View Full Version : Vixen is off to the whitecoats

06-14-2005, 09:19 AM
Ok I posted on this last week. Both Lilith and Vixen were in for their vaccs and got a clean bill of health. Well, Vixen has gone in today for her spay. I am very very nervous as she is a panter. The vet said her heart and lungs sounds good, normal and clear. Her temperature is perfect. When I left the clinic she was sedated and getting whoosie. She will be the first one done this morning. I have to call in an hour and see how she has come through. I hope all goes well. She makes me soooo nervous where she is so tiny. The vet said she is a little underweight for her age. She is part maine coon so we think it is that she is slow growing. She was over 1 year before she had her first heat which lasted 1 day. Anyway, please send lots of good thoughts her way that things go ok. Thanks everyone.


06-14-2005, 09:45 AM
Prayers to Vixen and Hugs to you Michelle. I am sure she will be fine. Let us know when you hear.

06-14-2005, 02:39 PM
Good luck Vixen.

Please keep us updated.

06-14-2005, 03:01 PM

06-14-2005, 03:34 PM
I was talking to the vet a little while ago and she said Vixen is doing fine. It seems though that she will not be coming home today. :( I didn't know that they would keep her overnight. When I had Lilith and RB Mytsi spayed they both came home the same day. With specific instructions and a care sheet. I am really not very happy with Vixen having to stay at the vet office in a cage all night by herself. I mean wouldn't she be better off at home where she can be watched if she were to need something? She has never been away from us since we got her at 5 weeks old. SO, I think this has to be very scary for her.
Did anyone else who has had their cat spayed/neutered have to leave them at the vet overnight? It seems kinda odd to me. But maybe it's just me I don't know. I will be picking her up at 8:30 tomorrow morning as soon as the clinic opens. I really really don't like that she is going to be away from me all night. Especially after just having surgery. :( :( :( :(

06-14-2005, 03:41 PM
I'm glad she did fine.

I had Rocky and Rumor neutered and spayed back in January and I had to leave them overnight. Fortunately they had each other though. I'm sure she will be fine. It takes a while for them to really wake up so she will just sleep and feel that much better when she gets home in the morning. Try not to worry but I know that is easier said than done.

06-14-2005, 03:54 PM
Good luck Vixen! We'll be praying for you!

06-14-2005, 04:41 PM
I'm glad Vixen is all done with her surgery.

I know its hard, but its best to have her stay an extra night. They have pain meds and doctors there to help her if she needs it.

Its also a good way to force her to relax....she'll need to recover from her surgery.

Kelly :)

06-14-2005, 06:30 PM
Not to worry! When Groucho was neutered the vet kept him overnight. We missed him more than a lot. The procedure went well with no problems but I did feel better with him spending the night at the kitty hospital with trained folks to keep an eye on him just to make sure there were no complications. When I picked him up the next morning, the staff told me how much they loved him and assured me that he had a comfortable night. When I picked him up he would not let me put him down or into his carrier for quite a while. Don't worry, Vixen is fine and will be very excited to see Meowmie!

06-15-2005, 09:02 AM
Thanks too all of you guys for your support through this. I know I was being an overprotective meowmie but I can't help it. Ok so here is the update. Vixen is home. She is doing well now she is back with her meowmie, pawpie and fursis. When I went to pick her up this morning (I was there before they opened LOL) she was not a happy baby. The vet tech told me she was very unhappy yesterday and was very disagreeable. That sounds like her. She would not eat for them. She wanted nothing to do with anyone there. Everytime they came near her she would hiss and lash out at them. They said the surgery went well but it was a very good thing I had this done now. Her uterus was full of cysts (sp?). Not good. But I was told her ovaries were fine. So, they thing it was a very good thing that she was spayed now and not later before something came of the cystic uterus. She seems happy enough now. She is cuddly and loving. And she even wants to play so I guess that means she isn't in much pain. She has eaten some. That was one of the first things she wanted when she came home. I have the e-collar standing by in case she gets to clean-happy. She is having a poopie and peepee now. :) So all systems seem to be ok.

We all thank you very much. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and whisker kisses from Vixen.

06-15-2005, 10:12 AM
Glad to hear that she is home and that all is well.

06-15-2005, 11:43 AM
I'm glad to hear that everything went well with Vixen's surgery and that she's home now.:)

06-15-2005, 12:04 PM
Glad to hear she's back at home and is happy. :)