View Full Version : Any interest in having 'search' feature expand to cover location, too?

02-08-2002, 03:36 PM
In another thread in this area, it was suggested that we request an additional feature be added to the search capabilities: have it search 'location' in the user's profile, too. I like the idea, but am not sure how feasible it is, or how interested others would be in it. Therefore, thought to check in via this poll. If you have comments/concerns/questions that haven't been addressed in the poll, please feel free to list them in posts here.

Spencer cutting in: a poll of where you are from is here

02-09-2002, 01:17 PM
Here are my thoughts regarding this poll:

Privacy issues: Only required PT fields are "username" and "email address". In the new PT, your email address is available to others only if YOU CHOOSE to reply to an email within PT.

It's the additional information that maakes a user name a real person, and most people are willing to share that.

Standardize locations: In Profile, additional info, Location - A more precise descriptor suggesting City, State, Country, etc., might help.

How much work would it be to make this change? Only Paul can answer that. If it's not much, my next question to Paul would be - how many affirmative responses here would it take to conside the change?

Yes, this sounds good and I'd use it a lot.

02-09-2002, 01:30 PM
Good initiative AmberLee! ;) It looks like Spencer has already made the poll and some votes have come in, of course it would be nice for Paul to know how many are interested, before he makes any changes. Or we might leave it with Spencer's poll.

I agree with Freckles that most people will probably not mind others to know which country/state they come from. It's in the profile anyway.

Let's see what happens! :)