lock them in the attic since they hang out there all the time - but it too darn hot up there right now (its 90 degrees outside, probably hotter in the attic even with fans running and windows open)

My bedroom door, and my oldest daughter's bedroom doors don't shut properly - both Allen and Pouncer know how to open those doors. Heather has Minette - we certainly can't put them in there with her! :eek:

I was thinking the front room, which is essentially a closed-in porch would be ok, but the room is tiny, and given Pouncer's tendency to start fights when he's stressed... well this would stress him and I'm sure fights will start. PLUS the front room has french doors leading to the livingroom, and I can see all 4 of the big guys banging on the glass panels screaming "let me out".

The basement had a flood last week and even after cleaning it still smells musty and moldy. I have to get down there and do SOMETHING about it - but after the party... so no kitties down there for SURE!

Now.... I was thinking if PERHAPS I feed them ALL a can each of glorious wet food that they'd be full and not bother with the human food spread out. Then I could possibly leave them out with the party-goers... but like I said, the table is THEIR hangout, especially with it being warm because its right under the ceiling fan and they can watch everyone coming and going.

What would you do? Leave them out, attempt stashing them somewhere? Leave one in one room, another in another room? I culd leave the balcony door open -- I know then that they'd be happy to sit out there all night.... but Im afraid they'd get curious and go to the outside edge to see us out in the yard and coming and going from the back door. I'm petrified one would fall off from being nosey! :eek:

Ok, I rambled enough -- any ideas?

06-15-2005, 11:45 AM
Do you have an enclosed garage? That's where we stash the cats if they are stressed out by company. We put the food and cat box in there and then roll down the car windows. They settle down and snooze. Cammie in my husband's car (of course) :rolleyes: and Halo and Pepper in my car.

06-15-2005, 11:49 AM
I'd try and stash them. That tableful of food would be WAY too tempting for my crew. ;)

06-15-2005, 11:50 AM
Mmmmm... Quite a dilemma... If you have someone you can put on table guard duty, you could leave them out with the guests. Or maybe you could get someone to kitty-sit for the night (Oh Jeeeeeeeeeen!) or board them. :D

Other than that, I'd have to suggest splitting them among the various rooms. If Harry and Abby haven't figured out the door opening trick yet, put them and Flutter and any other kitten fosters around in your room. Then let Pouncer and Allen chill in the front room. :D

06-15-2005, 11:50 AM

06-15-2005, 11:54 AM
I wish we did! That would be a great solution. We have a driveway instead.

Our house -
walk in the backdoor into the kitchen. Next to the kitchen is the diningroom/my office -- where the buffet table will be. Walk through that room to get to the livingroom. Walk through the livingroom to get to the enclosed porch room. Second floor are three bedrooms and a bath. Obviously the cats can't go into the bathroom! :D Third floor is the attic. Which would be perfect if it wasn't so darn HOT!

I'd ask the neighbor to take them for the evening, but he's allergic and the other neighbor has a dog that attacks anthing that moves. All my neighbors are invited so it woudn't be odd to ask them about letting the cats stay the night.

Jen! I wish you were closer so I'd have you babysit them with the fosters!

06-15-2005, 11:58 AM
Wouldn't they run and hide with that many strangers? My rb gigi would pretty much run and hide with that many folks around.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-15-2005, 12:12 PM
I'd try to stash them not only because of the food, but more out of fear that some party goer will inadvertantly let one of them out. The weather has changed dramatically here (mid 80's yesterday, hasn't even hit 70 yet today!), and I can only guess it is heading your way, so hopefully the attic will be a little cooler by Friday.

Either way I would find somewhere to stash them. :)

06-15-2005, 12:24 PM
I read the weather forecast and it said 75 degree.. and I just can't believe it! :D If thats the case, then nooo problem with the attic!

As for running and hiding, not my guys. They are social butterflies! Allen LOVES guest and will be out front begging for rubs. Pouncer will be rubbing again everyone and Harry would be showing off. Abby would watch from afar.

