View Full Version : Just for you aly...we're up to 15 now!!

02-08-2002, 01:23 PM
I thought I would let you guys know that we are up 15 now. We inherited Jessie, a toy American Eskimo, who we think is about 3 years old and is she a spit-fire. She takes on Jazzy, the Great Dane. The other one is an older Cocker Spaniel who we named Butterscotch. The vet says he's probably between 6-10 years old. His teeth are so bad, that it's almost impossible to determine how old he is. The tartar is so thick on what's left of his teeth that they are dark brown (although, they are getting better because of the food we are feeding him). The other part of the teeth are grey and about ready to fall out. He is definitely a growler, but he's getting better...it's just a matter of trust.

02-08-2002, 01:40 PM
AWwwwwwwwwwww mugsy! MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your new babies! I am so excited for you. Are these the same two you posted about a couple months ago? I'm so happy you're keeping them!

I only have 13 to go to keep up with ya!!

02-08-2002, 11:10 PM
Awwww... Mugsy!!! You really are a hero! You have such a kind, loving, and caring heart, to rescue all those dogs!!! You are truly blessed! Congratulations, on your new addition! :) ;)

02-09-2002, 12:01 AM
I do beleive that is a record number for dogs all in one house!
How is it like with 15 dogs? Is it hard at times? Do they fight alot?
You and your husband must be rich. Atleast you odnt spend your money on stuff not need instead you spend your money to save a life, a life in need of great people like youself. Thank You for saving all of the lives. Like stated, your truely a hero. I have always said "when i get older im going to have tons of dogs":)

02-09-2002, 12:25 AM
I also always say, "When I'm older, I'm gonna have tons of dogs!", and when I do, they are all probably going to be rescued dogs!:)

02-09-2002, 09:44 AM
Mugsy, you are one in a million, I think we all dream about having many dogs like you have, but for most of us it's a dream and for you it's a reality. You take in all these dogs and give them a home out of the kindness of your heart, we thank you and we salute you.

02-11-2002, 02:18 PM
Well, I'm not going to lie and say that it is always peachy keen, we do have fights, but then if you have kids they fight too. All we ever have to do is yell at them to knock it off and they stop. They are a lot of work and our house is trashed, but we are working on it making it more doggie friendly. We pulled up the carpet, which was totally destroyed, and we are painting the subfloor until we can afford to put down hardwood floor. I wouldn't trade them for anything, even when they make me mad, but I would rather have 15 dogs than 1 kid, so I figure I'm doing alright. I have kids all day long at school, I sure don't want to have to come home to them too!!! lol It's really amusing to watch them play outside...they are my entertainment some nights...they are a lot more fun to watch than TV.

02-11-2002, 04:54 PM
It seems that a lot of people are thinking that way today, even our daughter says no kids for her, she has two Schnauzers. I guess you see what is happening in the world of kids every day and sometimes not a good picture.
I agree with you the pups are more entertaining than t.v. will ever be, we are lucky if we watch one program a night. It's more fun to sit here and play with the dogs and watch their antics.
By the way you should have some funny pictures of the pups, we are having a funny dog photo contest in our community, first prize is a San Diego tee shirt and toy for the dog, second prize is the same., you might enter. You give all those dogs a hug from us, you can always get new carpet, new furniture, etc but they won't give you the love those dogs will. Take care

02-11-2002, 05:01 PM
It has been a dream of mine since I could walk to give child birth. But in the past few years since I've become seriously involved in animal rescue, I've decided I'm going to adopt when the time comes.

I am so involved with animals though, that I may never find a husband. Thats okay with me if I don't though. I wouldn't have kids but I will have a house FULL of the 4 legged kind! I think workiing in the shelter helps satisfy my motherly instincts. I love to baby dogs and cats and it has lessened my urges to have children.

02-11-2002, 08:31 PM
Aly, sometimes we change as we get older, I was a late bloomer with my children, I worked the whole time they grew up and we had a lady housekeeper from Mexico who stayed with them. I retired when they first started in high school and the youngest was going into second grade, then I really became a Mom, baking the cookies, attending the Halloween carnival etc. Our kids traveled a lot with us and they had a good life. After they all got married we got our Schnauzers although we did have Kona home.
Don't get me wrong, I love my children very much, but I don't think I was cut out really for motherhood. In the fifties that's what was expected of you. Luckily today you really do have a choice. Sometimes I can't believe myself how attached I am to Perry and Daisy, they are the light of our lives. Just do with your life what you yourself want to do, not what is expected of you.
Give that handsome Reece, beautiful Lolly and cute kitty a hug and a kiss from me.

02-12-2002, 07:05 AM
You know, I have never had any desire to have kids, so I guess I'm pretty safe at 40 that I'm not going to have any! lol Aly, if you want a child, then find the right guy and have one...that's just one more hand to help with the rescue pooches. I wouldn't trade mine for the world. My kids at school think I'm nuts because I have so many dogs.

02-12-2002, 11:21 AM
He!He!He! This post is making me laugh. Andrew and I just had this conversation this past weekend (He drove up from AL to surprise me).

When Aly said she has always wanted to have a child and then got into animal rescue and the urges have subdued, it brought back memories of my childhood (which are still fresh since I am only 21). When all the girls wanted to grow up, get married, and have babies, I didn't. I got married alot earlier than I had anticipated but I have not compromised an ounce of my dreams or independance. It's only been 2 years since I got involved in animal rescue. I used to be afraid of dogs. I got bit by a GSD one summer when I was 6. I have always been the person who looked after everyone else. I was always and still am the friend that will take care of everyone that needs my help. I never wanted to have children. Perhaps one day I will. But till then, I will focus my energy and time on Drake and my rescue efforts.