View Full Version : RORIE AND kINI

02-09-2002, 09:29 AM
Rorie and Kini, what two cutie pies you are. I have never had hamsters, but you two are adorable. I love the antics that you both do. I love the way Rorie grooms Kini and my dog Daisy does the same to our pup Perry, he does get tired of it after a while. LOL Looks like Rorie has quite a gourmet appetite with the different food that she likes, and I love the fact that Kini hides her food away from Rorie so she won't eat it. LOL Kini must be quite the charactor going a hundred miles an hour then stopping for a nap. I love it. Congratulations to Rorie and Kini our most precious, sweet, lovable, darling, Very Best Pets of the Day.

02-09-2002, 10:20 AM
Dear Rorie and Kini! I was totally captivated reading all about your lifes' histories and antics!! (Love that power napping ability!!:D) What a lovely, loving tale your Momma tells! Rorie, you sound like such a little scamp! And primp! Your penchant for grooming everyone around you reminds me of when I was a child and my mother would just about tackle me to comb out the wet knots from my long, tangled hair! I am so glad that you have little Kini to be your hammie-pal Rorie!! You provided some much needed gentle loving and comfort in her time of need. And in return, she helped to fill that empty space in your heart after the loss of your best bud. You sound like polar opposites, yet the perfect pair despite your differences! Well, as in most families, SOMEONE has to take the upper paw!! You dear little hammie kids sure made my day, and put a big smile on my face!! (LOVE those precious little feeties of yours!!;)) Congratulations to Rorie and Kini, two absolutely precious and adorable, sweet and loving, very deserving co-hammie Pets of the Day!! All my love to you both! And Rorie, maybe Mom will give you just a FEW extra hammie treats today!

02-09-2002, 04:43 PM
Dearest Rorie and Kini,

What a perfect pair of Hammies ! I loved reading the
story of life with two cute little Sister Hammies. Your
Guardian seems to be very knowledgable about just
what you 2 girls need to have a happy life. Listen to
your Momma. Congratulations on being honored today
as our PETS OF THE DAY !!!