View Full Version : When Fister is hungry ....

06-13-2005, 01:50 PM
... he doesn't miaw or come running to get me - oh no, he's very civilized, he just sits in front of his bowl, waiting. :)

When is she coming!? She must know it's empty by now!

Ah, that’s better, you finally noticed! :rolleyes:

Anyway, he still wants to go out ....

No Fister, the door won't open, even if you stare at it - and there won't be any food for you down there anyway.

06-13-2005, 01:54 PM
Oh Fister, you are too cute! If you were here, I'd keep your bowl overflowing all the time!!!! ;) Just kidding, Mom. That boy is so healthy that I know you're taking excellent care of him!!!!! :D

06-13-2005, 01:55 PM
Fister is a very civilized gentlemen, isn't he? :D
Pepper will do the same thing. She'll stare at the door knob WILLING it to turn. :p

06-13-2005, 02:19 PM
:D Mine all line up and stare at ME! until they get food.

Fister, I love your smiling tray!:D

06-13-2005, 02:39 PM
Oh Fister you are such the gentleman.....good thing your not like mine....Smokey sits on your chest until you get up...he practically smothers me to death.

06-13-2005, 02:44 PM
Oh gosh, what adorable pictures and the captions that go with them are a hoot. :)

You are so cute Fister, I am on a sugar high.

06-13-2005, 02:49 PM
Fister, how patient and gentlemanly you are. And I love your smiley face tray! :D

06-13-2005, 02:56 PM
We always knew you were a gentleman! Now, meowmie shold at least give you a treat or two for your patience!

06-13-2005, 02:59 PM
Aww Fister!!! You are such a polite handsome gent.

Love the pictures!!!

06-13-2005, 03:02 PM
Oh my....that is WAY too cute!!! :)

It'd be VERY hard for me to resist a patient kitty waiting at the bowl for me...my cats would be FAT!! ha ha

So cute!! Love you, Fister!!!

06-13-2005, 03:04 PM
I love your orange kitty. I have one too and aren't they just the coolest?

Killearn Kitties
06-13-2005, 03:20 PM
My dad always said that the saddest sight in the world was an empty plate. Fister looks like he agrees! :D

I hope you didn't have to wait too long, precious boy!

06-13-2005, 04:26 PM
Oh Karen, you are so right. Just look at that poor boy, staring at the cupboard and that empty bowl. Such heartache and such tragedy exists. ;) :D ...but not for long. Good think Meowmie is so eagle-eyed and that bowl is not empty for long.

BTW, I just love that smiley tray!! :D

06-13-2005, 04:30 PM
Such a polite young man you are, Fister! Such patience should be rewarded generously.

Good manners are always welcome!

(Come to my house if you don't get fed on time; I always have plenty of food on hand!!)

Love how patient he is...............:)

Edwina's Secretary
06-13-2005, 04:38 PM
I must agree....what a gentleman you are Fister! No wonder your placemat smiles at you!

06-13-2005, 05:21 PM


06-13-2005, 08:04 PM
My My Fister so patient. :D I wish my Vixen was more like you she screams her little head off until you stop whatever you are doing whatever time of day or night it is and feed her. Fister? Are you available to give some manners classes? I will pay well in treats, belly rubs and kisses. :D

06-14-2005, 02:49 AM
Filou sits upright behind the bowl and just looks nowhere like: "No meowmie I won't be so pushy and look at that bowl. And no I don't look at you. But why the heck don't you notice the bowl is empty:D "

Tigris however tells me in loud and clear words that it's my job to provide food. And food. And food.:D

06-14-2005, 03:31 AM
Wow Fister you are so patient and educated!
;) ;)

My boy asks in a loud voice, and if we are not fast enough, he finds a way to draw attention (scratching the carpet,...).

Here is a picture I took one day I was filling his big box with new food> I turned my back for a few seconds, and what I saw then....
:eek: :eek:

Meooowwwmieeeee! Thanks!!! what a big plate! Leave it open, I am not afraid by the quantity
:D :D :D

06-14-2005, 04:07 AM
Oh, Fister, you sweet and quiet boy! And there's the tray mocking you with a great big smile! ;) I hope you didn't have to wait too long...

Bella sends her regards and says to tell you that next time try to stare at Randi instead! She herself has found it to be a very good technique. Her mom always notices her staring - even if she has her back turned! :D

Sus and Bella

06-14-2005, 08:23 AM
Gee Fister! Would you mind teaching some of those wonderful manners to Zam and Logan? :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-14-2005, 08:28 AM
Hey there Fister, it is always nice to see a well-behaving cat!!

PS. You have such a cute freckle on your chin ;) :)

smokey the elder
06-14-2005, 10:20 AM
What a polite boy! You should start Mister Fister's Charm School for Cats.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-14-2005, 07:43 PM
:D :D Fister you are just too too polite. :D

06-15-2005, 01:13 PM
Nope, no quiet in my house! Juni may not put too much price on the dry food, but Pichu taught her to meow loud in the morning for her canned food. Pichu would not let me (or anybody else) that he needs his canned food NOW!

06-15-2005, 01:23 PM
I just can't get over his expressiveness. In that first one, he looks so disgruntled but too dignified to make a fuss or do more than lay there with a dissatisfied look. "Geez Mom, what does a cat have to do to get some dinner around here? :rolleyes: " :D