View Full Version : How much Benadryl?

Ginger's Mom
06-12-2005, 08:33 AM
I don't know why I waited until the weekend to start this. Anyway, poor Ginger's allergies have made her a sneezing fool since Thursday. I remember last year when we had this problem I called the vet and she said it was alright to give her Benadryl. So I picked some up on the way home Friday and gave her a pill. I gave her another one Saturday evening. My question is, is that good enough? I mean should I be giving her one twice a day? Or as long as she seems to be doing okay until the next evening just keep doing what I am doing? I can call the vet tomorrow so they can remind me what the dosage should be (I really do not remember), but I didn't think it was something I needed to call the emergency vet about. Anyway, I just thought someone here may know how much I should be giving a 32-pound dog. Thanks.

06-12-2005, 08:44 AM
I had the vet recommend that for Tucker (who at the time weighed about 29 pounds) a year or so ago, but like you I don't remember either. I don't think I would give her more than one a day though, at least until you talk to the vet.

Ginger's Mom
06-12-2005, 08:49 AM
Thanks :). I think you are right. I would rather err on the side of caution.

06-12-2005, 10:55 AM
I don't remember exactly how much, but it was alot. MAXIMUS was stung by a wasp one year. We saw the vet, got a shot, and he sent us home with 100mg caps. :eek: to take 1 or 2?, twice a day. I'm pretty sure it was 2, 2x a day....but then, he's about 90lbs, and it was an allergic reaction to wasps. Sorry. Telling you all of that probably doesn't help you.

06-12-2005, 11:24 AM
Sadie is a 75 lb dog and the vet said she could have 3 pills every 12 hours. I would say 1 pill twice a day should be okay for Ginger. If one a day seems to be helping, that should be fine, but if it seems she needs more, two a day should be a safe dose.

06-12-2005, 01:36 PM
My dog Scooby is allergic to fleas. I have given him 1 pill when it flares up. He's about 30 lbs. I get the generic stuff that lasts about 4 - 6 hours. I want to monitor his reaction a little closer before I give him a BIG doseage. After you see how she reacts to the benadryl you may want to adjust the timeline it lasts or the amount.
Scooby doesn't always get "cured" with his doseage. If he still stays pink and scratches alot, I then take him to the vet for a stronger shot of medicine. I am not a professional at adjusting doseage levels. I don't want to take the risk.
Good luck!!!

Ginger's Mom
06-12-2005, 01:45 PM
Thanks everyone. One of the reasons I asked was because I noticed that she was sneezing yesterday morning even after being given the pill the night before, but I wanted to wait until evening so I didn't give her too much. Well, I must say that she really is not sneezing much today (two sneezes this morning that is all). So maybe she just needed that extra dose in her. I will keep an eye on her. But I think maybe the one pill a day will be okay until all of the pollen that is laying on the grass goes away (ugh). Thank you all again. :)

06-12-2005, 07:00 PM
1-2 mg per lb.

The upper range is for battling anaphalactic reactions (e.g. bee stings, or as my Barney encountered- yellow jackets). Most allergies will respond early on to the lower range.

For example a 50-70 lb dog can safely consumed 50 mg of Benedryl at night and 25 mg in the morning. Clear gel caps seem easy to give as they have a thin sweet coating. My previous dog would actually bite into the gel caps and consume them that way. If puppy doesn't like the gel caps, smear a little peanut butter on them, and down the hatch they will go.

P.S. The only problem with 50 mg at night is that you might end up with a snoring dog! ;)