View Full Version : What to do?

06-11-2005, 11:58 PM
Right now, I have a beautiful black lab mix in my backyard. I know where she lives, I know who her "owners" are. They keep her in their backyard with no shelter and food and water every other day. She constantly gets out of their low-fenced back yard and I often find her wandering the busy street close to our houses. I bring her back, they say "oh... just put her in the backyard." and promptly shut the door in my face. No 'thanks', no nothing. This girl is SO sweet. When you walk towards her, she pees and cowers, it's horrible. :mad: :( I assure her she's a good girl, and once she knows I'm not there to harm her, she drowns me in sloppy kisses. It's been raining here almost constantly for the past week and a half or so. She has shelter in my backyard. I don't know if I should return her to these horrible people, or take her to a shelter... or what? I would keep her, but funds say otherwise right now. :( I would feel really bad returning her to these ungrateful and cruel people, but I'm not sure what the right thing is to do here? Any advice, please.

Thank you.

06-12-2005, 11:20 AM
Others might disagree with me here, but I wouldn't be able to give her back to those people :( Do you have a Lab rescue group in your area? Maybe they could take her in and find her a home. Your neighbors obviously don't even care for her at all. Do they not even go out and look for her when she gets out? She could easily get killed by a car :( I just couldn't put her back into that situation. Please give her a kiss from me. I hope you can figure out something to do that you feel comfortable with. Good luck and bless you for caring for her.

06-12-2005, 02:34 PM
OMG it's so sad how irresponsible and neglectful ppl are . Some ppl act like dogs can't feel, hurt or love , their just numb creatures that are left out in the harsh conditions . I may be young but I know it's wrong to do that to an animal . I respect you very much for what you're doing . You seem so wonderful and caring , and a person who would not just turn away and ignore abuse to such a adorable and loving animal . Please keep me updated on the situation and God bless you for your loving heart !!!!! :) :) :) :)

06-12-2005, 02:59 PM
Have you ever talked to the people?

It kinda depends on how these people may react - but I would tell them that if they constantly let their dog run loose, either the city pound will pick it up, it will get killed, or someone may take the dog. Maybe you could go to their house WITHOUT the dog and mention you 'saw' her lloose on the street again?

If you choose to return the dog, I would give them warning that you have returned their dog X number of times, and the next time you see the dog loose, you will call the pound or take it to a shelter where they will have to PAY to have the dog returned to them. Letting a dog run loose in most cities is illegal.

My fear is that simply making the dog 'dissapear' does not address the problem - they'll probably get another dog someday, and treat it the same way.


06-12-2005, 03:17 PM
My opinion is hands down,,, DO NOT give that sweet lil girl back,,,, Contact a lab rescue group,,, but hide her if you have to in the meantime,,, Those idiots dont deserve this dog... they just dont give a crap:(

06-13-2005, 11:45 AM
If it were me---and it has been many times---I'd take the dog to a shelter the next time it's running the streets. Hopefully, a no-kill shelter.

Talking to the owners is pointless. If they care at all, they will look for their dog and retreive it from the shelter. The shelter will discuss it with them. If they don't retreive the dog, the dog can find new owners.

If you don't have a no-kill shelter near you, alert a lab rescue now so they will be prepared if you need to take this dog to them.


06-13-2005, 11:50 AM
I agree with Lorraine, there is no way i would give the dog back, that baby deserves a better life than to sit in some creeps yard for its whole life, next time it may end up killed by a car (which i saw yesterday a sheperd mix on the street dead from someone hitting it)
and not in your yard, i would take it to adoption shelter or something.
It may sound wrong but if it were me i would simply steal the abused dog from there yard and take it to where it will be loved, fed, and sheltered from the weather.

06-13-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by LauraT7

If you choose to return the dog, I would give them warning that you have returned their dog X number of times, and the next time you see the dog loose, you will call the pound or take it to a shelter where they will have to PAY to have the dog returned to them. Letting a dog run loose in most cities is illegal.

My fear is that simply making the dog 'dissapear' does not address the problem - they'll probably get another dog someday, and treat it the same way.


I pretty much agree with LauraT7 on this. It really does depend
on the reaction you get from the people involved AFTER you tell
them what happens to dogs running loose. If I thought the people clearly showed an uncaring attitude, I'd ask to take the
dog away from them or keep reporting it whenever it's loose again. So sad, the dog must pay the price for their stupidity.:(

Queen of Poop
06-13-2005, 01:25 PM
They certainly don't deserve such a good doggie. If you can't keep her then try the local lab rescue, as suggested previously. Poor baby deserves someone to love her like she should be loved. Thank you for taking care of the darling.:(