View Full Version : Chihuahua Concern...please help!

06-13-2005, 10:00 PM
Hi. I have a chihuahua and a boxer where i am living right now. In July I am supposed to be getting another chihuahua. When I pick her up though she will only be 6 weeks old exactly...is this too young for a chihuahua? Is she even weaned from her mother yet? She is supposed to be small b/c her mom was 3lbs and dad was 4 lbs. I am just wondering if it is dangerous for me to get this chihuahua at this age. I also am worried about my boxer. I am afraid that when he sees me paying attention to the chihuahua more than him at times he is going to hate me. I love him dearly and I know most of my time will be taking care of the little chihuahua until she is a little bit older. My boxer is 5 months old. I havent sent in my deposit yet but she is being held for me. If anyone thinks I should back out please tell me. If not then please give me advice if there is any special things I have to do since she is young. I really have been wanting another chihuahua and this one seems to be perfect for me. I just want things to work out and not have a boxer that hates me or a sick little puppy. PLEASE HELP!! Thanks!!

06-13-2005, 10:03 PM
you could ask the breeder to hold her a couple more weeks. If not I'm sure 6 weeks is okay, but not sure cuz I have never delt with the breed. Someone will be along to help you shortly though. Good luck!

06-13-2005, 10:06 PM
My general rule for Toy breeds is that they should never be separated from their mothers until 10-12 weeks. Toy breeds tend to take longer to develop normal behavior. It's also vital to keep them with their mother longer because Toy breeds are more susceptible than large breed dogs.

So, may I ask where you're acquiring this puppy? Are you getting her from a breeder? If so, I would run away from this breeder. IF you are having any doubts about the age in which she is selling the puppies, ask her why she is selling them at such a young age and if you don't receive an acceptable answer, run away! 6 weeks is much too young for a Toy breed, imo.

06-13-2005, 10:39 PM
ur boxer is gorgeous.

06-13-2005, 11:24 PM
Six weeks is much too young. I would steer clear of this breeder. Find a breeder that clears her dogs with health certifications and is involved in activities like conformation or agility. As for your boxer, make some special time for just him. :) Make him know that you still love him best, and feed him before the puppy.

06-14-2005, 01:44 AM
:( 6 weeks is waay too young. Especially for a toy puppy. It sounds like the breeder you're dealing with just wants to sell the puppy as soon as legally possible. The deposit thing, and how you sound soo unsure of this breeder, is also not a good sign. Have you met the breeder in person or spoken extensively with them on the phone/e-mail? Have you met both of the parents to be SURE of their physical and temperamental soundness (along with socialization, good care, etc)? If you're buying this puppy from an on-line breeder, RUN. I assume you are paying a LOT for a Chi puppy, you should definitely put that money into a reputable local breeder who you can meet in person and feel more comfortable with. Just the fact that you don't seem willing to talk about how young the puppies are with this breeder gives me the feeling that you aren't comfortable with them :(

Its sooo sad how badly people are betrayed buying puppies from the internet and pet stores. Seriously, you should consider finding a really good breeder that you can meet in-person, this dog is an investment of your time, money, and love, and you should be VERY picky about where your pups come from. Generally, NO good breeder will sell pups before 8 weeks of age. Also... since you are worried about the Boxer, think about this thoroughly. Do you think you can care for TWO puppies at once? That means, potty-training, Obedience training, crate training, dealing with chewing and behaviors for two pups at once. Boxers are a huge handful, and they're very very hyper and outgoing pups. One problem could be the Boxer puppy playing too rough with the tiny Chi puppy and hurting him/her. Realize that you might have to deal with keeping the two seperate most of the time.... definitely consider waiting until your Boxer puppy is 12+ months old and has been through Obedience training and has passed their puppy stage, and between now and then you'll have plenty of time to find the PERFECT Chi breeder that you're confident they have healthy, sound, wonderful puppies/parents and are a fantastic breeder ;)

DONT feel rushed into buying a puppy... you will have this puppy for possibly 15+ years!! Chihuahuas have been known to live very long and happy lives, and you'll have 100% less health and behavior problems down the line if you buy a puppy from a reputable breeder that you know and trust! Check http://www.akc.org for a list of reputable Chihuahua breeders, also ask your state/area Chi Club for breeder references. Buying from a good breeder is completely worth it, you also do NOT want to support puppy mills, Backyard Breeders, and brokers who neglect and over-breed dogs by buying from pet stores, internet broker sites, etc.

