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06-12-2005, 08:06 AM
What did y'all do for your dog's first birthday?

P.S. Sassy's birthday is tomorrow!!!

06-12-2005, 08:28 AM

I cook a special birthday dinner for them yearly. : )

06-12-2005, 09:17 AM
Merlin was treated like a King all day and he got a small cake for his dessert that night,, heres his pic!!

06-12-2005, 09:32 AM
I usually get my dogs a few new toys and I always give them a lot of treats that day. I also usually take them to the park. I try to make it a day long event for my birthday pup.

06-12-2005, 10:26 AM
I go to the dollar store and get tons of toys, wrap them up and they go crazy!! I also make treats or a cake for them!

HAPPY 1st Birthday SASSY!!!!!!

06-12-2005, 10:43 AM
I bake them a cake(REAL cake that we can eat too lol) with frosting and everything and I usually design it into something they like, and then they get there picture taken with the cake :p

06-12-2005, 10:53 AM
I really try to make it an all day thing.

One year for Roxey (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27568&highlight=roxey+birthday) she got to go to the bank with me, then to the pet store to pick out some stuff, then when we got home we had a party...ballons, hats, dancing and everything! One year I even bought a cake with a picture of her on it!

Then once for Angus (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14909&highlight=angus+birthday) he got to go to Burger King, then for ice cream and then a nice long walk in the park.

I'm sure whatever you do Sassy will love it!!!

06-12-2005, 12:25 PM
Happy birthday Sassy!
We got Autumn all sorts of goodies. Couldn't go to the park as her b-day is in December.

06-12-2005, 12:39 PM
I usually get them all toys and I made cookies for them :) Nobody misses out on our dog's birthdays! :D Like Anna_66 said, I am sure whatever you do she'll love it! :D Happy birthday Sassy! :D

06-12-2005, 12:42 PM
We had a party, had pup-cakes, frosty paws, and lots of fun!
We bought like $15 worth of tennis balls and threw them all in our pool for her, took her to the beach, and let her play with some friends. :)


06-12-2005, 03:12 PM
Hmm it was cold on Major's birthday, and probably always will be since its in January, so no going for long long walks or the field or anything. But I made him a 'cake' and he got presents, I also made him a birthday hat.

06-12-2005, 04:08 PM
thank you for posting all the wonderful ideas! Tonight I am going to make her a b-day cake. I already got her four things from wal-mart. And tomorrow we are going to the park and a bunch of different pet stores. It will be a lot of fun. Right Sassy? "Woof woof" (you bet)

06-12-2005, 06:32 PM
for jesse's first birthday my dad and i went to the bank, where she got some doggie treat with our money. then we went to mcdonalds for dinner where she got more doggie treats. then we went to petco, where she got more treats and got to pick out her presents. (she gets to do that every year.) she sniffs around the whole store and picks out 3 things that she wants.

06-12-2005, 08:48 PM
What a bad mommy I am. I've never done anything for my dogs birthdays. My grandma always sends them a card with $5 for their birthdays. Then I buy them something for them from her.

06-12-2005, 09:11 PM
Well I don't really know Sadie's birthday so her first birthday was the day I got her since they said she was about 1 year old. We went to the pet store and then we hung out all day. She was so timid, I just tried to make her feel secure.

Birthdays since include trips to the store, a hike in the park, and some kind of treat like ice cream or real meat to be her "birthday cake". Last year was a trip to Vermont for quality hiking time since at 12 years I want to her to enjoy every active minute she has.

Happy 1st Sassy! May this be the first of many.

06-12-2005, 09:30 PM
Daisy's 1st birthday was the same day that we adopted her! We hadn't had a dog in a couple years, so we went out and got all the things a dog needs! Toys, treats, food, bowls, leash, collar, etc etc. Of course, she got to go!

For other birthdays, I don't think we really do anything special. In our house, every day is like her birthday. On any occassion, my mom stops at Dairy Queen and gets an icecream cake that says something. If there is no occassion, she makes one up! :p Daisy gets bits of that cake, too.

Her birthday has already passed this year, so next year I'll do something REALLY special for her, since she'll be 5!

06-12-2005, 09:30 PM
They get new toys, lots of treats, something extra-special for dinner (like steak or salmon) and extra play time at the park!
Happy Birthday Sassy!

Suki Wingy
06-12-2005, 09:33 PM
I had a party, doggie cake, played all day long, and gave him presents.

06-13-2005, 07:46 AM
wow! y'all do a lot of stuff. today we are going to.....

1. Eat a real cake I decorated
2. Open presents I already bought for her
3. Go to a bunch of pet stores and let Sassy pick out some more presents.
4. Take her for a loooong walk
5. Play a ton

finn's mom
06-13-2005, 08:22 AM
I honestly don't remember what we actually did on Finn's birthday, besides celebrating Christmas. :) His is on Christmas Eve, but, I'm trying to remember. I know I fed him either a big salmon filet or a steak, I don't remember! I'm sure we played, but, I don't know if we went to the park or not. I had a terrible December, so, I think I must have completely blocked it out, because for the life of me, I can't remember what I did on Christmas! Oh, wait, I think I just went out with a couple of friends, that's what it was. It was a great night, but, we didn't do much. I think we took Finn and Ray (my roomie's lab) to the park. ha ha, now I remember. :)

06-21-2005, 12:12 PM
Thank you for all the replies! Also sassy is very grateful for all the birthday wishes!:D For her birthday we....

1. Slept really late
2. Ate some people cake
3. Opened presents
4. Went shopping for some more treats and presents
5. Went walking
6. Played for hours

Things Sassy got for her 1st b-day....

1. Squeeky Bone
2. Squeeky Frisbee
3. Raw-Hide Chips ( 9 pack )
4. Raw-Hide Munchy Sticks ( 50 pack )
5. Sergeant's People Crackers
6. Beefy Bites
7. 2 Salomi Sticks
8. Jaguire (sp.) Printed Frisbee
9. Squeeky Harley Boot
10. HUGE Bouncy Ball
11. Squeeky Ball

Samantha Puppy
06-21-2005, 12:38 PM
For Sam's first birthday, I got her a wading pool and some toys, and also had a party for her. Her puppy sister came over to play and we grilled hot dogs and hamburgers for everyone. My neighbor brought over some steak so Samantha also had that. Then she got to play for the rest of the night... boy, did she sleep great!!! :D

Last year, for her 2nd birthday, it was more lowkey as I was broke from having financed my wedding 3 weeks before. All I did was cook spaghetti for her and take her out for a snowball.

Her 3rd birthday is this Saturday. She's getting her summer grooming done and I'll get her a couple toys. I'm also looking around for an affordable (but nice) raised dish set so she doesn't have to lean so far down to eat.

06-21-2005, 12:42 PM
We got Annabelle some Ice Cream from Dairy Queen, Vanilla of course.