View Full Version : Any thoughts......

06-13-2005, 07:55 AM
Gidget had her surgery just over 2 weeks ago for her Pyometra. At the time they put a catheter in her arm and she came home with it the night before surgery and had it in the following day for the surgery and part of the next day because they didn't think she would eat. She ate fine and they removed the catheter. After the catheter was removed she realized that the fur had been shaved. Since then she occassionally will shake her leg or hold it up when she is sitting. She runs, jumps and walks fine, it doesn't appear to cause her any pain, could it be she is concerned because the fur is missing and is just expressing herself or maybe asking for sympathy? I touched it and patted it and she doesn't pull away like it hurts, but maybe it is still sore from the catheter being in so long. Never had this experience before so I have nothing to compare it to and wondered if anyone had any thoughts. Hate to bring her back to the vet because she occassionally holds her paw up. She is really racing around the house and walking without favoring it, so I don't think it is anything serious. Just a concerned Mommie I guess.

06-13-2005, 09:21 AM
She might still be a little sore, or she might just be going, "Something's supposed to be covering that spot!"

At least she's not like my Zelda and trying to even out the rest of her fur. Zelda was spayed over a year ago, and from where her tummy was shaved, all down the inside of her back legs she's still just got a light fuzz. And as near as anyone can figure, she's just trying to keep her fur evened out. :rolleyes:

06-13-2005, 09:42 AM
It probably feels strange to her. I think she will get used to the feeling, and soon the hair will be back. It does not sound like it hurts her.

06-13-2005, 09:56 AM
Hmmm... I think its just because its different than before. Pouncer often holds his paw up like that, and it was only after he tore out his nail that he did that. Long after its healed (even the vet said it is 100% better) he stil holds it up.

King Spartacus
06-13-2005, 10:21 AM
It could be that it feels cold to her. Hopefully the fur should grow out quickly, and I'm sure she'll be fine after that (unless it itches... like when humans shave they're legs, and it start growing back!)

06-13-2005, 12:48 PM
Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it. Hopefully, it isn't anything and in time the fur will grow back and she won't be bothered by it. Come to think of it, since her surgery she has been showing off her shaved belly which she was never in the habit of doing before. She isn't a belly rubber, but she has spent more time lying on her back with feet up and belly exposed, so she must realize that this too is different and showing it off as she is her paw.

06-13-2005, 01:09 PM
I agree with the others that it is most likely because it feels different to her, but she does very well playing the sympathy act though. :D Silly girl. She sounds like a real character.:)

I can just hear her now while she is holding her paw up or exposing her belly, "Look meowmie. Look what they did to me. I think I need some treats for what I went through." :D

06-13-2005, 01:36 PM
