View Full Version : Clipping kitties' back claws

02-09-2002, 07:09 AM
Does anyone do the back claw clipping thing? I have found that my cats are doing damage to wood with the ever so sharp back claws. Any ideas on how to hold them, to do the deed? Thanks!

P. S. I have tried to clip the back ones, but the little rascals have the advantage since their furry faces are at the other end. I suspect its a two person deal!

Former User
02-09-2002, 08:01 AM
Yeah, two person job, that's for sure :D Other one holds the cat while other one can clip... if you can clip of course ;)

02-09-2002, 11:46 AM
Thanks -

My cats are not rough, just jumpers. They leap from one piece of furniture to the other - and jump up on my headboard.. quite high...and then they ever so slowly slide down frontwards, using their back claws to hold on with.... makes a nasty scratching noise and mark. I would never consider having them declawed, just need to find someone willing to hold them while I clip. They are really good with the clipping of their front paws/claws.

CATS! Don't you just love them?

Former User
02-09-2002, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont

CATS! Don't you just love them?

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

02-09-2002, 07:17 PM
Late this afternoon, I was sitting in a chair, near the window, in the sun and the two cats decided they wanted to sit with me. So, I grabbed the clippers and while they were basking in the sun, I clipped their back nails. No resistance at all. I think the baking sun relaxed them enough to turn them into putty - allowing me to clip clip clip... snip, I should say. It is the first time I was able to do both cats - all nails! Yea!:cool:

02-10-2002, 12:10 AM
Woo! Good job! I can do Shiloh's back nails without any help but I have to bribe her the whole time and tell her what presents she'll get when I'm done :rolleyes:

I'm glad you were able to get the claws clipped!

02-11-2002, 12:51 PM
Yeah, I just saw this thread and I was a little surprised, our 3 abys are the best cats in the world about manicures. Li'l Guy purrs while I do his!

02-11-2002, 08:27 PM
I've never attempted to clip hind claws, just the front when I first introduced Debra to Lily. I knew Lily was on the warpath, so just in case they got close enough to inflict scratches upon each other, damage would be minimal. I've been remiss in keeping up with their manicures, NOT because they get along now (Hah!) but Debra wisely runs whenever Lily approaches and/or she is clever enough to hide from Lily, which is not hard to accomplish since Lily has apparently become hearing and visually impaired due to her age. I would think she could pick up her scent, but I guess Debra's scent is everywhere now, and Lily can't make the distinction between: towel smells like Debra who was there an hour ago, or towel smells like Debra who is hiding underneath just a paw swipe away . . . :eek:

02-15-2002, 09:48 AM
Well, I will admit, there has been a noticeable change in the racket (noise) after their back claws were clipped/snipped. I don't hear the dreaded "screeeeetching" noise when they leap for the headboard on my bed and/or onto the kitchen cabinets when I am in the kitchen. They also don't seem to be tugging at the back claws as much as they had been doing before the clipping. I wonder if they were distressed by the length of their claws as much as I was?!! Since they are inside kitties, my guess is that the claws were not being shortened naturally. Oh well. I consider my decision to be a good one, and they managed to cooperate THIS TIME!


SAS:eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:

02-15-2002, 01:16 PM
Have you ever had a cat push off of you with its back claws. I did once - amost took off one of my ---- well it hurt that's for sure:D :D