Daisy and Delilah
06-14-2005, 07:23 AM
I have 2 chihuahuas, Daisy and Delilah. We got Daisy as a puppy. She was 8 weeks old and pretty mature so it worked out ok. Her other three siblings were not even close to the level she was at and had to stay with their Mom longer than Daisy did. She was a gift from a friend so we knew about her habits and disposition already. Daisy had a mind of her own very early in life. I think 6 weeks old is definitely too young for your pup to be seperated from her Mom. Give it at least 2 more weeks. The longer the better in my opinion. Chihuahuas are very very small little doggies anyway, and as puppies, they're tiny and easy to step on. The more she can grow the better off you are. With your Boxer; we are just very careful to give both girls equal attention so neither feels left out. Giving all three of them equal time should take care of that problem. It sounds like you're sure going to have your hands full for awhile with a new puppy, a Boxer puppy, and another chihuahua. Chihuahuas do require alot of human attention and contact. Good luck with all three pups and enjoy them!!


06-14-2005, 09:31 AM
I'd wait to get a new pup. As was stated earlier two puppies at once is a bit much. They need individual attention as they start training and these two are going to have to be mostly seperated so you don't have a boisterous boxer pup landing on a tiny chihuahua.

06-14-2005, 09:41 AM
I would also be concerned. Puppies need their mother for at least 8 weeks and even better, 10 weeks. The breeder sounds suspiciously like a back yard breeder.

I'm also concerned that your boxer will be so much bigger than the chihuahua. Boxers tend to play rough; they actually do 'box' each other sometimes. That could be dangerous for the little one.


06-14-2005, 09:41 PM
I agree with mruffruff. You should not get a little chihuahua at six weeks old because you have a boxer puppy also. The boxer will deffinitely be rough to the little chihuahua. I have a chihuahua, "Chica". I got her at 12 weeks old and she only weighed 2 pounds. She was very small. You have to be very careful not to step on her. And also they need lots of human attention. You have to let them sleep with you in bed because they like the warmth under the covers. And they like to be next to their owner all the time. I had weewee pads and a ramp so the pup could get down off the bed and pee on the weewee pad and come back to bed. They are very smart and easy to train. They are very attached to their owner. She follows me everywhere in the house. I had to get up in the middle of the night when I first got her to feed her because they have to be fed 3 times a day as puppies. Now she is 14 months old and she is fed 2 times a day. She doesn't like me to leave her when I have to go to work or do my grocery shopping. Chihuahuas have anxiety seperation from their owners. But she knows the routine, and she probably naps when I am gone. I take her places with me also. She loves to ride in the car, or go for walks, or go to the park. So re-think getting another pup until you have your boxer completely trained and you can trust your boxer with a little pup. Okay, that is my opinion.

06-15-2005, 11:31 AM
Sorry, I know nothing about wee baby dogs. But, I'd guess your 5 mo. old boxer is around 50 lbs. by now. That is one big rough puppy. By the way, he's absolutely gorgeous. Will we be seeing him and your other furries soon?

06-16-2005, 08:45 PM
I got my 4 month chihuahua Guapo when he was 6 weeks old. It was too young, I know this but the breeder wasn't going to keep them. He has done great though. The vet can give you some great advice though.. I agree that it is better to wait until the pup is at least 12 weeks but if you get it at 6 weeks old I would suggest talking with your vet to see what advice he/she could give you.:)