All of them at one point would be sitting on top of the newel post. I'll bet both newel posts would have a cat -- any mixture of Harry, Pouncer & Allen. :p

06-15-2005, 12:25 PM
I'd also try to stash them.

Can you put them in a room and put Pouncer in a carrier? That way he couldn't cause any trouble. I'm sure a few hours in a carrier won't hurt him, especially if you can find a big one.

A bedroom would be best. Just add a hook and eye to the outside so they can't get the door open.

Good luck!

06-15-2005, 12:51 PM
My bedroom door, and my oldest daughter's bedroom doors don't shut properly

When you say they don't shut properly, does that mean they can't somehow be tied shut also? I ask because I have one room also where the door doesn't shut right, it will just pop open if you walk by it. But there have been times where I had to lock one of my crew in there, for one reason or another, so I learned how to jam it shut, with one of those wedge things, then the only way to open it, is with me pulling the wedge out. Every one safe and sound, till I let them out.

Is there anyway you can do something like this with your doors?, Tie them shut, wedge them or something. With that many people there, I would have to lock them up, I'd be to worried that something or someone, might screw up, somehow. Just like last week, I thought the kitties where safe on the porch, till some idiot came over and left the porch door open, not thinking about cats and.......................Splash.......in the pool 2 kittens went.

Take no chances with the little ones.

06-15-2005, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by mruffruff
Can you put them in a room and put Pouncer in a carrier? That way he couldn't cause any trouble. I'm sure a few hours in a carrier won't hurt him, especially if you can find a big one.

OMG that would cause the biggest fight of them all - he'd come out ready and looking for someone to pounce on! :eek: He'd stalk all the others until he had tangled with each and every one of them - even Allen (who'd kick his butt! :D )

I already know the kittens will be caged in the front room. Had planned on that.

Fox-gal, the door will not close. No way to tie it closed, and a wedge wouldn't stay. We tried a latch on the outside -- nothing stayed closed. The house is OLD and settled too much. Nothing in the hallway is square (even the floor slants on a pretty good angle! So everyting we tried the cats can squeeze through by taking advantage of the unlevel-ness. We tried all those things when Allen was an itty bitty kitten and we wanted to keep him safe from SamDog who thought Allen woud make a nice meal.

06-15-2005, 05:52 PM
Yup, I understand your problem; our cats lounge on the tables, too. Usually I'll find one or the other (or both) spread out on the dining room table or the porch table. It doesn't bother me a bit, but I can understand if you're having a party. No one (outside the family) likes cat hair in their food! (or little bites taken out of choice morsels)

06-15-2005, 07:07 PM
Put them in the attic room. Cats thrive in the heat. And if your son can stand the temperature, I am sure the kitties would be fine!

Laura's Babies
06-15-2005, 07:29 PM
My babies have run of their house and they are free to roam where ever and when ever they want. Somehow, they always seem to know when there is company and food, that they are not to get around the food... It is nothing I taught them and I don't know HOW they figured that out but anyone who is invited to my house is already a cat lover and would only laugh if they wanted to taste the viddels on the table. (Mine really do not care for human food anyway!)

06-15-2005, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Put them in the attic room. Cats thrive in the heat. And if your son can stand the temperature, I am sure the kitties would be fine!
You could get a fan?? I have one that my kitties love. It makes cool air and they'de have thier own room?

06-15-2005, 07:53 PM
There's already ceiling fans, and table fans up there. Usually, its not bad up there. But with the heat and humidity of the past week, its stuffy and miserable. There's a nice cross breeze up there IF the wind is blowing. But the air is still and dead. Hopefully the weather reports are right and it'll be comfy by Friday.

None of the cats have hung out up there this week -- and they ALWAYS hang out up there. That tells me how miserable it is up there without even having to go up. I did yesterday and nearly died! :eek: Talk about awful!

PS: Jewn, when it gets this bad, my son sleeps on the couch for a few nights until the heat breaks. Its usually only two or three times a summer that it gets like this.