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06-12-2005, 01:41 PM
I was at a party of sorts last night, and it was very fun. One of the games we did was this. Everyone starts off with a peice of paper and writes a question. You pass it tot he person next to you and they answer it. After you answer it, you fold down the paper so only the answer it visable. You pass it on, and that person (can only see the answer) must write a question to the answer.

It was so funny XD I'll post a couple sheets we did. (warning: may contain bad language. Also, I couldn't read peopples writing to have it all trype right)

Q: Where do babies come from?
A; Baby jesus
Q: Who is the gerber baby
A: Jeebus
Q: Didn't I meet him in high school?
A: Mammon isa terror to stand behind in the lunchline.
Q: Is there anything worse than an unwashed demonic ass in your face when you go to the cafeeteria?
A: Only the mystery meat
Q: What goes well with spam?
A: Your mom!!!
Q: My mom??
A: Either that or your sister
Q: if you had to decide between any of the norns or the gorgons, would you choose by eye?
A: And God said onto noah , thou shalt not chaseth...(something I can't read)...and he could see that it was good and it was so.
Q: What did that homeless guy just say??
A: Freshen your drink Goviner?
A: No goddamn you! No!
Q: Whhhhhhhhhhhhy....?
A: Because the world is round and the sky is blue
Q: Why do game wardens all have physics envy?
A" They admire Stephen Hawkin too much. Nerd Envy!

Q: What is your favourite colour?
A: Blue
Q: So left wasn't an option?
A: The evil overlord brought along his annoying little brother
Q: Why, Garland, why?
A: because that franchise wasn't gonna die on it's own
Q: Q'est ca ****?
A:No, I have herpes
Q: Mmmm, herpes..??
A: Questioning venerial diseases isn't the cure.
Q: Why would anyone name an **** fissue Bob, as though one would ever introduce said fissue to anyone in a polite conversation?
A: Because if the interenet has taught me anything, somebody, somewhere has a fetish for it.
Q: What is your take on infantilism (the sex fetish about wearing diapers)?
A: Ewwww
Q: What's that coming out of kitty's ears?
A: I saw a squirrel, he was doin' like this!
Q: have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
A: That question cannot be answered because you're thinking of an innappropriate light-casting satellite for the situation
q: aren't unanswerable questions the most important?
a: yes, but they are also the most frustrating

It was funny at the time any. A good game for anyone to try.Also, you take the first question on the page, and answer it with the last answer on the page.

We also did some "rollplaying" You have your people, and everyone shouts a job for that person, the person has to be the first thing they hear. So we had a librarian, a thief/mugger, a butcher, a snail herder, a wax museum technician, a grounds keeper and a cart pusher.

What you do is have 3, 3 min turns where you decribe what your character is like, and how he/she got to the point where they died. Yes, by the end of the last turn everyone has to be dead. ..anyway, it was fun.

Then we rollplayed a horror story. hehe. Fun fun.

06-12-2005, 03:18 PM
Lol that does sound fun, and interesting. Thanks for sharing...I'll have to try it sometime! Can I add a fun game to the thread?

06-12-2005, 06:15 PM
Yeah! Everyone should post fun games